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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. OK, so.. the movie's out. Rogue One. No Spoilers! But what did you think? I just got back from the first showing at my local theater. OMG I freaking loved it. I really had my doubts, believing this would be the end of Star Wars. If people didn't go see it and like it, then Disney would no doubt cut out the Young Han/etc films, and stop making movies after Episode 9. I gotta say, after seeing this movie though, there is no doubt it my mind that there is LOTS of good stuff out there to explore. Even this movie sets up stories that exist in the expanded universe that are now being hinted to as being Canon. Once people start seeing it, I'd love to talk shop with everybody about what things they saw and picked up on. but I don't want to spoil anything. Get out there and see it folks! Tell Disney and Lucasfilm they need to keep making Star Wars movies!
  2. That's awesome. Improving your score is always a nice feeling. I just wish I could make it to Level 2. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  3. Looking for some help guys. Anybody use OpenOffice? It's the free alternative to Microsoft Office. I'm looking for a way to add barcodes to a spreadsheet I'm working on. At work, every "period" (month) we get a new order guide. It's 60 pages, front and back (so really 120) of everything possible we can order for our department. It's just a really big spreadsheet, with boxes for you to indicate each day if you need the item or not, and a barcode next to it for you to scan into the computer to order. So last year, this team of experts came in to try to make things a little less stressful. They identified this order guide as a pain in the ass, and developed an easier guide for me to use. Their solution was to photocopy each page, then use some scissors and tape to cut each item we really carry in the department out, and put together a new order guide with just our stuff. It's great, I love it. Problem is, we're now about 10 months beyond that guide. Our corporate office as demanded we start carrying new items that's not in this guide, as well as removing stuff that's no longer needed. So now we're playing with a guide that has maybe 20% of the items scratched out so we don't order it, and then we're going back to the "monthly" guide to scan in the new items every day. Since I'm on vacation, I suggested I could do one better, since that team of experts has moved on to other departments and refuses to come back and help us make a new guide. My goal was to use my flatbed scanner, make a digital copy on the computer of each page, and use Photoshop to create the new guide, rather than scissors and tape. I spent 4 hours yesterday scanning every page. It looked great on the computer. But after doing my cut/paste job for the first page, the print out was really bad. I don't know what happened, but it looks like the scanning process may have picked up the bleed through from the back side of each page (because the original guide is printed front and back). So while all the words are legible, the barcodes are unscanable. So doing a scan won't work (because my scanner is too good I guess lol) My go-to solution was to just make a new spreadsheet. I have it exactly how I want it, and it looks awesome. The problem is, I have no way to add the barcodes, which defeats the entire purpose. I thought about maybe using a barcode font but I don't know our readers can actually scan it. I have a personal barcode reader I use for scanning in new comic books. It was unable to read it. So my next venture was to try and find a barcode generator online. There are TONS, with different formats to chose from. I picked one that looked very similar to the one we have and generated the image. But when I tried to add it to the spreadsheet, it wouldn't fit. I tried to shrink it down to fit in the cell, then it became pixelated and unscanable. I'm completely lost. What I need to find is something like a plugin for OpenOffice that will generate barcodes for me. Trouble is, I only found a few such plugins and they have horrible reviews. The only one that gets anything decent actually costs money. So I'm asking the nerd guys here for some help. Do you know of any such utility I can use to generate barcodes that would actually be usable? I just thought of another solution...... I believe they have the spreadsheet saved as a PDF document on the corporate server. If I can somehow manage to get a copy of that PDF (like on a flash drive), is there any way I can edit the PDF? Or is there maybe some program that converts PDF pages into separate high-resolution images? If I can convert it to images, then I can go back to my original Photoshop idea.
  4. I'm so poor and skill-less. Wanna build me a cabinet for Christmas? lol
  5. I was soooo let down with Force Awakens. They made it all badass in the trailers, then about half way through I was like "wait a minute, I've seen this before". Then by the end I was glad to leave. I blame the writers though, not Abrams. Although his trademark effects and camera work was all over the place. I feel like if there was a different director, the movie still would have been 'meh' due to the writers basically plagiarizing Episode 4. The only good parts were when Finn and Poe were flying the Tie Fighter, when Kylo was reaching for the saber and it flung into Rey's hands instead (queue epic Force Theme), and when Rey was giving the hand-off (no pun intended!) of the saber back to Luke. All the rest was a bunch of BS. Harrison and (for what it's worth) Mark still have it, but Carrie has lost it. Should have killed her and not Han. Rogue One will be either awesome or terrible. The nice thing is, there's no grounds for this being done before. An in-between-quel. You know what happened before and after. I can imagine Disney has a lot riding on this film. Because if it bombs, they'll have to rethink their future movies plans with Young Han, Young Obi-wan, Young Yoda, etc. I personally would like to see a 1000-generations ago prequel before Episode 1 dealing with Darth Revan and the Knights of the Old Republic. Here's a favorited MEME on Facebook. I love Mark Hamill's reply!
  6. Yeah I thought we already had a Mortal Kombat quote. *blows another whistle* FOUL!
  7. Heh with my poor skills, he'd have a photo of mine on there if I ever built a cab.
  8. Leave some for the poor helpless squirrels who didn't prepare for winter! -Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. Adultery wins as he was the first to respond with the correct answer. Sorry I didn't get back sooner. I was out of the house all day yesterday.
  10. I wish I could work for a Pinball production company. That would be awesome. Even if I was just the guy that worked in the shipping department and stuck the tracking label on the outside of the box.
  11. I just realized.. I'm on vacation this week. I can actually go see Star Wars and not have to request the day off!! WOOO!!!!
  12. Say what? MO sucks at a game? No way! A 3,100 point improvement IS an improvement, so way to go! Also.. fun history fact. Your last submission for this game was WAAAAY back on April 14, 2014. How's that for longevity! Pretty cool we still have this going. Thanks guys! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Yay! Here's the next one: "He's on Fire!" (Trying to keep it simple this time lol)
  14. Hey, you're not allowed to make another quote until @the_greeze confirms you got the right game! Maybe he's thinking of Lemmings or something lol. If you did win, I'm going to guess Mortal Kombat, just because somebody has to. I'm sure that's not right. You'll say it's one of the 10 or so sequels. Or you'll say it's something totally different, which is fine.
  15. Well I guess my idea of "Berzerk" is wrong then. When you said "Speech Synthesis", that's where I went. Commodore platforms I know nothing about, so I bow out on this round.
  16. I got the joke stig. And once again I made it to 15 SPS, but failed to take a screenie. Oh well. Still pretty funny!
  17. Thanks for the tip MO. And that's a killer score. Don't know if anybody can beat it. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. DOH! That's what I was going to say. If it's not that, is it the video game version of Starship Troopers?
  19. Yeah that 2nd video is actually what got me really super excited and wanting to build it.
  20. Heh I only said that because just about everybody knew what it was but you. DING DING DING DING DING!!!! We have a winner.. you're up Stig!
  21. Thanks @tthurman I'll probably watch it tonight. Honestly, when I'm feeling like watching Christmas type movies/specials, I typically watch the same things. A little Frosty, Rudolf, Charlie Brown, and Garfield. Then I'll say "enough of this crap" and throw in some Die Hard 1 and 2. Then I'll come back a little bit and watch some Home Alone 1 and 2. Then maybe throw in an Earnest Saves Christmas. When I was a kid, we had a CARTOON tape (VHS) my dad made with a bunch of Disney toons recorded off of the (pre-commercialized) Disney Channel. Then we made a CHRISTMAS tape with the same stuff (toons/specials). We had shows on there I've never seen re-aired. (Yes, he had a copy of the Star Was Christmas Special he taped live! and no we can't watch it anymore or digitize it). There were some things with a donkey who carried Mary to the Manger (I think his name was Nesser?), some kind of stop-motion that showed Santa when he was thin, and another stop-motion that had a bunch of weird holiday type characters in it (I only remember a wizard looking guy with a long pointy hat that was in all black or dark blue and blew snow like jack frost or something). We even had the "Claymation Christmas". Oh and some Grinch for good measure. We just missed taping the Mizer guys, and just usually watched the tape instead of live tv to break the commercials. Now in the days of digital, and thanks to the fire, I've lost the ability to watch our old toon tapes. Destroyed with 98% of everything else. It was really fun too because when we got to the Garfield special, Dad forgot to cut out the commercials, so it was fun watching them. Because it was Christmas time, I think they had a commercial for the NES, which was awesome because the last time I watched the tape I was in my mid teens and playing on Sega Genesis right before the PlayStation came out. Makes you remember the old days. Like, I found an old MicroCenter ad I got in the mail from a while ago, where they were trying to sell the all-new never before seen Pentium 4 computers for $2k. Now it's like the ARM processors on the Raspberry Pi are even faster, and it only costs $25.
  22. Ok, it's a Beat-em Up, Adventure. Kinda strange actually. Think Golden Axe, but it's not actually that one. It has animals in it (BIG CLUE THERE). I originally played it on the Sega Genesis (from a rental), but it was ported to just about every other system on the market at the time. Originally an arcade game, by SEGA.... Still nothing? I'll give you till tomorrow, then I'm saying stigzler=loser and I'll pick a different one. I'm actually surprised nobody has actually guessed this one yet. I thought it was a pretty popular game. Maybe it was a niche market.
  23. NEW PROJECT!!! With the extremely satisfying success I'm getting with my RetroPie build inside an NES case, I decided I wanted to one better. But rather than build an EVERYTHING system like the NES one, this one is going to be just a little itty bitty Sega system. Ahh the memories. My plan is to build a system using a MICRO Sega Genesis case instead of a full size one. My plan is to use the case currently available as a USB hub. There was mention of it in the RetroPie forums, and my mouth dropped open. I have to have it! Basically, it's a 4 port USB hub. Due to the size of the case, there is lots of free space available for a Pi. I'm thinking I might go Pi Zero, but might need to go to a Pi 2 and desolder the lan/usb plugs. Zero would be best, but I'm not sure (according to Kustom Kid's Zero in a NES cart build) it will run Sega 32x well enough. I intend on basically setting up a RetroPie with just Sega SG-1000, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Sega 32x, Sega CD, and Sega Game Gear. If 32X doesn't work, I guess I can get rid of it. So yeah, if anybody is interested... The USB hub was (from my understanding at 2am last night half asleep) a free give away as part of a bundle if you bought some other things. Like a geek box, with misc goodies inside. Then somebody thought it would be a good idea and decided to make the USB hub available to sell without needing to buy a box of other stuff. I don't know if they're still being made, or when more will come, but it looks like the only place you can buy them is eBay, Amazon, and this T-Shirt website called ShirtPunch. Here is their link: https://www.shirtpunch.com/sega-genesis-usb-hub And here are some photos they have on their website showing it off (and yes, I noticed the Sega Master System logo on the box lol): Pretty snazzy looking huh?! The power switch moves, but is just for show. Easily fixed with parts from RadioShack, etc. The Volume slider moves, but is also for show. No word on what people are able to do with that yet. The RESET button is, however, just a paint job. Perhaps if my skill was good enough, I could cut it out, and actually mount it to a switch. I dunno. So what do you guys think? I ordered mine (just 1) last night when there were 27 left. There are now (as of this writing) 12 left. If you're interested, now's the time because they're going fast! No word yet on shipping. It cost $6 to ship. Some people have actually been reporting (of course after I paid for it) some shadiness going on with this retailer. Shipments taking a VERY long time, little to no communication even after they've sent multiple emails.. I just hope my experience is a positive one. I don't care about any shipping delay. I know it's Christmas. I'd just like to get it whenever. It's my NEXT project after all. I just hope they don't rip me off.
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