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Everything posted by Mike_da_Spike

  1. PinballX , should not mess up your configuration. What is messing up that you need to start over again ? Did you find anything after crash in your eventlog ? Do you update security updates as well or is this a version after this installation ? As Scuters said, I suspect your operation system Maybe try to run a fix of your OS ? https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/use-the-system-file-checker-tool-to-repair-missing-or-corrupted-system-files-79aa86cb-ca52-166a-92a3-966e85d4094e https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/deployment/fix-windows-update-errors
  2. technicly, your INI file looks fine to me. Monitor 2 is set to the backglass and start at 0,0 Not sure why it show on monitor 1
  3. You run a pretty old version according to the logfile. Can you upgrade and post a new log again ?
  4. 930 tables and now wheel omages ??? Besides the pinballx ini file, can you post the windows screen settings as well, to see how your display setup shows like ?
  5. Maybe a stupid question, but why do you want the loading image/video transparant ?
  6. If you wish to see the correct loading video with a randomized table, you can use the API of GameEx, but that spoils the surprise
  7. Looks nice. So all manually? Wow. Respect !
  8. That looks pretty nice. I would love to see those on the back glass, if the table is loading. Unfortunately that's not an option Maybe you can share your script for other people how you create them.
  9. I should say, because it is random, you shiuld not know it by the loading video. It must be a surprise until it is loaded. But thats how I see it
  10. Hi keithhov, To my knowledge, there isn't an option for assigning 2 buttons to an action. Do you use a cabinet or desktop ? I never had pressed the wrong button on my cabinet. If you are a bit handy with programs, you can setup vjoy. Create a button joy with is a bit higher count as your normal joystick. Assign the exit button to a high joynumber, that is higher than your button numbers of your cabinet. (pinballx will not make a distinct between the different joysticks, just response to a joystick number ) Make a small program, that will trigger when you press 2 buttons and sends the vjoy button to activate. Hope this gives you an idea
  11. Awesome. Maybe you can use @joyrider3774his fx3 launcher to add the parameters via een menu. I will create complete documentation and if nobody creates something with joyriders his framework, I will putt something together. Cool that you are happy. I was not able to test it yet
  12. I will make a real install document with settings in a few weeks. As I said, I didn't use TPA for a long time, and didn't test anything yet (3.2 hours for total play is not much and bought all the packs before the license expired ). But think this needs to be done : I hope this works for you and that it does make sense (I'm not a native English speaker, so apologize for any typo/incorrect sentence or even wrong words) Workingpath : path where you have the pinballarcade loader have installed/placed in my case : C:\PINBALL\SCRIPTS\PBALOADER I Have a folder C:\pinball where I install everything (even Steam) under this folder I have a scripts for all kind of stuff to help an emulator launch, or startup scripts Executable : PinballArcadeloader.exe This is the exe file that needs to be used Parameters : "<path to your executable>" [TABLEFILE] In my case : "C:\Pinball\steam\steamapps\common\PinballArcade\PinballArcadeCabinet.EXE" [TABLEFILE] (as I installed steam under c:\pinball) Within your favourite program to manage the tables, you must make sure all the table names are corresponding to the table to launch Process to monitor : PinballArcadeCabinet.exe This is btw my original setup on my cabinet. Not sure if this is still valid (and yes. I use the -arcooda as well )
  13. Its along time I setup tpa arcooda and all. But wasnt it for arcooda mode, that you need to change some files ? So tpa is almost the same, only less tables and menu different ? So, is your tpa in "arcooda" mode ? As -arcooda doesnt set it to arcooda. Checking the tpa loader, it looks pretty straight forward. Run in command line: PinballArcadeLoader.exe PathToYourExe NameOfYourTable For example PinballArcadeLoader.exe "C:\Pinball Arcade\PinballArcade11.exe" StarTrekTNG Thee are some parameters as well, for camera lock and players
  14. Never seen that tool before, but whats the issue you facing ? If you have an issue, you must describe what your issue is. Make sure you can launch a table from the command prompt. if you got that working, you can add it to PBX. Please provide your setup (pinballx.ini) and your log file. (Log.txt)
  15. Well, you have a creative mind and very smart. I was thinking about and input field (search box), where you see a onscreen keybpard and can move and select with buttons. When something typed, maybe shows thpse on a list and when a table is selected, it jumps to that entry in the wheel. Maybe a feature request for Tom, but maybe a nice project for you
  16. @scutters, as you are the one that does all the magic with plugins, is there a way with a plugin to manipulate the wheel ?With other words, can a plugin be created, that let the wheel jump to a table?
  17. If you buy one of those, do not put them behind an usb hib, but plug them directly into an usb port. That will save you hours of investigation for unpredicted behaviour on your cabinet. The price is a bit high for just a simple keuboard, but what did the compleet cabinet cost in total ?
  18. I have a Streamdeck for missing buttons or joystick controls. It is a 3x5 button bar, where you can add your own pictures and actions to it. I have also windows volume mapped (up and down), pinemhi that uses vjoy (so I dont loose keyboard keys), pinballx pauze key and if zen fx3 launched, it just show the keyboard arrows and enter key to navigate. little bit more expensive, but a very cool addition to the hardware
  19. Hi Davy33 Thanks for your comment. This is a limitation of PinballX, but think it merge it automatcly if you create 1 group. Doesnt matter what yougroup (i have for exammple all my visual pinball grouped). And that will merge the xml's. Send me a PM for further questions or use the support forum
  20. Lol, im programmed some lines, but do you want a joystick to control windows volume ? As pinballx has a volume for keycodes as well
  21. I thought on ftp all the hexagon where there as well, but thanks for these wheels !
  22. I'm totally not a AHK user and my English is a poor as well, so hope yo understand what I try to say. So you want to mount 2 of your joystick button to do send keys that will adjust the volume ? You must have a lot of joystick buttons, as I have 14 in total in my cabinet and running out of buttons But if you want to wait for input keys, your script must be in a loop, and not waiting for a 1 time key press. Loop{ #IfWinActive, ahk_class VPPlayer 1Joy3:: Send {Down down} return 1Joy4:: Send {Up down} return } Not sure if this works, but I should do it like this. This will come in a infinitive loop. Hope this helps.
  23. As promised. What you can do is a startup script for Visual Pinball tables tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto SKIPPINEMHI cd C:\Pinball\PinemHI\ start C:\Pinball\PinemHI\pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe :SKIPPINEMHI And for starting any other (non visual basic), you can add the following to your launch script (and maybe at end of Pinballx) taskkill /FI "IMAGENAME eq pinemhi_rom_monitor.exe" /f This will make sure that your pinemhi monitor is running when launching Visual Pinball and will be killed if you launch a non visual pinball table. So you properly don't have to worry that the score isn't retrieved from the nvram file. But : As Pinemhi is an AHK file that is running in the background, I don't think it will have a lot of resources (BUT I can say that with an I7 7th gen and 16 GB of ram) Let me know if this make sense to you
  24. I have pinemhi also run in a startup script. I will post tomorrow how I set that up. I think it will work as well, but 5 min challange will be not possible, but as scutters said, you can have issues when closing it
  25. Can you please attach another log after crashing haapen ?
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