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Everything posted by joyrider3774

  1. I noticed something similar. For my visual pinball system i use 2 xmls one for visual pinball 9 tables named Visual Pinball.xml (same name as my system name) and one for visual pinball x tables (using alternate exe method) named Visual Pinball X.xml when clicking on my visual pinball system using the systems menu it only seems to show the tables from visual pinball.xml the main xml but not from visual pinballx.xml I can see that with the total game count when selecting a system or seperate lists i have for these 2 databases. the total table count displayed in pinball x matches the main visual pinball.xml game count when i select the visual pinball system. it would also explain why @Mike_da_Spike is seeing no tables when he selects his arcooda pinball arcade system as his main xml is empty. It seems when using the systems menu it does not seem to load the games from the other (customn) database files that might have been added for the system but only the main one named as the system. I would have assumed it would load all games / tabels from any xml from that system, but maybe if using systems menu we can only have one main xml and no customn databases and it is designed this way or it could be a small bug? I can create a video if needed to show it PinballX.ini log.txt
  2. Hey as of pinballx 3.49 a system menu is now supported. You basically have to name the media for system menu "- system -.extension" it can be movie picture etc and you just have to place them in your usual media folders (not a seperate one) I created / searched media tonight for the systems i use / have and uploaded them to the gameex ftp under this directory "/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/System Media" i placed them in seperate "system media" folder to make clear it's for the new system menu but you should place them in your existing system folders. i did not find any logo / splashscreens for visual pinball so i'm using pinuppoper media files for the backglass for this however i did not upload these, you will need to get them somewhere else i did however upload all other things and i even created certain table media for example to show a few tables that can be played if the system is chosen. I used "Openshot" for this. It's a free / opensource video editor where you can easily import pictures and media and add certain effects. I only added a fade in / out effect between tables. Here's whats included: Pinball FX3 Backglass image (found on the net) Table video (created by me based on table video's i had on my system (not created by me) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Pinball FX3", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) BigScore Pinball Backglass (found on the net / bad quality) table video (created by me, just the single table) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Slamit Pinball - BigScore", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) BingoGameroom Backglass (taken from bingogameroom program itselve) table video (created by me based on screenshot pictures from tables) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Bingo Game Room", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) Malzbies pinball collection Backglass (found picture on the net) table video (created by me based on table video's i did already also created by me) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Malzbies Pinball Collection", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) Pinball Arcade Backglass picture (Created by me based on logo + picture i found of pinball tables on the net) Table video (Created by me based on table video's i had on my system (not created by me) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Pinball Arcade", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) Pinball Wicked Backglass picture (edited logo + picture from their press kit) Table video (Created by me, just the single table) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Pinball Wicked", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) Visual Pinball Table video (created by me based on vp9 and vpx table video's i had on my system) Backglass video (star field video taken from here https://pixabay.com/videos/starfield-star-galaxy-background-1209/ with visual pinball logo text i tried to recreate) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Visual Pinball", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) Visual Pinball X Table video (created by me based on vpx only table video's i had on my system) Backglass video (star field video taken from here https://pixabay.com/videos/starfield-star-galaxy-background-1209/ with visual pinball X logo text i tried to recreate) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Visual Pinball X", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) Zaccaria Pinball Backglass Picture (edited screenshot of the (old ?) splashscreen, i removed the press A button thingie) Table Video (created by me based on table video's i had on my system) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Zaccaria Pinball", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) Future Pinball there is no backglass here, take the one from pinuppopper (not supplied) Table video (Created by me, based on table video's i had on my system from future pinball) Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Future Pinball", make sure you have latest PBX version installed) Some system logos, some pulled from the net some basic ones i had on my system and bingogameroom one taken from program itselve in the video below you can see my system menu, but it does not include all mentioned video's above as i did not finish creating them at the time i created the video
  3. here's a little video of the new systems menu feature. I'll upload what i got once i'm finished although i won't upload the stuff i had gotten from pinup popper (future pinball, visual pinball and pinball x backglass for system)
  4. wow i love the system list and option to show it on startup now the search for system video's begins
  5. about the screens. Can you check in pinballx settings if your screen resolutions are still setup correctly ? Like verify the resolutions of you screens in windows to what you had defined in pinballx settings. My guess that could be the problem and if you reset it up in pinballx settings it might fix it. Doflinx is not really pinballx / frontend related and the error screenshot does not show everything. But it seems it fails to load some file at the time it is reading ini (config file) settings. Maybe your ini contains an error or it can't find some file it tries to load
  6. No idea how i can help with that might be something specific to popper menu and how it works. In pinballx it works but launchbingogameroom.Exe keeps running until it's killed or the quit key (default esc) is pressed. I also set that script as the executeable instead of bingogameroom's real exe (because each tabel is basically an exe that is run). Basically i wait for the script to exit it keeps running until bingo game room is quited.
  7. i think by default in launchbingameroom.exe i have set ESC to be the quit key, it might be a good idea to change it to Q also and recompile, if you run into problems like the scripts keeps running. Change esc:: Gosub killApp Return to (i have not tested it but i think it's correct) q:: Gosub killApp Return
  8. The following works for me you have to add two empty double quotes in front if you use start and remove any spaces at front and end double quotes (you got some with launchbingameroom.exe) START "" /min "LaunchBingoGameRoom.exe" "BallyMagicRing" without the "" it saw ballymagicring as an extra executable to launch instead of a parameter with me it's explained here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17201507/how-to-use-the-start-command-in-a-batch-file (that's where i got the info when i started using start in batch files) I placed the batch file in same directory as where launchbingogameroom.exe was located. Also remember the script assumes default install location of bingo game room, if that's not the case with you, you have to adopt the script and recompile it. but it's explained in first post testbingogameroom.bat
  9. i have the williams pack ones on ftp although only in full hd resolution /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/Pinball FX3/Table Videos . I'm not sure if you have contributor status that you can access the ftp but if you can you can check them out. Other people have uploaded 4k video's also
  10. you can download dmdext and place it anywhere you like on your system as long as you point to the correct location of the exe in the batch file and take into account that you might need to double quote the location if it contains spaces. if you want to be safe place an extra copy in a directory without spaces or place in same location as the launch before batch file that's how i did it. You can have multiple copies of dmdext binaries on your system It's not a simple copy and paste thing you have to adopt for your situation. My batch files are in the pinball wicked zip file in the first post as a reference not to copy paste. but you might have to change dmd coordinates depending on your game settings etc (screenshots help with that) anyway my launch before batch file has this line "start "" /min dmdext.exe mirror --source=screen --position=93 46 328 83 --destination=virtual --virtual-stay-on-top --virtual-hide-grip --virtual-position=1084 530 656 166 " i use the start executable so it does not block execution of batch file. i also use dmdext.exe without a path because my launch before.bat and dmdext.exe are in the same location / folder. you can always try to add path like (if it does not contain spaces) with spaces you have to play with double quotes and i'm not sure if you only have to quote path to exe or the whole line my guess the execuateable but you can try start "" /min c:\somedirectory\dmdext.exe mirror --source=screen --position=93 46 328 83 --destination=virtual --virtual-stay-on-top --virtual-hide-grip --virtual-position=1084 530 656 166 i would just download dmdext again and place the files in same location as batch files. I have a scripts folder where i save everything for every system so you can easily reuse that install then for other games to mirror the dmd. (i have done it for bigscore pinball and malzbies pinball collection also)
  11. also why are you launching pinball fx3.exe the applaunch commands are for steam.exe, it's better to link to steam.exe in combination with applaunch. Process to monitor should still be pinball fx3 but executeable and working path should be steam.exe and steam.exe location. Steam.exe will launch pinball fx3 with the -applaunch command unless there exist some special version without steam
  12. You can also always look up the pxp filenames in the steam pinball fx3 folder. For the williams / bally ones they have not used exotic names yet and all are recognizeable. I always get the game names from there The game name is that name without .pxp extension. do note my steam folder is located not on default install location in your case it probably sites in program files (x86). This way you know how to find out the game names from games install folder. BALLY_Safe_Cracker, BALLY_TheatreOfMagic etc
  13. as said in the post me you quoted it's a bug in the game, the workaround is mentioned as well
  14. I never tried pressing return in the previous version of the menu i thought it was not working at all when using a real keyboard but can't test now anymore. The game seemed to hang a few seconds when doing the mouseclick since new update on my cabonet and somtimes it clicked beside the logo in my case. I start the game with the rotate parameter Btw the game update also has a bug for displaying backglasses, some tables mostly retro and awards and normal tables show a black screen instead of the backglass. Remake tables don't seem to have the problem. Just so you know that already
  15. @GAH1068 with the latest update (#72) the menu of zaccaria completely changed. For some reason on my pinball cabinet the mouse click did not work correctly all the time to click on the logo. But i noticed in the new menu Sending return using keyboard also works. So in my local copy of the script i removed the mouse click. For some reason on my cabinet the mouse click acted weird don't know exactly why but it made my game hang and position was not 100% correct for me. I'm not sure if this has changed but maybe if sending return works all the time to bypass the initial logo it can be changed as it will work better then mouse click. But you should verify i only quickly tested with me and it seemed to work. As far as i can tell the new menu system still uses same internal system and selecting remakes etc also still seems to work but i did not test all sections. It's just so you know the menu got updated and the script might perhaps need a small change dealing with the mouse click or in case people will report problems after the update.
  16. New Table Wood's Queen Remake (2019) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1093410/Zaccaria_Pinball__Woods_Queen_2019_Table/ <game name="wqueen2019"> <description>Wood's Queen Remake</description> <rom></rom> <manufacturer>Magic Pixel</manufacturer> <year>2019</year> <type>RM</type> <hidedmd>True</hidedmd> <hidetopper>True</hidetopper> <hidebackglass>True</hidebackglass> <enabled>True</enabled> <rating>0</rating> </game>
  17. New wheel for the wood's queen remake table (game name is wqueen2019)
  18. UPDATE 24/06/2019 Woods Queen Remake 2019 Playfield video + 1600x1200 backglass image + 1920x1080 backglass image uploaded to ftp all named wqueen2019.XXX
  19. Time Flight Table is released https://store.steampowered.com/app/1040320/Malzbies_Pinball_Collection__Time_Flight/ GameName: timeflight Updated Database: Malzbies Pinball Collection.xml Wheel: backglass image: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1758108386 Table video: timeflight.mp4 Files are also available on ftp
  20. mine are full hd not 4k
  21. It could have been driver or failing hardware. Drivers sometimes get updated with windows updates and hardware can start failing after a period of time or "abuse" (overheating for example)
  22. don't know it works fine for me. Must be something on your end but can't say what. I don't display a "game not found" message in the script and i don't think pinballx does either so check what process is showing that message using taskmanager.exe. Are you sure pbx is showing a game not found message ? Verify program (main) location compared to the script and make sure you give the table name as parameter in pinballx. bingoogameroom main binary might need to be installed and it could be it has registry entries although a quick search did not show any to me but i did not look into details. you also mentioned you recompiled the script. Did you install a recent autohotkey version when you did that and not some old version you had previously installed. The script uses A_Args[1] and it does not recognize this if it's and old autohotkey version. You could also try using original exe from zips above again to verify for this problem. Default install location is C:\Program Files (x86)\MyBingoPrograms
  23. if it are blue screens it is probably not pinballx that is the culprit, but something on your system that triggers it by running things from pinballx. Usually related to failing hardware or bad drivers for some hardware. Does the blue screen show a specific driver / bluescreen error ? maybe https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html can help to view the bluescreen again. Sometimes blue screen's mention a .sys file and that's usually the driver causing the problems. Did you update any drivers recently ?
  24. Nice thanks Btw nashville works fine with me. Does it give the same message with you if you run "C:\Program Files (x86)\MyBingoPrograms\BallyNashville\BallyNashville.exe" directly in windows (from explorer.Exe window) could be the game executable itselve has a problem on your setup (thats how you can verify) But still even if it does error out on your end one table of the so many is fine I'll Upload my data to ftp then as well for others to use along with table and backglass screenshots edit: everything available on /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/BingoGameRoom
  25. Yes thats what i do also i let the game rotate itselve in cabinet options. Thats weird, the gamecard option was always there with me. You could check if the gamecard exists by looking at my image url ( http.online.gameex.com/gamecards/pinballx/joyrider3774___pinballcab.png ) i think it ends with username___cabinethostname.png to find yours. Maybe old(er) accounts don't have the option ? i only created mine end of 2018. Maybe @Tom Speirs can explain why you don't see the gamecard option
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