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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Is there a tool that lists what games your missing?
  2. Ok, so what if one desides to buy a large, say, 48-inch widescreen HD tv for MCE and TV/Movies.. Would GameEx support this? IE; would it put black bars on the left/right side for 4:3 mode?
  3. I don't know.. I usually exit gameex and use my mouse to change the configurations. If you try that, maybe it'll solve your problem.
  4. I was just experminting to see what the vertical looked like and was pressing the [TAB] button. Looks like it would work great for anybody needing that feature. One problem though. When it went back to the standard horizontal mode, the resolution seemed to be really high like it was for vertical mode. For instance, I have my system setup with the largest available fonts so I can read them on my old TV set. When I switched to Vertical and back, they were really uber small. I don't think fonts were the only thing changed, since the graphic of the arcade cabinet on the main start page was also very small. So, Tom, I think I found something you should look into fixing for the next release!
  5. Sounds like its a problem in the Configuration program Tom, not GameEx itself.
  6. This may cause some problems... [TAB] is also the key used to reset the Sega Genesis when running the Gens emulator. Other than that, I can't wait to try out the new version!
  7. Yeah I've been doing some looking around over at mameworld and it looks like MAME32 has its own front end in a way. How well does GameEx work with Mame32? Is there a bunch of hoops to jump through to get it to work?
  8. No mine are still running, and when I alt+ctrl+del they're all listed. When I End Task them, they take a few moments then say they are no longer responding. One thing I noticed though while trying to make screenshots... If I had it auto make the screens, thats when would stay on, unresponsive. If I go the route of using ESC to take the snap, then the vpauto takes over and goes up to 'QUIT' and closes the program. Vpauto doesn't remain this way. I think the program needs tweaked a little. If I use my MCE remote, and hit the [bACK] button to stop playing (as associated with the option to assign keys) thats when the program locks up. GameEx takes over, but vpauto still runs. Kinda bummer way to do it. I can't take my screenshots. If I do the ESC option, GameEx takes the snapshot of the menu that comes up (with exit, debug, resume). If I do the 20-sec timer, the vpauto crashes and stays running.
  9. hansolo77


    I got it... I had to point my working folder to the actual location of the emulator (*which was gens.exe in a different folder than the .bat*) and then for the command I used: Command="[ROMPath]\[RomFile]" instead of Command=cmd.exe /c "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]" Works great now! All I have to do now is create and type out the locations for all the CD's I have (a bunch)... Thanks.
  10. hansolo77


    I am having the same problem as ROMSTAR. Using the example of Eye of the Beholder.. I have tested the bat file from within Windows and it works fine, but the GameEx execution fails. It just goes to a black screen for a few seconds then returns to the menu.
  11. Which emulator should I use? Plain old Mame, Mame32, Advanced Mame? What are the advantages/disadvantages? Is any one in particular better than another? What do most people use? Which works best with GameEx? Just removed your reference to ROMs -heakaze
  12. No problem. I just hope it works for ya.
  13. I had a simlar problem and inquired about it. I think some changes were made to the menuing structure which disable some options when flat menus is turn on. I really like the submenu structure as it makes your start page less cluttered. If we could just get this bug worked out I think it would be great.
  14. I think this is a good idea too. The ability to implement this wouldn't be very hard. Just have the search option open a new screen/menu and use a virtual keyboard layout. At the top of the screen have an input field and at the bottom of the screen have a keyboard layout. Each letter would be a button. And the user can use their remote/controller and go to say the button [m] and press the enter button, then move to [a] and press enter, [r], , [o] etc... then go up to the top field again where another button would say [sEARCH] and it would execute. I've seen this type of system used in regular console games that have online abilities. Where a keyboard isn't present the user can still "type" out the data.
  15. [bUMP] Does anybody know why vpauto is locking up and remains running after exiting the tables?
  16. Something you can look into Adultery is removing the write access to the file. If you right click on the file, go to properties and change the attributes to READ-ONLY.. this should prevent anything from re-writing it, or overwriting it, until you uncheck the READ-ONLY option. Hope that helps.
  17. I would like to see an option to manually edit the menu system. I have a lot of emulators and such. Right now I go into the Emulators menu to access them, which is the way I like. But to get to the MAME games, you have to go in off the main menu rather than through Emulators. I would much rather have all my GAMES in one menu off the main. If a user could create their own menu structure, everybody could make it they way THEY wanted. This is how I would make mine: 1) Favorites 2) Random Game 3) Last Played 4) Emulators (or just call it GAMES) - MAME - PC - NES - SNES ->etc 5) HTPC (tv, movies, music) + TV - Live - Recorded - Scheduled + Movies - Trailers - Videos - DVD's - Online Videos + Music - CD's - Individual Tracks - Radio - Online Music 6) Settings - Theme Picker - Configurator - Control Settings - Menu Settings 7) Close GameEx - Close - Reboot - Logoff - Turn Off
  18. Make sure everything is installed correctly. If it is, import the pre-customized script. Then just point it to your own folders for the tables. The trick is that you have to have all of the files for Visual Pinball and VPinMAME installed correctly for it to work. Also you need to make sure that you have the ROMS (heh that was my problem). Here's a side question for everybody else: When I exit GameEx and go back to the desktop, I notice a whole BUNCH of VPauto's still running in my taskbar. Something like 30 of them since I was trying to make snapshots. Is there any reason why VPauto isn't closing when it goes back to the GameEx screen?
  19. Under 'USE FLAT MENUS' I have it set to NO. After reading the description of that option, I think that's my problem. Checking now... EEK!! it put everything on my Start page... Thats something else I was gonna ask about. Is there anyway to custom configure your menus? I'd like to have setup where MAME was listed under Emulators, along with my other emulaters. And basically you have your Start Page show EMULATORS, FAVORITES, RANDOM, CONFIGURATION, EXIT.. I'd have more but I'm not using anything besides the gaming part (no html, pc, htpc stuff because I use MCE).
  20. I've noticed in the last few updates that the extra features for ThemePicker and Configuration are missing from the start menu. Were these temporarily disabled or do I need to do a complete uninstall/reinstall to get them back. I do have them enabled from within Configuration.
  21. Yeah I got it working. It was like 3 in the morning when I first tried, but I spent some more time yesterday during the day and figured it all out. Now I just need to get it working through GameEx. Any suggestions or tips?
  22. I've been looking at pictures people have submitted of their arcade machines, and I really liked the ones showing pinball games. I wanted to see what the fuss was all about, so I went and checked into it. The first thing I did was just search for a torrent on 'pinball' and started to download one for Visual Pinball which included some tables with it. I was reading in the comments that I can get this stuff for free via another site (web forum). I went there, and started downloading. I got the files called "visualpinballtb61", "vpinmame_152", "vpvbs3_23", "pinmame" (samples), and the fonts file. I installed them pretty much according to the instructions, but I can't make it work. I downloaded the first rom, Addams Family, and tried to run it. It loads the table, and all the options seem to work. I press the keys to insert coins, but when I press the key to START it just sits there. I get a sound for the coins but nothing for start. Can somebody help me? I'd really like to play some tables but can't figure it out! I figure if I can get it to at least load and play a table, I shouldn't have any problem front-ending it with GameEx. Thanks!
  23. Oh yeah! Who's the man?! Hehe I don't know if this release was directly in relation to my earlier post, but I'm very glad Tom decided to go through with it. With new versions being released so quickly, I was finding myself download almost everyday the same stuff! Good job! - Me ps, if you want to read my post, it was just the other day over here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=1555
  24. So how would somebody use this? I've got the roms, with all those wierd filenames, and want to get rid of all the dupes too. How does this program work? Is it taking the actual binary data from the rom, or just using the filenames. Also, what is a rom manager? Isn't GameEx a sort of manager?
  25. I've been noticing the filesize of the GameEx installer is getting bigger and bigger. However, when a new version is released, it goes through and installs a LOT of the same stuff. I'm talking about the themes of course. Would it not be more ideal to just have a straight up DEFAULT theme, and only install that one? Then if a user wants to install a different one they can go to the website and download whichever one they want? I think that would cut down on the filesize and download time considerably. I don't know if anybody has said anything about this before, and if not I'm very surprised. I just feel it's a waste of time and space within the file to have all the same themes be re-installed or copied over after every new release. Anyway, thats just my thoughts. Awesome program anyway! Love and use it everyday!
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