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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. @Draco1962 Was saying exactly the same to my mate in the pub today, Draco. All my childhood heroes are dying. We're next. We're a long time dead, fellas, so let's stop being petty and snarky and enjoy it whilst it's here... Time disappears faster as we get older.
  2. Sad news. Great, unobvious man
  3. First world problems, huh Terry? Mind you... bed bugs...
  4. stigzler


    Was it this one?
  5. Hi-Score King? or is that your "The Panultimate GameEX Gargle Blaster DemiGod" @RIP-Felix??
  6. Categories Nominations Post your ideas below for categories for the GameEx awards. Good ones will be put onto the poll and voting counted at the end of October.
  7. Ah great. I should have asked a moderator about the poll thingy - they're meant to be good at stuff like that. Oh...wait... Right - New Poll it is to get what we are going to poll on (I think or should we take a poll on whether we should do that or not?)
  8. Cool. So any ideas for categories? @RIP-Felix - can we still do polls on here?
  9. Nope. Saw the headline and refusing to pay Spintendo any more mind....
  10. This is a hobby full of middle aged men. We're all winners on that one.
  11. Silly me trying to suggest celebrating the achievements of others!
  12. OK, OK. It doesn't exist yet, but what do you think? Here in the UK, the winter draws fast upon us and thought it would be a bit of light relief to have some awards? Only a bit of fun. If people like the idea, post some ideas for categories. We could then invite nominations (self or otherwise!) for each, have a bit of voting then announce the winner on New Years day? Here's some ideas (with examples): Perseverance in the face of utter disaster (@TerryRed for his heartbreaking playfield smashing of Summer, 2017) Member gone bonkers over one aspect of the scene ( @hansolo77 for his obsession with sbc builds, @RIP-Felix for his insanely detailed and fascinating write up on fixing his Atari 2600) and if we must, some more simplerer categories like: Most Enthusiastic Newcomer Media Moghul Best Theme Most Helpful Whatcha think? Apart from "not yet another bloody 'bright idea' from that plonker"
  13. Whoops. Posted wrong setup in OP. Edited and corrected now. Dead easy to setup. Signup and let's talk retro....
  14. stigzler


    This wins the "Most Succinct Topic Title 2017" award.
  15. The app. Just final testing left before release. I'll let you know when hear back from resilio...
  16. Score. When you go back to Best Buy, will you tell them Steve from the UK politely requests they stop pestering him for his location. He's got enough clicks to make without adding one bloody more. Skaggy b******s
  17. You've looked here I take it: https://cpwizbiz.codeplex.com/documentation And watched all the videos (11) here: If so, not sure how else can help..
  18. Wtg Terry - I'm sure the community will appreciate all the hours you've put into coding those apps.
  19. CPWizBiz will also display Marquees for you - it's stand-alone so not front end specific. You'll just have to make some time and effort to learn how it works. btw - that was also written by me.
  20. Thanks for the thanks! Yeah - I'd watch that CPWizBiz - it's a buggy piece of crap written by some shyster! Not quite sure what you're asking, but I'll have a go: It doesn't matter where you store them, you choose the location via the "Primary Folder 1" etc.. Your image filename must match the game name or game filename. You have to select the file you want to be your System Default image. It would be difficult to automate as everyone structures their game assets differently. In example below: Playstation 1 and Playstation 2 are user chosen. I'm assuming you get the way this works: in the absence of a matching game image, the system default is used. In the absence of a system default, the Global default is used (in the left hand panel)
  21. Build pics? Sounds interesting - would love to see a thread.
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