That's it! We want ALL the toys! The images displayed are relative to the location with the menus, . If you are on the Start menu, images displayed in Image1 of a theme usually consist of Logo files assigned to emulators, MAME, Multimedia, and the like. Image2 may show a game marquee, a 3D Cab, or a video snap of a game from an emulator, or nothing at all. Within an emulator, Image1 generally displays a still or video snap (vids if you have them, if not found, then defaults to still snaps). Image2 may show a game marquee, a 3D Cab, etc. The foreground image is the overlay image. Just because there is a path in the Setup Wizard for an emulator, it doesn't mean you have to have still or video snaps. You can put family vacation photos to represent the ROMS in your collection and they will display for that specific ROM so long as they are named the same as the ROM. Not sure where you are going here or maybe I have confuzzled things a little with my earlier response (damned brevity!). The only thing that will likely get stretched are images representing the selector bars, be it a bar or your Pac-Man example. I have actually put in an Enhancement Request to address this issue as I think it would open up some additional creative elements to make the themes pop. The theme editor produces the theme.ini file and saves all settings within. If a feature is enabled via Setup Wizard, but is not in the theme.ini file (Weather Icon or Pop-up descriptions, for example) then the theme.ini will override the setting within gameex.ini. I hope that helps some!