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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. WOW HOLY COW!!! Way to go Patrick! I might just have to "throw in the towel" already. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. No I watched the whole thing, I just couldn't get past how badly his mask fit. Good CGI though. We've come a long way.
  3. Actually, I miscalculated/misread. You achieved 1.8, not 3, as 386850 is 1800 more points from 385050. So you're good!
  4. Hehe. Could only stand to watch it till I saw Vader's neck.
  5. <shakes fist furiously> I knew you guys would beat my score! AAAARRGH!! I thought I'd have 1st place for at least a week the way our competition has been of late. Thanks for proving me wrong guys! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. Oooh, better than 1k.. its 1.3 k. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. Updated Leaderboard to represent recent movements. I'm now in 8th (from 10th), so check and see where you've moved! Keep those scores coming in, beat your peers, and move up the board! Even if you submit a crappy score, or don't beat anybody, as long as you submit something and make it on the board (with a score better than the #10 spot), you earn points for you submission. So there's no reason not to post a score. And you earn MORE points based on your position. So if a game only has 5 players on the board, your submission, even if it's just 1 point, is still worth 50 points on your Leaderboard scoring, which is better than 0 if you don't submit anything!
  8. Updated table to remove voted GOTM (Mat Mania).
  9. Here kicks off my first submit. Getting it in early. I've no experience with this (like most games), so I know this score will be easily defeated. But hey, even if you don't win the GOTM, submissions count towards the overall, so it's still a win in my book! Score: 16,250 Initials: HAN (there are more letters than 3, so watch out!) Round: 2 Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. Here comes an exciting game from the world of professional wrestling! I've never been a fan of wrestling, but this game is pretty fun. When I tested it to check the default switches, I found it quite enjoyable. Hope everybody has fun competing in this game and in the high score competition! Mat Mania – The Prowrestling Network, known in Japan as Exciting Hour - The Prowrestling Network (エキサイティング アワー ザ プロレスリング ネットワーク?), or simply either as Mat Mania or Exciting Hour (エキサイティング アワー?), is a 1985 Japanese pro wrestling-themed arcade game developed by Technōs Japan and published by Taito. It is a spiritual successor to the 1983 arcade game Tag-Team Wrestling, also developed by Technōs Japan, but published by Data East. It was also ported to the PS4 console in 2015.[1] The game is played by one or two players (alternating in turns). It is recognized among game enthusiasts as the first of the genre to have achieved a high level of playability.[2] Further, the game aesthetics, sprite concepts & design, in-game theme music, and comical presentation have lent well in preserving it as a beloved arcade classic. The game is presented in the guise of a televised pro-wrestling broadcast, the Taito Wrestling Association (Technos Wrestling Association in the Japanese version). The intro sequence and subsequent intermissions portray a disheveled pro-wrestling host, Cory (Nari in the Japanese version). His hair is unkempt and his sleeves rolled up as he manically announces the particulars of the upcoming bout. The player controls a wrestler who makes his way through the ranks of the TWA, challenging various thematically colorful opponents, before finally challenging the champion in the fifth match. Upon ascending to the championship, the player is presented with a championship belt in a presentation ceremony. The player must then defend his title against the previous five opponents, drawn at random. - Quote from Wikipedia
  11. March 2017 GOTM Winner: Cynicaster - 1,116,700 (link) Mat Mania Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Cynicaster 1,116,700 2 RedDog 427,150 3 patrickfx 215,250 4 Luigimaker 48,700 5 Floyd Turbo 27,650 6 ExedExes 22,400 7 millerbrad 19,200 8 rtkiii 18,700 9 hansolo77 16,250 Last Updated by hansolo77: 11-30-2019 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Mat Mania: ROMSet: MatMania Difficulty: Medium Tournament Time: 2:36 Unused: Off [All] Cabinet: Upright Service Mode: Off Special Rules: None The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  12. It's the control scheme that blew it for me. It's hard to play when you're used to other fighting games requiring you to press the button AFTER you make your joystick move. This one is in reverse, so it threw me off. Your score was still pretty good considering. I'm coming into this game having never heard of it or played it. Meanwhile, our better scorers have some experience going into it. It's all good though, it's just for fun! Our February GOTM contest is now over, but you don't have to stop playing this game! We have our winner, but we look forward to receiving more submissions and the eventual dethroning! Join me in congratulating ExedExes in his supremacy! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. I saw a post about it on Facebook the day he died. There were no official announcements made anywhere else, so I thought it was a hoax. Then I started hearing about it on the news and I knew. Damn shame. People die all the time, it's nothing new. But when it's a celebrity that you really liked, it hits you pretty hard. So sad. You'll be missed Mr. Paxton.
  14. I figured that's what it was, I just didn't want to say it because you gave it away!
  15. I know, I don't know how you guys do it. I mean, Pac-Man is such a simple game too. You'd think I'd kill it, but nope. Nice score EE. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. I actually like having high scores stay with the game after you've closed them down and haven't played them for months/years. Makes it so you don't have to keep a log book of your scores that way. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. There goes my shot at 3rd place lol Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. Well then.. unless you just gave us the answer.. using this website (because I'm lame at rhyming): http://www.rhymezone.com/r/rhyme.cgi?typeofrhyme=nry&loc=dmapi5&Word=fallout My only possible guess would be "Ball Out", some sort of baseball sports game perhaps. But I doubt there is such a game where part of a quote from it would include the word "war".
  19. Princess Leia movie? Um, this wasn't even hinted at the last time I saw a future movie timeline. But I've got to say, I don't know ANY of those girls. So if it were up to me, I'd pick Carrie's own daughter for the role. Han Solo movie? Excited to see what they come up with. Perhaps the creation of the Han<->Chewbacca Life Debt? Which, although never mentioned on screen, was a well known bit of Star Wars lore, and I'm pretty shocked they didn't do anything about it with him dying in Episode 8. Oh sorry, spoilers, but if you haven't seen it yet, wtf are you waiting for already? But yeah, Chewie was supposed to sacrifice himself before he would let Han come to death. Would love to see how that all started.
  20. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! lol Medal of Honor?
  21. I only never heard of "The Legend of Mystical Ninja". I've played bits of all the others, though never fully. Ogre Battle was also on PSX, Boogerman and Jurassic Park were also on Sega Genesis (the system we had). I believe I played Shadowrun on Genesis too, but it might have been on PSX.
  22. Yep, I fall into that "never played it" category. The name sounds familiar, but I don't remember ever playing it. New quote.. Sounds like maybe Metal Gear Solid?
  23. Lol you gave it away! The title of the video clip is ON the video. So is it... "Total Annihilation?" hehe new quote please
  24. I just hate that only a handful of us is playing. I'm only just recently beginning to branch out my gaming exposure. A lot of stuff is new to me that so many people are instantly familiar with. I'm sure if we had more people participating, it would probably come instantly too them by either the quote, or from the various clues. I personally just can't think of anything else that is a futuristic RTS game other than Starcraft (which I was actually really surprised I thought of, given that I only played maybe 25% of the first one, and that's it).
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