To tag on the comment about piracy. Having been an owner of an Atari 800 XL as its parent company transitioned through several hands before the demise of support in the US, I have seen the arguments for and against it. For it because the system was no longer supported and titles no longer available in the public domain. Against it because of laws protecting intellectual property, copyright, etc. I can see Brian's point about buying from GameStop, etc. Only GameStop benefits from the sale of a used game. It can be argued that, with a game trade-in, perhaps, that the trade-in is a "loss leader" to get you to buy something else new. Sure they discount the retail price by the amount of the trade, but they still make a profit if you see something that ya gotta have and they only have it new. There's a good chance you may buy it. I was reading an online article by one of the programmers for some titles released through Steam. The discussion was surrounding the very subject of software piracy. Their views were pretty simple. "Why do we need DRM if our product is good?" Sins of a Solar Empire was one of their best selling games and they made so much more in profit for writing a good program than many that have their's heavily bogged with DRM schemes of one sort or another.