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Everything posted by Draco1962

  1. Both actually. The kit can be assembled to use either just the pedestal or bolt on the top for the marquee and bezel for the full effect.The pedestal piece is very similar to a design I came up with a few years ago surprisingly.
  2. @Hunk_4th - Looks great! x2 on the LCD. A 20-22" should be fine for most things and will not add appreciably to any heat issues, unlike the CRT. @Adultery - I am seriously considering the Xtension Arcade as it has received some good reviews and seems to be the right price point (cheap) in addition to providing some flexibility. May also look at a multi SATA HDD block for multiple drives. May have to hold onto my old PC speaker set and PSU.
  3. I still find myself fascinated by the Dingoo and similar portable emu devices. My cell phone is a simple affair with a QWERTY slider for some occasional normal texting (no adaptive text here, please!). Now if I could get a cell phone that allows me to port over some of my MAME collection.... hmmm.... [Major Geek Mode: <ON>]
  4. That could be. Maybe Tom or Ben could shed some light on the sampling requirements to help us take out some of the guess work.
  5. One would think that, but have found that if I convert from MP3 to WAV I have far fewer issues with file compatibility than if I grab a WAV directly from a site. It may meet muster playing in WMP or WinAmp, but will fail within GEX. Not sure if it is anything to do with the bass library in Direct Sound.
  6. u4 introduced toolchain and support changes in MAME. Since MESS follows suit as it is derived from the MAME source, I would expect that is the case.
  7. Not all that uncommon actually. I have found it best to download sounds in MP3 format and then use the Spesoft Free Audio Converter (or converter of your choice) to convert to WAV format. I have encountered the same error in assembling themes before and it is usually a compatibility issue with a WAV file I have downloaded.
  8. Always good to see one's work in action and appreciated! I have a few more theme ideas that I have been tossing about but will back burner them for a bit.
  9. Thanks!!!
  10. HA! I was right! Well, so far as enabling it within a version 4 theme. Mesk - if you enabled it in your theme and you are using a version 3 theme (which I think is the case), try disabling it in the theme editor options and saving the theme again.
  11. Maybe I am a bit old-fashioned. Seems like everything coming out is a Swiss Army Knife of capabilities. My concern is that, in some cases, you lose one capability and it shags the rest (Some all-in-one printer/fax/copier/scanners come to mind). Not that there isn't a place for such. I guess some of the same concerns I have with running a gazillion emus and having some play nice, most mediocre and some not worth the hassle in the end because the tech hasn't caught up to the desire just yet. But what do I know, eh?
  12. Saw this page and thought of your situation - a few in your collection would probably work well! Will probably consider something similar for an NAS setup (Network Attached Storage) provided the throughput is sufficient. Not sure if any situation will show the lists or snaps without actually accessing the files in any case.
  13. Thanks! Hope a few give it a try!
  14. Well, whataya know - on the last page of Display Settings in the Advanced Config. Was finishing up on my theme and noted it in the Theme Editor (did not need to access Advanced Config yet).
  15. You will need to load your theme into Theme Editor and enable it under Options, then save the theme, if you have not done so already.
  16. Enter the Dragon Theme now available for download! I have included the contents of both Logo packs 2 & 3 along with some recent additions and corrections not included in those packs. Please take a look and let me have your feedback regarding! Thanks! Mike
  17. You can enable "Play in Screensaver" for each emulator (3rd page in each emulator setup within the Advanced Configuration app). When a game from that emulator is added to Favorites and this option is enabled, it will display in attract mode. There is no way in GameEx to tag individual games to display or not display in attract mode when selected as a Favorite. Perhaps this would be a good Feature Request to submit under the Pinned and Hot Topics forum in the Feature Requests thread! You will get a second from me on it!
  18. That is awesome - thanks again for sharing the batch file contents!
  19. Amen! Thanks to the vets of all freedom seeking nations for the sacrifices made so that we have the freedom to speak our minds, share our ideas, and strive for prosperity and happiness!
  20. Awesome additions! Thanks Tom , Ben & Alpha!
  21. there are quite a number of factors to be considered. First, if he were to build a simple file server (Windows Server 2003 would be fine for this but there are other systems that may be considered), it may require an investment in gigabit NICs and router, but should handle the throughput without much problem over an internal network. Wireless N speeds should be no problem for most. LAN over powerline accessories are also making some modest speed gains as well. Powered USB hubs could handle it as Adultery suggests, but an actual server can provide much more flexibility and scalability. Best thing is to "google" about and look at various alternatives. Most systems end up as a hybrid of one or all of these features, depending on need.
  22. You're welcome! Glad it worked out for you! Would you mind sharing your batch files via upload to this thread as a zip file along with a readme.txt for setting up with your emus in GameEx? It may come in useful for others facing the same dilemma! With your permission we'll mark this thread as resolved!
  23. Have you considered building/running a server? Then it would be a matter of pointing to the drive assignments on the server. I think there are a few that have a server setup from which they are running from HTPC, cabs, desktop/laptop, etc.
  24. DjoneK - what OS are you running? Also, have you looked at Display Changer? It appears that it is capable of changing the resolution, launching the program, and reverting back again via command line switches. It includes a console addition for using the command lines in batches and scripts that you could load before and after. Might be worth a look! Also, if using Windows 7 should allow changing from one monitor to another. To access this feature you need to press Win+P or run DisplaySwitch.exe. Thereafter select the display that you want. Not sure how to do this with a command line or batch file. It may also leave you with the same results you currently have, but if there is a way to switch which is assigned as the primary for the specific program, then change back, it may be doable.
  25. @Krakerman - did you try the map script by Wahoo?
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