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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Lost me on that, I haven't played any Call of Doody games.
  2. As promised... the final hardware aspect of my NintendoPi project is complete! When I started my project, I didn't know where it would take me or how long it would indeed take. I've given up counting the days. There were days of nothing, then days of a lot of stuff happening all once. My original goal of putting a Pi inside a Nintendo case was simple enough. It grew though, and is now a monstrous beast! So that's my hardware. I put it into spoilers so that each photo can have it's own little details with it and help not get confusing. Let's take a look at my original roadmap and see what I still have to do: Obtain an NES (ordered waiting for delivery) Obtain an RPi3 (and necessary components like power, HDMI, SD card) Obtain power switch circuit Obtain external USB powered hard drive Decide on classic controllers or rewire reset switch for Xbox controllers (now that I've thought about it, probably use a HUB) Decide on re-using pre-existing power connector Decide on re-using pre-existing RCA plugs Alright.. so NES is done. RPi3 is done. Power switch Circuit is done. USB Powered Hard Drive is done. Decided on classic controllers. Decided to not use pre-existing power connectors and plugs. All that's left is fine tuning the software, adding more games and systems. All the hardware works, and works well with original controllers. I even have a keyboard and mouse to play text games, or FPS ports like Quake. Configuring those ports to use the keyboard/mouse is being a pain though (like Duke Nukem 3D is totally kicking my butt). But I'd say I'm 98% there. I have some metadata scraping to do still, and I'd like to find a better way to emulate Atari 800 and Atari ST games, as the current method sucks.
  3. Ninja Turtles maybe? I remember them saying that in the movie. Ok, wrong but close.
  4. I think the arcade version is just too difficult. For sh!ts and g!ggles I tried playing it on Atari 800 and again on NES and I had no problem getting to at least the 2nd stage. But then when I go and try it on the arcade version, all of a sudden I can't get past the first. Maybe it's because controls on the console versions allow for 8-way directions, where as the arcade seems limited to 4-way? Maybe the conversion didn't get the "randomness" of the barrels the same way.. For whatever reason, I just flat out SUCK at this game. Updated OP, DB, RSS ps; I especially like how the screenshot you posted shows your previous high score submission here. A good way to know it's legit.
  5. 50k is a nice round number score to shoot for. I'd like to get past 1k myself. Updated OP, DB, RSS ps; Were you able to post your photo on the forums or somewhere else? Just curious if it's working yet.
  6. I'm glad I inspired you. But remember, I myself was inspired by KustomKid with his project. So put the credit where credit is due. I think you were more inspired by that other guy who made his own mini NES with the RFID tags. I haven't updated my thread in awhile.. spent most of my vacation doing other stuff. I should update it though with some more pictures now that I have it nearly completed. Maybe on my day off. This is neat though, and I'm following your progress.
  7. Yeah his "Come Get Some" was from something else too, but I can't remember where. Nothing I'd ever seen before, just something I recall learning from a Youtube video lol.
  8. It's happened before. Keep trying off an on and eventually it will go. You don't have to host the image here, you can put it somewhere else. When you plug in the url, the forum will automatically link to the image and display it. That's how I went forward with the images in my NintendoPi build. It saves space on your profile's capacity.
  9. Ok, so I've got the latest update, but the theme I'm using (made years ago by Draco I believe) doesn't have any of these fancy wheel setups. Is that because I need to download those resources, or is it because the theme I'm using doesn't support them?
  10. wtf... wow that's 4 minutes of my life i'll never get back
  11. @Kustom Kid - Nope, but close! @stigzler - Never heard of it.. is that an RTS?
  12. I know, it's great isn't it?! With nobody playing, getting a high placement is easy. I plan on posting my submission some time here in the next couple of days. Been busy. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. I have that entire show on my home server to watch one of these days. It was on in the morning before I left for school everyday, so I watched it instead of the news! Here's the next quote. Might be a generic one from many games, but here goes: "Job's Finished"
  14. That's a quote from Darkwing Duck, though I'm not sure what system a game was made on (or if they even made a game).
  15. That's just insane. Wish I had money to burn.
  16. Nice focus on the Star Wars Trilogy game.
  17. Bummer. Maybe I should be a jerk and be like "nope, no scores under 200k accepted!" LOL. Naw I'm not like that. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. HOLY CRAP!!! Track #17 ain't half bad either. Dammit I have to own this movie now!!! Even better, I wish I worked for them and was around this stuff everyday. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!
  19. Man.. listening to the soundtrack I pre-ordered from Amazon and just got today... So emotional. Loving it. Makes me want to watch the movie again! ARGH!!!! If you get it, my favorite part so far is the last 2 minutes or so of Track 9.
  20. Modern as in 2016? Or modern as in the 21st century? Seems to me like your clue about "game of color" hints at it being a port of a game to GameBoy Color.
  21. I only recognized games up til around the 9 minute mark. After that, things got hazy on stuff I've actually played.
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