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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Old, Classic Mariah was f* hot. Now a days, not so much.
  2. I don't recall that character from any Halo game I ever played. Unless it was in Halo Wars, which I never completed. Can I cheat and list all of them? My guess is Halo Wars, but for reference, here's all the games I recall on XB360: Halo 3 Halo ODST Halo Reach Halo Wars Halo 4 It's probably from some expansion pack though lol. And talking headstones/etc, I was about to suggest Ghost & Goblins, and if that wasn't right then Castlevania. But, when you pulled out that 7th gen stuff, I went completely blank. Glad Adultery narrowed it down to the series and character. I thought I was a Halo fanboy, but that name just doesn't ring a bell. If it's not Wars, then just give it to Adultery.
  3. Since it's sort of a holiday tonight, I'll let the competition continue through past midnight if anybody wants to enter any last minute scores. I'll turn a blind eye, and won't consider the GOTM over until tomorrow when I update the boards. So get those scores in guys!
  4. Heh a nudge he says... Diablo, Bayonetta, and Devil May Cry were all console games. `\o/` (<-that's me shrugging) Dante's Inferno?
  5. WOW! $2.5k for that? I think I'll just pass when it comes to my build. Sheesh!
  6. Don't wish for 2017 too soon. With Trump being the new USA President, we'll see nuclear WW3 next year I know it. He's already been quoted saying something like "we need MORE nukes to prove to the rest of the world that we have more and we're not to be messed with." I mean, the guy is NOT a politician. Has no background credit. He spreads money around, and will no doubt make things tighter for everybody but the top 1%. And he just announced he's selected Bush's counter-terrorism chief as his own. I mean, clearly that guy doesn't know what he's doing if 9/11 was allowed to happen. Uhg. It'll be something amazing if Trump makes it through his first year without getting assassinated. But yeah, can't believe Carrie Fisher died. A little of myself died with her. So sad. Just can't believe it.
  7. Pick a different one Adultery. I had to google it too.. I'm like RedDog, I've never played it. Shame nobody could guess it. I think it was even remade a second time for Xbox Arcade, but that might just be a fancier way of playing the NES version.
  8. Wow.. YCDTOT!!! I remember that show. It's where the Slime originated. I remember the cook, wasn't his name Barf? Oh yeah, and happy belated birthday bud!
  9. "I can't dance". -Genesis Is it some obscure game, like a contemporary reboot of Centipede or Space Invaders with a story line? (I'm trying to factor in that no-jump hint).
  10. Nice job everybody! Hope you're having a safe and Merry Christmas! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. Awesome score dude! I agree, you pretty much have to play this game with a spinner. A mouse can only get you so far!
  12. Not sure what you mean. The way the system works, you configure the controller inside EmulationStation. After that, RetroPie goes to work and creates custom controller configs for each system and each controller. When RetroArch is then launched via EmulationStation, it automatically picks up the controller mapping. I think the problem came from when I was trying to get the wireless keyboard/mouse dongle to associate with the Duke Nukem port. That was the last thing I installed since it was working correctly. The port doesn't use the LibRetro system, so RetroArch isn't involved which makes configuring controls that much more difficult. Yesterday, I started by making a new SD card image with the current (non-working) settings. I then rewrote the last SD card image prior and made some copies of the WORKING config files. I then rewote the most recent image and copied the WORKING configs in. That fixed everything else, but now Duke's not working. So I'm back to running status. It's just a matter of time till I crack it. I'm ok with it. I don't want to have to sink any more money or time into the hardware. I took a look and I think I can change the orientation of the plug and have it on the outside of the case like I did the C14. That was my original plan, I'm not sure why I mounted the whole thing internally. The only difficulty I'll have is getting access to the nuts holding the screws in place. I installed the screws before I had the USB hub. When I did the modification to the adapter for the hub (cutting the plug off so I could mount it horizontally instead of verticaly) I actually hot glued the adapter down to the bottom of the case. I'll have to see if there is enough room to get some needlenose pliers onto the nut behind it. If not, I'm not going to worry about it.
  13. Not sure what you mean. I think the problem came from when I was trying to get the wireless keyboard/mouse dongle to associate with the Duke Nukem port. That was the last thing I installed since it was working correctly. When I rewrote the last SD card image prior and made some copies of the WORKING config. I then rewote the most recent image and copied the WORKING configs in. That fixed everything else, but now Duke's not working. But I fixed it, so I'm back to running status. It's just a matter of time till I crack it.
  14. Good stuff here. All the issues you're having with the 3D printer is exactly why I haven't bothered investing in getting one of my own. The crispy/brittle-ness of the matrials and warping all sound like too much hassle. And if the end result looks like your printed cases (even when compared to the finished result where you got your inspiration) I don't feel inspired myself to get a printer and build one myself, at least not yet. That doesn't mean you should stop. I think you're on the right track, and so long as you're willing to put in the effort, make observations, take notes, make changes, and experiement, that's what science is all about! Keep it up! Getting deliveries... ahh yes. Christmas morning indeed. I mentioned the same feeling myself in the other thread. It's always exciting to see new stuff arrive at your door. When you're doing a project like this, it's a great feeling of adrenaline you get, knowing that you now have that part you were waiting for so you could go forward with the next part of your project. That's the way I felt when my C14 power plugs finally came from China, the USB Hub from Europe, and the Mausberry power circuit from whereever it came from. Once I had those parts, I felt like it was "all go". Let me know if you need any help on the software side of things. Now that I'm 98% done with the hardware side of my own project, I'm in software mode for the most part now. A lot of the backend work I did (if you're planning on taking a similar direction with RetroPie) I hope I documented well enough to get you at least started. I'm not fluent in RetroPie, but I know a bit more about how things work on it now that I've been working on it for a while. Things like Linux are a chore, and understanding the nuances of how to use it and the commands to use can be a pain. Google is your friend. If you do go with RetroPie, their WIKI page has a ton of helpful information, as does their forum outright, before you even ask a question. Let me know!
  15. Yeah I hate to be a jerk like that. It's just to be safe and make things easier to track and justify. Thanks man! I know that score can be beat by you anyway though, so no harm. There's still a good week of playing available!
  16. Wait, are we taking Adultery's quote or tthurman's? Or does Adultery know it and added another quote from that game and I'm just lost?
  17. LOL WHAT?!!!! Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter? Woah man, woah. And the evidence with the stabbing lightsaber is awesome.. makes great sense. I mean, she could be anybody. There's no reason to keep her within the existing familes. I mean, a LONG SHOT would say she's maybe Padme's sisters's kid or something. But there's no reason she can't be just a made up character. Makes it interesting though to fantasize about her being related to the Skywalker's, Kenobi's, or Solo's. But no mention of who Snoke is. WTF... who is this guy? Interestingly, they are eager to develop this character Thrawn more (he existed in the now legendified "Heir to the Empire" series (which I highly recommend)). They already have him existing in the Rebels cartoon show, and there is a book being written to be published in February I believe. What if.. nah couldn't be. Thrawn becomes Snoke? Or is Snoke maybe Darth Maul????? The only visual we have of him is a couple of hazy holograms, hiding any horns, but that's a long shot too. lol
  18. Everybody else.. I'm watching hockey. Blue Jackets are finally #1 in the entire NHL, and are running 11 game winning streak so far. Gotta keep my support ya know? After the game, I'm going to bed, but I'll update these games' tables soon!
  19. I have to be fair, and the judge rules this entry is not valid. I know it's legit and all, but our established rules for this game because of no initials screen, requires you to have a screenshot that has your score and your high score matching. That way we can at least get a little closer to legit in that you took the pic the same run you made the score. Sorry bud. But you can do better, I can feel it.
  20. Thanks. I'm having a new crisis now though... my controls are all out of whack. I had everything mapped correctly before, and have a backup image of the working SD card. But now it's not working. All I did was add 2 new systems and scrape them. But I must have done something else too at some point. I've lost the ability to control every system with every controller. I can work inside RetroArch just fine, and ES, just fine, but when emulation is running I got nothing. I can't even use the keyboard. Back to the drawing board. All I wanted to do was play some Metroid. Uhg.
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