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Everything posted by Draco1962

  1. IMHO, I would say if you know you will never play it, then delete it altogether. I do not envy anyone that has to do that to 30+ emulators, but honestly, I think you will save in performance all around. I think that option 3 of the above is most sound.
  2. That is a unique idea. I think that the video snaps on the TV would look better in conjunction with the cartridge displayed. Coming along good!
  3. Draco1962

    New theme

    Can you please upload copies of your gameex.ini and log.txt files?
  4. LOL! Rick Rolled 8-bit style! Speaking of 8-Bit music, was thinking about loading up on 8-bit mixes of game themes and rock & pop tunes. Would be a cool alternative to the arcade ambience and, in most cases, less distracting than full on vocal versions.
  5. I am working on yet another theme - click for a video of it in action and tell me what ya think!
  6. Well, would you like to share with the rest of the forum or keep it all to yourself?
  7. How is the speed when compared to the classic display?
  8. I don't believe you are missing anything. It is a limitation of the Theme Editor. In some cases you can copy & paste the image into the theme editor section but not all.
  9. That's good to know! I think it will be a welcome addition and will aid in streamlining some future themes! I look forward to giving it a go and providing my usual feedback!
  10. Looks good, however may take a little getting used to. What kind of changes/tweaks do you think that will entail? How will this impact the use of Custom Menus?
  11. Thanks for that, Ian. So I am only 6 months younger than my actual age...
  12. +1 to what Adultery said! If more people would contribute to our community in any way they can (graphic design, video captures, technical advice, etc.) instead of taking we'd all be the better for it. My apologies for highjacking your thread, DJ, with my rant. Your efforts are much appreciated!
  13. Well with some luck maybe we can kill two birds with one stone! Or at least better identify where the problem is originating.
  14. Would be interesting, but to be honest, I kind of like keeping them separated and not because of the "one takes a coin, the other doesn't" argument." Like government, if a program tries to be all things to all, it tends to become bloated, unwieldy, and inefficient. MESS on its own merit, while there are a few people working on various areas, has so many systems in it the have been relatively ignored or imperfected for years.
  15. You may want to reinstall the latest version of DirectX and see if that resolves the issue. If this does not resolve it, since you are loading random movies from your video library, can you try changing that setting to load only from the ROMs and not the videos to see if that works without error?
  16. Happy b-day Kid! Don't do anything that I would do. You will just be bored!
  17. I know it isn't always convenient but you are going to need to find a way to port over your log.txt and gameex.ini files as we cannot see everything clearly in a photo image that we need to diagnose what is going on. I would recommend investing in an inexpensive thumb drive and you might reconsider not having any kind of connectivity within your network so that you can remote into your system or setup a KVM.
  18. Just think.. a few more years and I will be in prime position to have my kids change MY diapers! Hotdiggity! As for the immature feeling, that's just your mental state slipping away.
  19. Well, first off - Happy Birthday OLD MAN (you can expect to hear that a lot more from now on)! What to expect? Do you have a wife and kids? IF yes to either or both, expect more grey hairs, receding hair line, bulging waist and a thining wallet. Expect crystal clear long term memory and short term memory going down the shitter. Expect an ever-increasing exploration of the hereafter and your eminent demise. You can expect to find yourself saying GD a lot less as you attempt to make peace and do good by the Almighty. Those are just some of the good things...
  20. Good to know! Since I never use that had forgotten it existed. Thanks!
  21. You can but it will mean disabling as many apps as possible via the Setup Wizard first, then using the Custom Menus application to setup. Likley you will want to have two screens, 1 for your emulator and one for your Exit commands.
  22. You are a tease! Look forward to seeing the theme!
  23. For my system, I have the path set under MAME as E:\Assets\MAME\3D Cabs and each cab has its own folder named the same as the ROM file. Each folder contains the multiple files required by GameEx to "construct" and display the 3D cab. Make sure that you have the actual path setup within the MAME section of the setup wizard.
  24. Thanks! That seems to have done the trick! What was the problem?
  25. Since updating to 12.24 I can no longer access the Setup Wizard due to the following, repeating error in the attached image and spoiler below: I am unable to advance to the next screen as the error pops up again and will not allow me to advance. I have also performed a full download and install but encounter the same error.
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