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Everything posted by Draco1962

  1. FEATURE REQUEST - Update scroller for Juke Box for controlled placement via Theme Editor.
  2. And you, sir, are correct in that I am correct! The only way I know is to delete the roms using the Delete Excluded Roms program as described by Tempest "This program will help you delete any/all roms from your emulators 'excluded roms' list. Run the program, and you will get a list of emulators that you have setup in GameEx, that are both enabled AND have romnames in the excluded roms list. I think that once that is run and the excluded ROMS deleted, then there should be no surprises when the external MAME screensaver activates (had to explain that to my wife that I am not into Oriental Mahjong Porn - dadnabit Hanafuda!
  3. The screensaver in Attract mode accesses those items labled as Favorites. The stand-alone screensaver loads from EVERYTHING! There is a utility that will delete all ROMs from your filtered list - use with appropriate caution (back up as always).
  4. That is AWESOME!
  5. Future Pinball Terminator 2 Table
  6. Have you checked through the plugins available on the website? If you can install an app or emu to run through Media Portal, then you should be able to integrate GameEx in some form or fashion - likely under "my programs". I would probably "search" through their forums using "GameEx" as the key word. SInce MP has been around 6+ years my guess it has been addressed there a time or two. Having seen the demos, MP seems to be quite impressive for Open Source. XBMC looks pretty good as well, without the higher-end PC requirements for running the client/server apps. For my immediate needs, will probably stick with MCE a while until I can get the kids out of the house and free up the cash to build a full-on media center server, etc. As usual - my 2 cents (if it were real money Tom could retire!)
  7. SOme of the content it is no proble - Steam is even nice enough to throw a loader at you for most of the games requiring DosBox. I know, for example,. that Alien Swarm appears to be totally dependent upon the Steam launcher. Others are hit & miss. The GameLauncher shell is not too bad for an alternative to setting up links individually for most PC games.
  8. LOL! Feel free to misspell mine anytime! "hukt on fonix werkt 4 mee!"
  9. fRequEncy - I saw on another thread that you had been playing Alien Swarm. Are you using the Steam launcher? I know that, with a little work, you can load some games that are purchased through Steam directly as opposed to using the launcher while otehrs are wrttten to be dependent upon it. I believe the same is true or some Impulse distros.
  10. And mine...
  11. I can't carry a tune in a bucket. You guys have fun! Not that there is anything wrong with it...
  12. That would be awesome if it could. While I can continue on with developing the theme using near black, would be nice to not have to worry about pure black elements in my graphics having to be manipulated as a workaround - and it just looks nicer!
  13. Awesome job, StickDog (and Tom, as always!)
  14. After further testing, it appears that GameEx is treating anything pure black, even semi-transparent pure black objects, as 100% transparent. This is occuring not only in foreground .bak files, but also in logo files where there si a pure black element. This then causes the background image to show through. I am going to try using a "near" black to see if this remedies my immediate issue, however, I don't see why pure black cannot be used. EDIT: My assumptions have been confirmed. Near black works.
  15. I think there are some programs that can do this for you, also saw a reference to steps for creating a WIndows 7 shortcut as follows: Create shortcut of app. Right click on shortcut. Properties. Target line:C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start /affinity 1 C:\(ProgramFolder)\(program).exe The affinity should be a single hexadecimal number, not a list of CPU numbers: 1 = use CPU 0 2 = use CPU 1 3 = use CPU 1 and 0 4 = use CPU 2 ... F = use CPU 3, 2, 1 and 0 You could also get away with creating a simple batch file to launch the target.
  16. Could this be cache issue?
  17. and then there is fReq's suggestion... a question, though. What would you recommend so that the user can "take control" in the event that there needs to be some sort of intervention, maintenance, etc.?
  18. You can probably just have Karaoke load, but you will still have GameEx come up first, then select Karaoke. This would be best accomplished using Custom Menus to create your GameEx/Karaoke only menu setup. That way you can design your theme around the function and have the screens you need (Start - Karaoke - Exit). You may wish to consider having two user setups to GameEx on the machine where you can logon to GameEx with an admin setup and one for guests with less options.
  19. I have attached the original mockup SOASE) that shows how, if one file, the semi-transparency in the windows is preserved iif on the background level. If used as a foregraound file, in the second image (actual) you will see that the semi-transparent black areas are totally clear. Now I can simulate the black transparency by putting transparent "patches" in the areas on the background files and have the frames overlay the areas, but I find this to be counterintuitive and takes away from the flexibility in using multiple background files (not ot mention adding tons of time to the project). If for some reason I would like to have differing layouts I would have to "patch" each background individually, and then align the windows for each background.. The purpose of the semi-transparent layers to add a "mask" over the image. Can Theme Editor and GameEx be modified to preserve the semi-transparency instead of strip it when used on a foreground file? I see this as a serious bug when it comes to using the ability to create layered effects for some really creative, dynamic themes.
  20. Windows (or most any OS for that matter) needs a file extension. in the format of filename.extension. Rename the file removng the second period and you should be fine.
  21. You guys SUCK! I need a hug...
  22. OK, hitting a stumbling block. I am attempting to use foreground elements that have portions with black set to about 80% opacity (so you can see through to the background. Unfortunately, GameEx strips anything that is see through, leaving only the frame. Needless to say, this kind of defeats the purpose for having foreground elements to overlay the background for some really neat effects.. I have tried pasting the same elements directly into Theme Editor and have the same results. Is there an .ini setting to correct for this? Is this a display bug and, if so, can it be fixed to allow for the display of them? Also "bumping" the first post in this thread. Thanks!
  23. Well we are glad to have ya back. More members mean more guinea pigs for my themes, bezels, etc! I am sure that one of ya will take me in when my wife throws me out.. right? RIGHT?
  24. I found I had quite a few more games available that were playable from the .138 to .141 jump.
  25. I'll be sure to include the theme.ini file next time
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