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Everything posted by Draco1962

  1. Reposting here - I like it in both places depending on the theme and the effect I am trying to create. I would like to see the location (above foreground top-most or below) selectable. Same goes for some of the other elements like the Menu Bar.Being able to move above and below the foreground allows for some interesting effects to be displayed. An example would be like in the Hexed theme I created where the pattern overlayed some of the text, or a scan line layer effect embedded in the foreground file over the element for consistency with other images (as in the Wall theme I am currently working).
  2. I like it in both places depending on the theme and the effect I am trying to create. I would like to see the location (above foreground top-most or below) selectable. Same goes for some of the other elements like the Menu Bar.
  3. I found a great site with lots of fantastic GIMP Tutorials on Pixel2Life.com . Give it a look for GIMP as well as other programs.
  4. You are correct - Foreground Top-Most will overlay the Weather Icon. To be honest, I would like to see it's position selectable (over or under foreground image) to allow for more options in creating themes.
  5. Just in case there is a conflict with your mouse and touchscreen controls, have you tried removing your mouse to see if that improves the input from the touchscreen?
  6. I know that vids and snaps do not stretch and will grow/shrink while maintaining original aspect ratio. Only two fonts and one color selection for Title and all other text. Many of us have requested font selections/sizes/colors selectivble by theme for all text elements. As for the heiarchy of the images and order in which they are displayed, will need to get one of the programmers (Tom or HK) to provide us with the definitive list.
  7. Anytime, brah! You underestimate your talents, sir! Likewise on the motivation and critiques! It is always great to have someone to bounce ideas off of. I look forward to us getting together on a theme collaboration at some point as I think we would rock it! I am sorry for your loss and you know where to find me if you need to talk. Been there too many times and have the faded T-shirt as proof.
  8. No problema! Nah, not the OP but play one on TV!
  9. Strange... thought I heard my wife say the same thing...
  10. I am looking forward to giving it a thorough try! From what I have seen it looks pretty sweet and I know you put a lot of thought into it.
  11. I think that I would much prefer that method of rendering if at all possible. It is a bugger to have to try to compensate for the distortion created and, say I compensate for an image rendered within a 1920x1200, it is not going to look right when scaling down to a different resolution that is not within the same aspect ratio.
  12. That's it! We want ALL the toys! The images displayed are relative to the location with the menus, . If you are on the Start menu, images displayed in Image1 of a theme usually consist of Logo files assigned to emulators, MAME, Multimedia, and the like. Image2 may show a game marquee, a 3D Cab, or a video snap of a game from an emulator, or nothing at all. Within an emulator, Image1 generally displays a still or video snap (vids if you have them, if not found, then defaults to still snaps). Image2 may show a game marquee, a 3D Cab, etc. The foreground image is the overlay image. Just because there is a path in the Setup Wizard for an emulator, it doesn't mean you have to have still or video snaps. You can put family vacation photos to represent the ROMS in your collection and they will display for that specific ROM so long as they are named the same as the ROM. Not sure where you are going here or maybe I have confuzzled things a little with my earlier response (damned brevity!). The only thing that will likely get stretched are images representing the selector bars, be it a bar or your Pac-Man example. I have actually put in an Enhancement Request to address this issue as I think it would open up some additional creative elements to make the themes pop. The theme editor produces the theme.ini file and saves all settings within. If a feature is enabled via Setup Wizard, but is not in the theme.ini file (Weather Icon or Pop-up descriptions, for example) then the theme.ini will override the setting within gameex.ini. I hope that helps some!
  13. Based on his original post, while there was considerable detail, he did not provide enough information with regards to a frame of reference, if he was working on a theme, or noting an observation with regards to a specific theme. I know that you have asked about Theme Editor and some very specific questions within other threads and I as well as others will be glad to address them. If you have similar concerns, let's discuss them. If you have an issue with how I responded, I will be glad to take that up with you via PM. We are here to help, but we are not perfect and some times things do not come out quite as intended.
  14. Probably wouldn't hurt to delete temporary internet files several times a week (or change the setting under Tools>Internet Options>Advanced Tab to Delete temporary internet files when browser is closed).
  15. I was going to say we are running the same versions of IE and Win 7. I am not having a problem so it isn't a Win 7 or IE 9 issue.
  16. First, what version of Internet Explorer are you using?
  17. Not yet - not sure it is possible. For Win 7 (and likely VIsta) it installs as a Gadget.
  18. You can find out more about Bluestacks here!
  19. Could we be butting heads with a driver issue? Is the latest driver installed for the monitor?
  20. Draco1962

    LED Blinky

    I think that there have been several discussions about this functionality and I would have to say that if it wasn't part of the original ROM functionality (such as blinking Player 1 and 2 buttons, Coin Slot lights, etc), then it would require hacking the ROM for each and every game. That would be a significantly tall order. In re-reading your post, are you saying that it works outside of GameEx but does not when you run MAME through GameEx?
  21. "Layers? Parfaits have layers. Everyone loves a parfait!"
  22. You may be right - I just let it run with the ROMs because it reminds me more of that Arcade feel.
  23. +1 to that. Seems like it should be doable if we can have the same level of control that we do with the scrolling RSS feeds (placement, size of box). Independent color/font/size selection of all text elements would also be a nice feature.
  24. Actually, while in attract mode, the screensaver is loading ROMs and not playing videos.
  25. Glad to see you back! The latest release may work better for you now - please give it a try and let us know how it works out for you. There are not many touchscreen users that frequent the forum actively so any feedback you can provide helps us to help others going forward.
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