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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Ok, maybe I'm lost... what is the purpose of these? I mean, I have a surge protector power strip already, with a big red switch to turn it off and on. Does this basically do the same thing but allow switching on/off each device separately? What's the benefit of that when you can just hit the power button on the device (monitor/printer/etc)? I guess I just don't get it. I did a quick search, and NewEgg even sells them in 1U rackmount style for servers. Why would I want one of those?
  2. Wow, see... when my brother got a Nintendo 64, he only had 2 games. Shadows of the Empire (which I loved and played every chance I could when he wasn't hogging the system) and South Park (throwing yellow snow balls was all the more we got out of it). We never even owned it for longer than month. I got tired of him never letting me play any of "HIS" game consoles and bough a PlayStation for my own. It was comparable to the N64, had a lot of the same games. But the PSX had something the N64 didn't (at the time). A modchip. So he sold his N64 and 2 games, and his Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32X, 30 or so games (most of which WERE mine) to Video Games Express for a store credit and bought a USED PSX with the credit and another $100. To this day I still hate him for selling all MY games, but alas, those days are gone. Emulation is cool and great and all, but nothing like having the real thing. Anyway!!! We never owned any other games for the N64, so the chances of me guessing that was impossible. Truth is, I've still never even played ANY Zelda games. So even if it was maybe a quote from any of them, I'd never get it. So I call "NO FAIR!" New rule, has to be a game I've played HEHEH!!! "Eat my exhaust!" Hmm, sounds like some kind of racing game. There are so many though. So to throw out a potential miss (just to clear it out) I'll say Grand Theft Auto. If that's not it, I'll be back with another guess. There are LOTS of possibilities.
  3. You voted, here it is! A game I've never heard of, but that doesn't mean it's not popular! While researching the game, I soon learned that it was actually a very popular game in the UK when it was released, and is one of the precursors to Street Fighter and many other games in the fighting genre. It was so popular that it was ported to lots of home consoles, and re-released in combo collections packs and even remastered for the Xbox360/etc. Hope you guys enjoy! Yie Ar Kung-Fu (イー・アル・カンフー Ī Aru Kanfū?) is a 1985 arcade fighting game developed and published by Konami. Along with 1984's Karate Champ, which influenced Yie-Ar Kung Fu, it is one of the games that established the basis for modern fighting games.[3] Yie Ar Kung-Fu (Chinese: 一二功夫; pinyin: yī èr gōngfū; literally: "One Two Kung Fu") features the protagonist Oolong (Chinese: 烏龍; pinyin: Wūlóng, Japanese: ウーロン Ūron; see oolong) (renamed Lee for the MSX and Famicom ports), controlled by the player. Oolong must fight all the martial arts masters given by the game (11 in the arcade version; five to 13 in the home ports) to win the title of "Grand Master" and honor the memory of his father. On his side is a variety of punch and kick blows reachable by combining the joystick with one of the buttons (punch or kick). He also has the greatest jumping ability of all the game's fighters, with the exception of "Blues". The player faces a variety of opponents, each with a unique appearance and fighting style.[4][5] The player can perform up to 16 different moves,[6] using a combination of buttons and joystick movements while standing, crouching or jumping.[7] Moves are thrown at high, middle, and low levels. Regardless of the move that defeated them, male characters (save Feedle) always fall unconscious lying on their backs with their legs apart (players flail their feet), and female characters always fall lying on their sides. Feedle disappears. There are only two female fighters, and the rest are male. When a player gains an extra life, the word "xiè xiè" (Mandarin for "thank you") is heard. - Quote from Wikipedia (link)
  4. February 2017 GOTM Winner: ExedExes - 258,900 (link) Yie Ar Kung-Fu Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 ExedExes 258,900 2 rtkiii 166,600 3 patrickfx 130,800 4 Cynicaster 127,700 5 Floyd Turbo 121,600 6 millerbrad 94,400 7 Luigimaker 93,000 8 hansolo77 92,500 9 RedDog 84,700 Last Updated by hansolo77: 02-24-2019 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Yie Ar Kung Fu: ROMSet: Yiear Lives: 1 Cabinet: Upright Bonus Life: 30000 80000 Difficulty: Normal Flip screen: Off Upright Controls: Single Service Mode: Off Special Rules: None The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  5. Updated list to remove February 2017 GOTM "Yie Air Kung Fu".
  6. I feel so bad. I let myself and everybody else around here down this month and didn't get to submit a score of my own. Granted, it probably wouldn't be anywhere near as good as you guys. I suck at competition gaming. I just do it for fun. It's kinda like that site RetroAchievements. It's fun to earn achievements on those games, but competing to try and get all of them for certain games just makes it a chore, and the fun is lost. I'm not saying I don't like playing and recording my own high scores though. I use it for my own personal experience training. One of these days I'll post a score on here. That's the beauty of these games. Even though I don't have a chance of winning the "January 2017 GOTM", I can still come back over and over again and post scores to this specific game and maybe someday BEAT the winner. That all being said... Nice one patrickfx! Too bad you couldn't crawl out of 3rd place. With time and practice, I'm sure you'll take #2 in no time, then it's just a small step to #1! AAAAAANNNNDDDD..... Please join us in congratulating our GOTM winner for the January 2017 game: Mame Offender - 53,275 (link) Wow, this is, what.. like #200 for you? Just kidding. You've won a bunch though that's for sure. Especially the more recent ones. Way to go dude! And like I said before.. just because this month's competition is over, that doesn't mean you can't play it anymore. Please keep playing! Send in your scores and try to beat MO down. We like it when that happens. Good game guys, hope to see you all around in February! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. Wow.. how.... generic? So my first guess will be just as generic. The Curse of Monkey Island
  8. I'll have to check... I think Frogger was another mention in the past that was turned down due to our rules. Like, not having a high score screen, or an easily adoptable control panel. The score screen isn't such a bad thing, as recently we had a GOTM that didn't have one, and it worked out ok. --- Looked at TG -> http://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?platformid=46&gamename=Frogger Seems like they have a valid entry, but without any high score board. So we'd have to take photos where the score and the high score match for it to be legit. Shouldn't be too difficult. Consider it added! HAHAHA!! It's already one the list! Just gotta wait for it to get voted!
  9. One of the Doom remakes? I've not played them, only the classic ones without voice or cut scenes.
  10. Sounds like a quote from Lord of the Rings, like something Gandalf would tell Frodo.
  11. "Chin Scratching". Yeah I had my doubts and threw it away, but ... when you think about it ... I dunno! The problem with coming up with theories is that the Star Wars fan base can come up with KILLER ideas, and the TRUE story will be so bad you'll end up hating the movies afterwards.
  12. Doesn't come with a VR headset, so you have to buy your own 3rd party.. add an extra $600-800, and hinting that the cost will be around $800 for the console alone? Uh, no, I'm not buying that.
  13. We had an interesting talk today at work about "The Last Jedi" and what kind of plot would be involved. Here I was, saying stuff like "Rey dies from a back injury training to be a Jedi the only way Luke was trained, by riding on her back as she does flips". Then I got serious and said "Luke dies, and Rey has to complete her training with Leia. That's why Carrie Fisher's death (so sad) was such a critical blow to the following movies. Now they'll have to rewrite the outline to show something like Luke coming back, kill Leia (maybe by accident but she dies either way), this traumatizes Luke to the Dark Side, then Rey becomes the Last Jedi by overpowering him. But she doesn't kill him because, wait for it... Kylo Ren rushes in and blocks her final attack because Luke is still his Uncle. This is how Kylo turns back to the good side. Meanwhile, Finn is sitting in the Emporor's throne, hands clasped together to hide his grin as he says "good... GOOOD!!!"." Then my buddy was like "woah dude, nah. Finn is the Last Jedi" and that was that. For the record, I made my story up, and I hope to God it's not really what happens because that's a really crappy storyline. In all serious-ness though. Jedi can be both plural and singular. So while everybody is all thinking "people gonna die?", it may infact be a signaling of a resurgence of Jedi, and that this is just the final spurt of "hope" in that galaxy. On the other hand, we also joked about the Jedi going into super hiding for a thousand generations while the Sith take over. Then one day, one of them says "At last we will reveal ourselves to the Sith... at last we will have peace!" The honest-to-gosh truth though is that this title is simply a call back to the opening crawl from "The Force Awakens":
  14. While I'm sure Tom is all about free publicity of his software (it generates traffic to the site with potential buyers), I don't think it's very keen to start spreading out ads to the competition specifically. The best thing to do right now is talk about it in some other genre related forums. For instance, I have my GameEx signature (that shows the last game I played) on about half a dozen sites. I'm sure somebody has seen them at one point or another. For the competition directly, I know GimmeClassics was generating banners to add to your signature to say you were the GOTM winner. Adultery made some changes to the database manager program to generate those going forward now that GC has (unofficially) left the group. I'm just waiting on him to fix the bug where it's not been compiled with the required FONT (among other bugs such as the ability for me update the DB on his server for some unknown reason). But once all those things are fixed (Adultery's a busy man), you're free to post your winning GOTM banner with a link back here if you wish. As for your score, that's awesome man. You weren't that far off from the "disqualified" entries. I'm sure if you keep at it you'll beat it eventually. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. Heh, I only ever played 1 game in an arcade. So I voted for it, and it's the highest voted one too. I'd still like to give BattlePod a go before they landfill them.
  16. This looks amazing. I'd love to have a place of my own (like a house) that I can convert something into a Star Wars themed home theater. Some of those guys go all out. I'd love them to build me one. The only thing I'm thinking when I look at these builds though is "That's a lot of work to LOSE in a fire.." - I have a fear of losing everything to fires now that I've had it happen.
  17. Well, it would have to be something with some kind of space theme, or you wouldn't have the person saying "Earthling". Do any of the aliens in Duke Nukem talk, or do they just growl and scream?
  18. Nice one Cynicaster! You are definitely improving! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. This actually kind of pisses me off. I've started buying 3D versions of all my movies to future-proof myself for when I buy a new TV. Now they're going to end up being useless plastic. I wonder if somebody more in the know, or willing to help look it up, could explain a bit of the tech to me. A friend of mine in Canada said he doesn't have a 3D tv, but DOES have a 3D BluRay player and watches movies in 3D all the time. He said that as long your TV is capable of 120 MHz, that's all that is required. My TV I currently own is only 60 MHz, but does have a special mode that does 120 MHz, but only does it when there is a source outputting at that speed or something. Now, is my buddy just blowing bubbles out his butt, or is this true? If this is the case, I'll just buy a 3D BluRay player, and my next TV will be 120 MHz standard. I just can't believe that companies like MicroSoft (Xbox One) and Sony (PS4) would develop a gaming system with 3D in mind, then turn around (in Sony's case) and stop making 3D TVs. I get it that the 3D side of television may not have caught on (big surprise) but 3D movies and video games have got to have a bigger following. When I was last looking at TV's a month or so ago just to judge prices and features, it looks like everything is going 4k now. I honestly don't like the way it looks. The refresh rates are so bad, it makes any kind of movement on the screen look fake. They were showing Captain America (the 1st one) on the demo screens, and it looked like a bad buffering video you watch online. Like, where the stream is playing, then the video pauses but the audio keeps going, then a few seconds later the video starts again but is going really fast to catch back up to the video. It was pretty bad, I had to turn away. Granted, it might just be ignorant employees not knowing how to configure and calibrate it (they just plugged it in and left it). But to me, if you want to sell the product, you should be doing everything conceivable to make it appealing. This was more appalling. <sigh> I guess I'll just have to settle for an older TV that would undoubtedly be discontinued by the manufacturer, meaning no more support for defects or breaking, no more updated firmware, etc.
  20. Sounds like something from "Destroy All Humans"
  21. You guys and your beautiful kids. Wish I had some of my own. Maybe someday.
  22. Grr, if only I owned a PS3 and this game lol.
  23. SSSSSSssssssmoken! Updated OP, DB, RSS
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