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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. Damned. I was too long in the hospital. I didn't checked yet, but direct table launch is supported (EDIT : checked and working. Added XML to FX post as well) Create a custom system with the following parameters name/Folder : Pinball M Enabled : Yes System Type: Custom Working Path: C:\Pinball\steam Table Path: Executable: Steam.exe Parameters: -applaunch 2337640 -table [TABLEFILE] Process to monitor: PinballM-Win64-shipping.exe (Where working path is the path of your steam directory)
  2. It will come eventually
  3. It could be added as system, but Pinball M doesn't support direct table launch , so not a real good candidate to add to a front end
  4. I didn't touch the ca inet for more than 6 weeks, so not sure if M has already direct table launch. If it has, you can use the FX tutorial, only replace the steam id to launch the correct table Edit : I googled it for you .... Here are the table ID's, but looks like that direct table launch is still not available https://zenstudios.com/news/pinball-m-launches-on-thursday-cabinet-mode/
  5. Well, no error is thrown out. All is working, but capturing the GL version of VPX with PinballX or PBX recorder will create a still image instead of the video. Thats how ffmpeg gdi grab is working. I thought I tested to use another parameter and it could grab the video. But that was more than 7 months ago and can't recall it anymore...
  6. A quote from carny priest from vpf : See https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=33552&page=20
  7. Thanks to @Dacstyle (see previous posts), @scutters and I made for VPX systems aware of INI files that are used by VPX 10.8 (still beta !) We had some delay as I had a long term 'hospital visit', but Scutters took all care of it (thanks mate !) First to get INI(or pov) / VBS support for VP systems, you need to enable the option in the settings (if you already had POV/VBS, you can skip this) And set Ini/Vbs to yes click close Yo now have can see INI / VBS files for your VPX systems If you don't have an INI file, you can create it by right clicking on the white cog icon and select 'Create new' The following icon will be showed if an INI is created/present : If you want to view/edit, you can click on the icon (left click will open it, right click will open the standard menu for multipple actions) If you still have POV files, it will show you the POV icon. POV can still be used with VPX 10.8, but if you want to make a 'per table' setting and create an INI as well, it gets messy. When a POV and INI file are detected , you will see the following Icon : Edit your table within VPX , make sure you have made your POV settings and save them to the INI file and delete the POV file ! Another new feature is that we finally could make use of HTTP/FTP background processing (since the move to .net 4.8 ASYNC function is available) What will you notice as user ? if you use Database manager on an internet connected PC, you will already notice that the interface starts quicker. If you use the GameEx FTP server from Database Manager, you noticed when clicking the first time on an FTP request, it takes some time to gather the information. We tried to avoid this now ! old method : new method: @scutters also discovered that if you enabled IPV6 and you don't use it, that DBM could work slow and could take up 30 seconds to load. the above background processing should avoid it, but he also made a note in the documentation about it. Our recommendation : if you don't use IPV6, disable it on your network ! It looks like the changes are small, but like a car, we modified the engine a lot ! thanks @scutters for all your work and getting Mike v2.0 happy this year (internal joke) We (well mostly me) already have plans for a next release, but first we wanted to share this with you !
  8. @strangeleo72 I saw your review for DBM. Thanks for that, but dont thi k that resolve your issue with recording videos as DBM uses the API of PinballX. please try OBS as Carney descriped in my one of my prenious post s
  9. Wasn't the capturing via OBS studio needed for GL capturing ? Are you using GL for VR or also for playing 'flat' ?
  10. 10.7 doesn't have vr setting as well (and uses registry to store the settings.its not a solution, but it was just to simplify your setup 😁 What was the solution ? Enable force exclusive fullscreen hack ?
  11. I'm not using pbx recorder, but did you see this post from @Carny_Priest? Its another way to record all your videos. I still need to check it and will be my way to capture all my videos
  12. It's a 'global' setting. If you use exclusive full screen for vpx 10.8, you will properly use it for 10.7 as well. So enable on the main system. What do you mean with "does not have startup"
  13. did you know that yoou can do this also by using Visual Pinball INI files ? No need of extra scripts to modify stuff. See the following instruction : If VPX is set to exclusive FullScreen mode You need to set for PBX the Full screen hack as well please check, modify if needed and let us know the results Are you using GL version for cabinet as well ?? GL version is only for VR, anaglyphic and BAM . If you have just a cabinet without all this, use the 32bit or 64 bit bit of the DX version Are you using Freezy's DMDext as well ? if so, which version ?
  14. Thanks for the logs. So sometimes it worke and sometimes it doesn't? That makes it odd as you launched twice the same table Questions: what does ejecutar_reg.bat do ? Which version of vpx 10.8.0 are you using? Is vpx running in FS exclusive mode or in windowed mode (Try fs mode in vpx and enable the full screen hack within pinballx setting for the visual pinball system)
  15. Your logfile doesn't show the launch of any table. Did you encounter the issue?
  16. Can you please post your log pinballx log.txt (after you reproduced the issue) and post your pinballx.ini as well ?
  17. Please use the forum to report any issue. https://forums.gameex.com/forums/forum/31-general/
  18. How is your registry part looking ? type regedit and launch registry editor : paste the following text in the bar in registry editor and hit enter HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VPX_auto_file\shell\ registry editor will jump automaticly to the location By default 'edit 'and 'open' will be showed (if you install VP via the VP minimal installer). If VPX-AUTO-FILE is not present, re-install VP via VP installer, otherwise you don't have all the DLL registered for VP If FILE is present, you can add a sub key with a name you like, and under that one, make a command subkey In the default key put the path and parameters, like I did below This is pointing to my VP 8 directory and I start the specific table in edit mode with a custom settings called VP.ini Now I have the following options : I hope this make sense
  19. Gotcha. Is the barrcode generate per game ? So like @scutters mentioned, can you create the qr code per table and, creat a image from it and set is to topper or a screen that is not in use ? Did yiu ever looked at pinemhi ? It will upload automatically your s ore to a website and even think pinballx will upload score automatically to gameex as well
  20. Can you please post your latest pinballx.ini as well ?
  21. Not sure how iscored can grab the score from a table and make a qr code from it But if you want to create a plugin, you can use the following : Btw. Did you know that vpx 10.8 also have an option to export score? one can now export a 'tournament score' file via the pause menu (or when keeping the Lockbar-key pressed and then pressing the Start-key, too) if playing in the new 'locked' mode, and also not having any unsaved table changes. This is currently limited to PinMAME-emulated machines, and the script HAS to enforce a connection to the DMD or alpha-segments display via 'UseVPMDMD = True' (if its an emulated DMD machine, 'UseVPMColoredDMD = True' will also work), thus the file contains the encoded content of the display at that point in time. The content of this text file can then be posted to the tournament administrators and converted by them via the '-TournamentFile tablename textfilename' command line option to a .png again. Note that the VPX version used to play AND to convert must exactly match (incl. same revision/build, same OS, DXvsGL, 32vs64bit)
  22. Why not using pinemhi ?? Thats fully automated (yes, pinmame based only) I checked Iscored, but do you need a subscription for that? I think best way would be a plugin that could display the qr code on a specific place.
  23. Yeah, was thinking of that as well. Its not a pinball fx issue, but a general pbx issue. Thanks buddy. Happy new year!
  24. According to the log, exit is pressed, but pbx won't show all screens and properly hung. Also what I see in your log is that PBX is running 60 versions behind. Please update to latest and check again. Tom added a lot of changes
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