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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. Will not work. Xml's and ini's will be read during start of pinballx Yeah i known ... You can request new features in the next thread
  2. No, the lists in the menu will show all ini and custom database files. Not specific just the system you selected. I think there was a feature request in the past as well to ask for your behaviour
  3. I used the mirror function as well, but through dmddevice.dll it shows much brighter for me. And you can use the colored files as well, for a 64 colored dmd.
  4. Well, 1 thing I know. With these numbers, we dont have issues with table with mars in it๐Ÿ˜„ Nice. I'm waiting for VPSDB. They will properly add the tables as well and than we can auto import them with more data. But for now, it would be a nice to have if you can add it
  5. Thanks ! Wasn't aware. Updated first post and added a new screenshot. Another thanks ! Modified XML and re-added to first post Thanks for that as well. Thats makes it a a lot easier to download. 'the location is right, only not sure about the naming, but for now, it will give a perfect match ! Good job @joyrider3774 and thanks for all your work on this I got freezy colored DMD to work as well, and added some extra info in the first post
  6. Finally Zen studio added direct table launch to his latest Pinball FX . This guide will make it easy to setup FX direct table launch from your PinballX installation (without using @joyrider3774 his awesome table launcher file). If you didn't have a FX setup system in PinballX, open PinballX settings (otherwise skipp this part): Go to 'Other Systems' Select the first free slot to add a new system : Create a new system with the following settings: name/Folder : Pinball FX Enabled : Yes System Type: Custom Working Path: C:\Pinball\steam Table Path: Executable: Steam.exe Parameters: -applaunch 2328760 -table [TABLEFILE] -GameMode Classic Process to monitor: PinballFX-Win64-shipping.exe (Where working path is the path of your steam directory) if you play PinballFX in cabinet mode and PinballX is started in landscape mode, you need to rotate your screen within Pinball FX to rotate 270 degrees : Now that we have a system setup, we need a database file file that has all correct entries in it. Attached is a Pinball FX.xml file that was created on the 9th of June, with the tables till that that. Place this file in your PinballX\Databases\Pinball FX folder Now you can launch Game Manager or Database manager to add @joyrider3774 his media he created This result in something like this : If you found all the media, you can launch PinballX and launch Pinball FX with Direct table launch : If you have a real DMD, don't forget to change the DMD option within the cabinet settings for FX (set External DMD): @freezy did a great job with Zen studios to have his dmddevice integrated in this softwrae. When setting this setting, it works directly for me : It should be possible to use the altcolor, but didn't get that (yet) to work) I got Freezy to work with Colored VNI and pall, buit I needed to update my DMDdevice64.dll in my vpinmame\dmdext direectory (not sure why it looked at that See freezy/dmd-extensions: A toolbox for virtual pinball dot matrix displays. (github.com) for altcolor directory names here's a small demo, launch a table directly from PinballX EDIT : Because I already have all the backglass images in PinballX, I disabled the Backglass images within Pinball FX To show the backglass from PinballX during game play, you can uncheck the "Hide Backkglass" in game manager : Or via Database Manger, uncheck "Hide Backglass during game" As this is time consuming, you can also open the PinballFX.XML file and replace <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> for <hidebackglass>False</hidebackglass> Don't forget to save the database file ! SETUP CABINET BUTTONS: a small other thing . I use X360CE for 'translating' my Pinscape buttons (and plunger) to an Xbox 360 controller. it is free and working. I still use an older 3.x version, as this doesn't need to run constantly (and causing double key presses) The only thing I needed to do is to copy the following 2 files to the following steam directory : ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Binaries\Win64 x360ce.ini xinput1_3.dll (64 bit version !) The X360CE.ini is my default ini file, I use for all my steam apps, but be aware you need xinput1_3.dll 64 bit 9and not the 32 bit as you maybe use for other games! FX Launcher To setup a direct table launch, for differrent modes or multiplayer, I modified @joyrider3774 his PinballX launcher, to use for FX The files are in FXLauncher.zip Install instructions : extract the files from the zip to your harddrive Modify PinballFXLauncher.ini where needed (Steam path, keys and button settings). See https://github.com/joyrider3774/PinballX_Launcher_app for all settings Update PinballX system : and enjoy ! Edit : If you want to setup Pinball M , you can use this tutorial as well, but just use the following for your custom system : For Pinball M : name/Folder : Pinball M Enabled : Yes System Type: Custom Working Path: C:\Pinball\steam Table Path: Executable: Steam.exe Parameters: -applaunch 2337640 -table [TABLEFILE] Process to monitor: PinballM-Win64-shipping.exe (Where working path is the path of your steam directory) Pinball FX.xml FXLauncher.zip Pinball M.xml Pinball FX.xml Pinball FX_128Tables.xml
  7. Not sure, but thought on alphabet order.not sure if it is gamename or description. I think game list manager can fulfill your needs
  8. Starting from Visual Pinball 10.8, the settings from VP is moved from registry to INI file. This make the flexibility of Visual Pinball easier during transfer, but you can also have more Visual Pinball systems on your system, and uses different settings files for this. Start with some back ground : To use Visual pinball, you need a complete setup of VP. For the basic you need to have a working VpinMame and Directb2sserver (this can be accomplished by using the AIO installer from the Vpinball github ) if you want more advanced work, You properly will use DMDdevice.dll, FlexDMD, DOF and pinup player If all is working for your desktop/cabinet/vr/head tracking environment, you can have add multiple versions to your system as well. You can use this for testing a Beta, adding GL support or separate versions between 32 bit and 64 bit. the issues with all versions before VP 10.8 was that when you launch any version of Vpinball in any location, it uses the registry and all has the same configuration. From VP 10.8 the ini file is located in %appdata%\VpinballX and by default it uses VPinballX.ini When this file is not present, it will check if there is any registry entry and will transform the registry keys into the VPinballX.ini file. When file is present, all instances will use this file. But if you want a different setting for a specific table, or even for a complete system, without changing registry (see for example my post over setting up VR https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/28465-pinballx-with-vr-on-oculusmeta-quest ), there will be an easy way now When launching from the command line VpinballX.exe (Vpinball_gl.exe, vpinballX64.exe or Vpinball_gl64.exe) with the parameter -ini <Full path to ini file> it will creates a new INI file on the path you specified. the INI file is directly created and contains the values which I have from my registry. As I launched VpinballX, I can make a configuration changes and this will all be saved in the newly created file When Launching the GL version of VpinballX, an extra option is available for VR. The VR settings will also be available in the INI file. But, if you want to have different settings for VR as your normall version, just launch the GL version with a different setting : (in my example I mixed VP 32 bit with GL 64 bit) So now I got 2 settings files. 1 completely configured for VR and 1 for regular playing (this is just an example, you can also do it for tables with issues, head tracking, or even switching between desktop and cabinet.) to use this file during game play ? At the time this post was made, PinballX can only switch command line parameters via setting up a new system, or using a custom launcher (with a variable that can be set). launch Settings.exe and go to your Visual pinball system add to 'Parameters' the -ini option with the path to your ini and for the 2nd system : I showed just 1 example for different INI files, but it's up to you to use it for setting up different INI files for your system. Having issues with 1 or 2 table with the performance, and don't want to set it for all tables, just create a INI file with a bit lower specs that runs the table fine and launch this table with it. Make sure you make a backup of your ini file, in case something happen to your system ! Default file is %appdata%\Vpinball\VpinballX.ini (if you launch the VpinballX without the -INI parameter, it will use this file)
  9. According to the screenshot, you already has a pf video of acdc (not in the list of missing items) When clicking on 'Create Videos' you properly has 'Skip existing videos' checked . This will not overwrite existing video. Unchecking this, will recreate all the checked videos! Not to promote DBM as gameManager is also working like a charm, but DBm shows colors and give you a direct visual view of what is missing : If you click on 'Bulk Videos' it will shows you almost the same dialog as the 'Create Videos' in Game list Manager Difference is, that there is a 'Overwrite Older Playfield Videos' option. This will check the timestamp of you VPX file and the PF video date. If the PF video is older , it will create a new one (as this could be an updates file, or even a new file. If you just wanted to check which media yo misses, click on the 'Media Audit button' This will check every table in your XML file and make a tab delimited export in your clipboard. See chapter 9.2.8 of the DBM user manual. Very handy to check if you are missing any media data. But also checks if you have files that is not used (and can delete it) I hope this all make sense Don't forget that DBm is a collaboration between @scutters and myself. Without Scutters, DBM Didn't have all the features, handy stuff, visuals etc
  10. Do you mean manual record via a key ? No, pbx should record everything. I have 1300+ tables and pbx can record them all (as I mentioned, i setup hardware recording and let pbx do the magic, but all via DBM, although Gamemanager should do the trick as well) โค๏ธ
  11. I never seen that it is passing any recording. Is the table not loading at all ? Please post log file and ini file as well. I use hardware recording (through Pbx) as i wznt 60fps videos (pbx is default to 30) My monitor is running at 165hz (or is it 164hz) ? So, a normal load is 5 times longer ??? Only from pinballx or also when you do a direct launch. Are you runnjng vpx in eclusive full screen mode and did you set this in pbx as well ??? Logs for this as well
  12. PBX will hide the mouse during Start of PinballX, and will return the settings when it is closing PinballX in a normal way (not terminating the process) The hide mouse is done, that you don't have accidently a mouse pointer during game play or recoding videos or snapshots. If you want to have your mouse to setup things during launch of PinballX, you can use gamemanager.exe or Database manager and launch a table. This will completely launch PBX (with all your settings , scripts, plugins etc) to the table , but will not hide your mouse. I thought it was mentioned in one of the release notes, but not able to find it.
  13. Maybe I don't understand it correctly, but PinballX already has an alternate exe option. See manual. There is a chapter 'Database files(xml)' and mentioned the alternateexe
  14. Oh dear You are on the naughty list ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. Forgot to post it, but also have a small change to the loading image I use :
  16. sorry guys, just awake (yes, its a shame. I slept in) Just checked, but for me it is still working As your password is stored encrypted, it could happen in rare cases that it could not be decrypted See following post I hope this fix it for you
  17. Oh man ... ๐Ÿบ could be the case as well, thats why you should NEVER do anyt changes in the weekend. If you do changes and screw things up, dont make a post of it
  18. Adding a sexy female voice would distract the players too much and would cause that tables and systems are only changed in the frontend, so the users hear constantly the femal voice. Thats why there is only a male voice ... Just kidding. Not at pc now (enjoying a wonderful walk outside), but thought it uses the speech engine of windows. And you can change it. See https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/topic/download-languages-and-voices-for-immersive-reader-read-mode-and-read-aloud-4c83a8d8-7486-42f7-8e46-2b0fdf753130
  19. Really weird. Is your pinballx.ini be deleted, or does it change ? If the ini is changed, does it have an older datemodified as before. Or is it modified by recently? As you have a complete new pc, could ot be that a backup could causes this ? Did you excluded your pinball folder from defender (or any other antivirus/firewall program) ? How VSS (volume shadow copy service) ? This gave me a lot of headaches in the past as well ... Sorry, no solution, but just a bu ch of questions to get you on track
  20. As Visual Pinball is getting more exe files and can have more differrent settings per table, it would be a nice to have to set 'Alternative parameters' per table. Vpx 10.8 has some big changes and a big change is that they go away from registry settings to an ini file for all the settings. A good change is that you can launch from command line a new option to use an ini file per table as well, so 'trouble' tables that needs just some other settings, can be launched with a custom ini file. Same as using vr or using bam. An option to set ' alternative parameters' in the xml should help to use the new function. by default the entry will overrule the global system parameters and when also used alternativeexe, it could launch an alternative exe with alternative parameters per table I hope it is an easy to add in pbx
  21. Should work like this as well : (table Path is the path of the XML file's. within GLM: Or DBM :
  22. I'm not an arcade wizard and I'm even less as an Arcade newbee (my Arcade cabinet still needs to be configured completly). I checked on github for Tekno parrot and didn't understand what it should do. So not much help for you But reading the post of @DJ Infinity, it looks like it should be a simple setup : Isn't this the same setup in PBX ? (And if some can explain the purpose/ benefits/use of Techno parrot, i can maybe test/check it as well )
  23. Uploaded Version 1.2 Some extra features in this version : Supports PNG and GIF as well logging will also show which media is selected to view
  24. The pre-requisite is to have 1.9 or higher. A good version of 1.9 can be found on githun. You need a (free) subscription to download it : https://github.com/vbousquet/flexdmd/actions I will soon change plugin zip in the first post as well. Uploaded version 1.2
  25. Thanks. Log file looks differrent as I expected. I dont see the video that should play. I'm not at a pc now, but will send you my latest version. Do you got flex dmd 1.9 from github installed ? Because 1.8 had issues withnplaying video files. I fixed this, but latest version of 1.9 is also working. Btw. This plugin is only if you have issues with the buildin xdmd player.
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