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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Your math is wrong.. I'm 33, and was born in 1980. So theres no way being born in 1963 would make you 35... But anyway, Happy Birthday Celly!
  2. Yeah it's an internal drive. Strangely enough, the drive seems to be working now. I rebooted the computer but the drive wouldn't turn on. I unplugged the drive, gave it a few shakes (no pounding) and plugged it back in. Turned the computer on, and it started working again. I don't know, maybe the drive just went into standby. I don't remember ever turning that function on, but it would make sense that I did since I don't use the drive as often as I do the others. Oh well, seems to be working ok for now (knock on preverbial wood). I'll be keeping an eye on it though. I'm already in the process of burning off DVD's of it's contents just incase it DOES fail.
  3. Oh I know. Its just a bummer that it happened. There's no doubt I'll re-establish my collection. I still have my registration email Tom sent me, so a license key isn't going to be a problem. When I go through the rebuilding process though, I'm going to be a little more dilligent on mainting a good backup of everything. I'm not worried about the artwork/videos for the games because the downloader can get all that for me, quite easily. It's just a pain in the backside to have to start from scratch again. It's wierd that it would happen to this drive twice. I just got this new drive less than 2 years ago. I would understand a drive failing because it's constantly in use; but this one just kinda sits there in low power all the time until I get some free time to play a game (which happens rarely nowadays). Oh well. My encoding is only about 50% (I make my own DVD's of recorded TV shows and home movies) so I won't know if I can recover the drive till probably tomorrow. Sucks; always seems something happens to my computer or the server's computer when I'm on vacation (now) or a long 3-day weekend.
  4. Nice score.. wish I could play [link to story]. Updated DB, RSS (with Adultery's help!)
  5. So I decided I would load up GameEx and play some Popeye for the GOTM competition (since I haven't done so yet). Lo and behold, the GameEx shortcut in my Start Menu doesn't work. It said the link is pointing to a location no longer available. Whhhuuuuuat? I opened up Windows Explorer, and what do I find? My entire Game drive is not listed. So apparently my HDD has failed (again). I lost all my GameEx data, all my emulators, all my roms, all my artwork, all my videos... ugh. Something like 75 (last count was at 74 I believe) systems gone. I hate my life. I'm in the process of encoding some DVD's at the moment, so I can't reboot and check the BIOS to see if something got screwed up somewhere. I hope this is just temporary. I don't really have any backups.
  6. Grr I still haven't played this yet. We're more than half way through the month too! Argh!
  7. It should.. the key is just a registry entry. The only thing you can't do is install GameEx on multiple machines; GameEx checks for that.
  8. Wow I'm out of the loop. Is ac a new standard or a new trial? I'm using a D-Link DGL-4500 and it's been working fine for me. I was not aware a new speed format was available. Are there USB adapters that you can buy for this? My dad's bluray player is downstairs in the living room and he sometimes has trouble streaming hi-def movies from the server. It's a bandwith issue because SD movies stream fine. Also, they tend to have issues with their computer in the bedroom too, this could solve a lot of problems. Also.. my family all got Kindle Fires this year for our tax return purchase. I (having to one up everybody) got a Kindle Fire HD. We thought about getting the Amazon Prime subscription. My step-mom orders from Amazon all the time, and is already a perferred member and gets free shipping on a lot of orders. Dad spent some time looking through the available online video catalogs and wasn't very impressed with the selection; so we decided not to order it. The only advantage for us would be the free shipping, which she already gets most of the time anyway. As for the videos, anything GOOD we already have and prefer to watch on a larger screen at home anyway.
  9. Years ago I worked for WorldCom doing remote access (VPN with a keyfob) tech support. People were on the road, at hotels or whatever, using a laptop and a dialup modem trying to connect to their corporate network via our software. I did a lot of soft support trying to figure out why their connections weren't working. Checking software settings, reinstalling modem drivers, flushing DNS, ipconfig release/renew type stuff. A lot of the calls were simple password resets cause they locked out, or keyfob resetting because their batteries were getting low and going out of sync with the server. It was a good job, paid like $10 an hour. They hired people off the streets with no more than high school diplomas (thats how I got the job). Then WorldCom decided they didn't want to outsource to the company I was working for (it was a global tech support call center that had multiple "programs" for people, like WorldCom, AT&T, BankOne, BellSouth, etc all in the same building). WorldCom offered to transfer everybody in our "program" to their onsite building, but at the same pay. The building I worked at made a counter offer; Stay with us, we'll make you Supervisors (at $22/hour pay) in our new "program" coming: Verizon DSL. I couldn't pass that opportunity up. So I agreed to stay. Then I was scheduled off the day they passed around the clipboard where everybody could choose their shift they wanted. I came in the next day and the program-leader said all the Supervisor positions were filled the day before, and all they had left available was Tier 2 tech support, at a $1 loss from my $10 I was already making. But he told me if I stayed, I could take the very first Supervisor position that opened whenever somebody left. Well, 2 years went by, it never happened. Then one day a guy (that had no idea what he was doing.. just some kid fresh out of high school, and didn't know crap about computers) came around trying to be all "supervisory" and saw me on an outside website when I wasn't on a call. I was trying to get information about a 3rd party program the caller I had just finished with was using, and I was switching over to get the name of it for my call log when he walked by. His attitude was short and rude "You're on an outside website off a call, that's a pointable offense), and he wrote me up. Came back like 2 minutes later with the paper filled out. Then he saw I was still "off-queue" because I was still typing up my log, and reached over my shoulders and clicked my line button to put me back in queue when I wasn't ready. Another call came in and before I knew what happened, I clicked off the line button and cussed the jerk out, saying he had no right to switch my phone. He said he was a supervisor and could do what ever he wanted, and said he was writing me up again for insubordination, and again for hanging up on a call. Well, I had already had 3 write ups that were rolling off, but now I had 3 more, and 5 was the "fired" number. I was sooooo pissed. I called the NOC (network operations center) to request a break, they said they were booked for an hour and I'd have to wait. I got up and walked out. Had a cigarette, came back in to get my stuff, and left. I came home, got on the phone, and called the project-leader. I told him about the situation, and he had me come in and give my point of view with him, my direct supervisor, and the building operator, as well as the jerk supervisor. In the end, they said I was right, and he was wrong. They fired the other guy on the spot. But because I walked out, I was fired too. They said it was more like a 6-month suspension, because I could reapply in 6 months if I still wanted to work there. And they said if they hadn't hired anybody, I could have the supervisor position the other guy had. Well needless to say, I came back 6 months later, ready for the job. The interviewer told me point blank "we don't hire supervisors without college degrees, 10-years management experience, and A+, Cisco, and Microsoft certifications. I told them I was promised the position, and that I knew for a fact that supervisors didn't even take calls, so the requirements were unnessessary. They told me to wait, got the building operator guy to come in and interview me. I reminded him about the ordeal on how I was fired, in as much detail as I just posted here, and he said "Yeah, there still seems to be a lot of hostility coming from you in regards to past events. I'm sorry but I can't hire you back until you've calmed down and let go what happened". I told him I was over it, that he just wanted to know why I was gone in the first place, but he said NO. And that was it. I haven't tried to get my job back ever since. Been probably 12 years now (god has it been that long?). In a way, I don't miss it. But it did sorta open my eyes to the limitations of decent jobs, being that you need experience, education, and certifications. Kinda sucks. Yeah sorry about that long post. I probably posted it here a long time ago, but it's still fresh. And I need to get the word out to people to avoid call center jobs if at all possible. Everybody above you thinks they're God's gift to the universe, but in reality they probably don't know half the stuff you do, and they get paid twice the pay you do, when you do 2 or 3 times the work. I hate working.
  10. Sorry I missed it too! Hope it was a good one.
  11. Uhg another new version of MAME? I'm think I'm still on 1.41. Has there been any new MAJOR enhancements? Should I look into getting it? Also, thanks Tom, and Adultery, and everybody else who provided supports.
  12. A few years ago I looked at the library for A+ books. Sure, they had them, with sample tests and CD medias, but they covered materials that were outdated. As you said (and I read on their website) it covers the time period from Windows XP-7. Most of the books I've found cover DOS up to Windows 3.11. Some covered Windows ME, and one or two had XP snippits. But that was the extent of the availability. Thats what concerned me the most, because these systems are so old, their information is no longer necessary. In the real world, if I encountered such a system, I know enough to get by, and can easily troubleshoot them. But to be required to memorize things like IRQ and DMA addresses is just absurd. In those few A+ books I've checked out, they really drive home the necessity to memorize those things, and stuff like bus speeds, all the different connectors (like IDE, SATA, ISA, PCI), how many pins are on a RAM chip or Processor. It's really too much to memorize given that most of it is useless. I've talked with a few people recently (prior to your post) about their thoughts, and a lot of them are saying I should look into going back to college; the local city college will pay for the testing as long as you take their class, and at my age, I should be able to get it free, and it should be available as an online class so I wouldn't even have to leave home. Trouble is, because of my depression, I have a really hard time finding the motivation to really get in there and DO something about all this. I'm fine where I am, but I know I can do so much more; it's just getting it together and DOING it.
  13. Man I went to that CompTIA website and checked out their sample questions. I only missed 1 out of both sections. Does that mean I'm pretty good? Or does that simply mean that those questions are the EASY ones, and they real ones on the test are going to be so much harder? GRR!!! I really want to take this test and get certified, but I can't afford $183-each to just blow away if I fail. Plus, I only make like $120 a week at my job, and my Dad takes $60-80 a week in rent. ARGH!!! I wonder if you can get a bank loan to pay for testing? Also, Draco; do I have to take both tests together, back to back? Or can I gt the money together and take one part, then like 4 months later when I get more money together I can take the other? I looked at the Purchase a Voucher section, and it says it's valid for 12 months. Thanks for your help!
  14. I'm off work tomorrow. If I find time I'll play this and post a score. We're 11 days in and I still haven't posted one yet so..
  15. Dude, can you tell me anything about it? Like, what do I need to know, and how much does it cost? I've heard so many wildely different things, it's hard to know whats true. I've heard you need to know both PC and MAC stuff, and that you need to know stuff clear from the 1960's up to today, including everything from different hardware types (even redudant and obsolete stuff) to software on what IRQ's locations are. How are you supposed to memorize IRQ's and DMA addresses? I think I know a lot, but I really don't know jack crap about Mac stuff. If I really need to know it, i'm hosed. Also, cost is a major hurdle for me. I've heard there are 2 tests, hardware and software, and each cost $300, and each needs to be passed to get the certification, and if you fail you have to wait 6 month to take it again, and they don't tell you what you failed and need to learn more about. Any help you care to share? I really need to get this to get a decent job but can't afford to throw away that kind of money not knowing what I'm getting into. Oh, and good job by the way. You are the envy of me.
  16. Sorry I'm a bit late catching up the thread/tables. Been kinda busy! Thats a nice score KRC. Why say this is your first 'and last'? Didn't like it,or feel nobody will beat you? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Nope, he has to submit a picture, or its not legit! HAAHA just kidding dude, I trust you.
  18. Popeye Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Cynicaster 95,010 2 Mame Offender 76,700 3 GimmeClassics 74,210 4 ExedExes 65,260 5 wolfman24 64,220 6 Adultery 57,060 7 millerbrad 51,220 8 rtkiii 50,390 9 celly 42,090 10 Luigimaker 38,630 Last Updated by hansolo77: 02-08-2018 Buzzin69 - 31,060 (link) helpman - 22,8009 (link) Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Popeye: ROMSet: Popeye Unknown: Off Copyright: Nintendo Lives: 3 Difficulty: Easy Bonus Life: 40000 Cabinet: Upright Special Rules: None ---> The above are the default internal settings for this title and need not be changed. # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link # general rules for submitting you hi-score > link # the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings > link
  19. And our winner for October's GOTM is... stephen - 148,850 (link) His score was unbeatable, even unapproachable, considering the next highest score was about 60k shy! Way to go stephen, you definately earned your badge of honor for this one. GC should be in touch shortly with your prize.
  20. A lot of the Army Men games had mockumenaries like that.
  21. Bioshock was really cool. I just finished playing the first one on my Xbox a little bit before Grand Theft Auto 5 came out. I really liked the old-timey music and noir feel the scenery took. Plus the occasional whine of a whale outside the windows was really neat. The next game in the series, as far as I know, also takes place in Rapture but the 3rd one is outside from the looks of it. Don't know if I'll like the 3rd on or not.
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