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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Hey there kiddo! Keep dad on his toes with your mad gaming skills! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. "Woah!" - In WALL-E voice. Happy Birthday dude!
  3. I never seen this show. Heard lots about it, and various clips. They had a similar show on Nick when I was a kid but I don't remember what it was called. The winning team got to go into a green screen room to battle the "boss". I think maybe it was called Nick Arcade?
  4. Heh, I think you guys just don't wanna play anymore. Ok, it's a Sega CD game.
  5. Grr you guys! Why you gotta make me a bad guy? I can't accept these last 2 entries because you guys have multiple credits in the machine! Those are our rules man! I've let it slide before but I just can't do it anymore. If it alienates you guys, I'm sorry. Fair's fair. On the plus side, it looks like you guys have some growing experience, so you should be able to get there legit! I'll still accept @patrickfx's score he managed to earn on Sunday. I can't accept the higher one though because I have no way to determine if you followed the 1 game 1 credit rule. I hope that's ok? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. "I made it to the 2nd anthill"..... never. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. I'm sorry, but I'm not the least bit interested in this system. I regret not buying an Xbox One, but only slightly. Honestly, I feel like home gaming consoles are reaching their pinnacle, and there's going to be a major game crash looming. I don't know what it is, maybe it's just because I'm getting older and haven't had much interest as of late. But I feel like there's not been much happening other than the VR. All the games look and play the same anymore. It's stagnating.
  8. I've always felt like Nintendo was created for kids. They can't compete with Sony and M$. Their solution has always been to release "close to" competitive hardware specs but games nobody but kids would want to play. Add to that a completely different controller for each system. They get licensing for big name games, but they always suck in comparison to the ports on the other 2 big systems. They got Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, and Zelda. Even Final Fantasy changed systems for the most part. Nintendo has always tried to gimmick the market. I'm actually surprised they weren't the first system to come out with a VR-dedicated system. And yes, I'm talking true VR, not Visual Boy. They're falling behind the curve, and it's likely going to hurt them.
  9. @Adultery - He's referring to the screenshot Cynicaster took of his initials, and it showed MAM on it as well. This was his IN-GAME screenshot, not using the snapshot plugin. As far as I know, there is no way to integrate high scores that are achieved on a different machine INTO yours. Meaning, if I get a high score and get to enter my initials on the in-game board on MY computer, it doesn't automatically sync it up and send it to everybody elses in-game too. That's why we needed the forum. It would be awesome if we could some how get scores to sync, but unless the game was programmed with such an ability, I doubt very much this would be possible. All we get is the forum for you to post your score (with a screenshot proof) and we update the boards here. When you play, you'll only see your board. You'll have to visit the forum to see what the current scores are in the competition. Does that make sense?
  10. All that would do would enable the community to supply more games to the system, which Nintendo couldn't regulate and make a buck on. If they were smart, they could have included a wifi device that connects to your home router. Then allow purchasing of more games through an online market. By supplying an SD card, they would just make it that much easier for pirating. You have to remember, the market is for people who aren't particularly intelligent. They probably didn't think about hackers rewriting the ROM. They could have easily encrypted the ROM, making it impossible for cracking. That's been the problem with the XBOne mod. The underlying ROM is encrypted, so even though they can extract and write new ones, without having access to the code in the original ROM, modding is lost. If I remember right, the only reason the original XBOX and XBOX360 were modded successfully was because somebody "on the inside" leaked the encryption key. Nintendo just dropped the ball here by not encrypting it. I have a suspicion that they will correct this oversight in a future release of the console, to prevent hackers from being able to add more games.
  11. But you were soooo close. I mean, if you could have just guessed the MOVIE I would have given it to ya! lol
  12. I honestly never went into it very much to see if there is a way to visualize high scores from within GameEx. I know for sure that there is a generated RSS feed, that you can set up to display at the bottom of your screen (if you're using a theme that has it). With the advancements to GameEx in the "Evolution" field, I think there are plans (maybe already implemented) to show tables and such inside the menus. I've not taken the Evolution plunge yet though, so I don't know if it's integrated yet or if it is what is required to set it up. As for the MAP file, you need to use the "Custom Menus" app located in START/GameEx/Configuration. Just create a new emulator entry in the Setup Wizard, add the MAP file location, and then the Custom Menu for it. All the details can be found here: https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/12781-rules-guides-and-map-file/#comment-116527
  13. The program we use is external to GameEx. It simply generates the xml that GameEx can read, and uploads to a server so it's always accessible. GameEx does all the rest. There is also a MAP file that is generated so you can create a separate menu item to list just the games that are currently supported.
  14. Wow.. I couldn't find a funny enough youtube video to mimic my spastic behavior at seeing this!
  15. I could have sworn this is where you were going with this!!!
  16. Holy wow. Kids getting younger and younger playing some awesome licks. I wish I could play. Might get me a girlfriend.
  17. According to my own collection, a ZIPPED No-Intro romset (dating 2014-04-18) takes up 273-278 MB or so. UNZIPPED (the way the mini-nes would require) I'm not sure. Add to that a (probably) thumbnail of each cover, and you're mostly likely well over the 512 MB the device was reported to have. That's not including the OS. Still, my collection has EVERYTHING, with multiple versions of each ROM (copies from each region, hacks, mods, etc). So it might be possible, though the latest I had seen was 80 games max due to the internal buffer memory of the game list reaching critical causing the system to become unstable crash unrecoverably. As in, rebooting does nothing to fix it. Personally, I don't think there's 80 games I'd ever play. I like the idea a lot though, just not the price. Even NEW (from official outlets) doesn't it cost like $60? That's a lot of money to spend on something like this, when you can get those other micro-consoles for $20. But I guess you're paying for the brand.
  18. I can't believe you guys can't guess this one.. I'll change it. The Atari ST version (that I grew up with) had a much better audio recording of the quotes than the arcade version did. And I love how you get the original ending music from the movie BEFORE the Special Edition changed it (but I like the changed music, just not the replacement of Anakin). Ok new quote: "Relax... Pretend it's a game!"
  19. Thanks for being honest about your scoring MO. Without even playing it myself, it does indeed look like there is a huge increase in difficulty (if just for the lack of ships). Maybe I'll find time to play this tomorrow. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. YOU'VE been busy? What about me? I've turned into an unsupporting administrator rather than an active participant. I've been too busy with side projects, like my NesPi and the Sega Genesis hub. I have so much TV to catch up on it's not even funny. And don't get me started on just sitting back, relaxing, and just playing for high scores. No biggies. We all play when we can. How would you (active) guys feel about maybe doing a new game every 2 months? Maybe it'll help give more people a chance to enter?
  21. That's a good looking theme. I don't like the wheel. Never understood the attraction to it. I'd like to see where he takes it. I might use it for my Sega.
  22. Yeah, my point exactly. It would be nice, but I think it's better to just leave the controls the way they are and just learn the proper way.
  23. I almost came up with a quote from The Force Unleashed, but I thought it would be too difficult. You're so very close tthurman!
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