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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Kudos. Babies should always be adopted out to make space for arcade cabinets. It's the law.
  2. cheers fella - get yourself the other side of a pint...
  3. @shanearcade - P.s. There's some further info on the wiki page: http://gameex.info/wiki/index.php/PCSX2
  4. PS2 is a little tricky to get it all working properly. You need 2 particular things: Disc mounting software PCSX2 - emulator (only one really dev'd at the moment - some others are in the pipeline) A way to save "per-game" settings. Unlike older emulators, each game requires tweaks to get it working properly, thus you really need to save settings per-game. There are a couple of launchers (PS2Lunch and another one - can't remember the name at the moment) but these have limitations. My advice to you would be to use GemVoy - a plugin I wrote to compliment GameEx. It'll do all of the above with no hassles. It may take a bit of getting your head around, but once you understand how it works, it's a doddle. Oh and get hold of Daemon Tools Lite for the disc mounting. If needed, I could knock together a video on how-to - only if you're serious, mind, as it'll take time..
  5. Hmm - turning out to be a bit of a beeeattchh this one... walk away for another day.
  6. Hmmmm... OK So tested this in the wilds this holiday season (read: tried to get it working on my main rig). On the whole it's tickety-boo, however, one thing reared it's ugly type-x head... Windows placements on multi-display setups... For those who don't know, Type-X exes often change the resolution of the main screens and move around the windows. This left me with the problem of GameEx coming back on the wrong display! I've got the display arrangement/resolutions etc covered via multimonitor.exe, but I'm left with the problem of Type-X games re-arranging windows on screens and not putting them back again! One work around is to use the disable display feature in TypeXtra, but, well ya know me... if it's worth doing... So in the middle of a class to record and restore all the window states either side of the TypeX launch. Sure some of you guys have experience of this - any tips?
  7. https://github.com/Codeusa/Borderless-Gaming?
  8. http://www.indieretronews.com/2017/12/international-karate-ultimate-released.html
  9. Dammit - I know that music.... what is it? Think it's from a schmup?
  10. Let's hope it improves Saturn emulation somewhere down the tracks..
  11. Some muppet wrote this: That'll do it for you.
  12. Heh. I'm afraid that was good ole fashioned English sarcasm. Yer right - it is useful, but dayum is it a pain in the neck! Especially when you're dealing with escaped characters...
  13. Many happy returns old bean. Have some cake.
  14. You know it. Miserable enough to upset Darth Vader.
  15. Are you coding now, Hans? Hope so as always handy to know a linux coder!
  16. You're welcome. It's not another front end. Think of it as a mid stage emulator launcher. With you..
  17. RetroArch allows for the use of inbuilt/custom bezels as far as I'm aware.. You could take a look at that? Personally, I often go for the stretch and de-pixelate via filters (HQ etc) rather than fidelity to original appearances.
  18. oh yeah - that too - having that problem on my main pc which has a 250gb ssd. M$ is hogging about 20Gb of it with redundant data!
  19. It's also just been stuck on "Preparing to configure windows" for about 20 minutes now following attempting restart. I really daren't touch it or turn it off. Another bonkers thing about M$ - the lack of any proper error messages or operation status updates.
  20. Yeah - I note since my fix - it's still throwing an error installing what I think is the creators update. Updates, 100% disk usage and ssds have been the biggest ball aches with windows all along. It's just bonkers that m$ mess up something as fundamental as an update system.
  21. Very nice design. Do they have L2 and R2? If so, shame they didn't include one extra button to use as the hotkey in retroarch for e.g.
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