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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Nice scores guys. I'm kinda busy tonight, but I have lots of free time tomorrow, so I'll try and find a moment to play this. I voted for it so it's the least I should do. Tempest's kind gesture of a replacement job seems to be holding up. I just copied over all the files last night. So far, I tested to make sure GameEx still loads up (it does). I'm running a quick defrag on it right now. So tomorrow will be Day 1 of gaming!
  2. The only problem I see is that GameEx requires a bit of "training" to learn how to take full advantage of. People are so lazy any more that they just want stuff done already for them. I'll grant you, GameEx isn't all FLASHY, but it gets the job done. It does what it's advertised to do. The problem with getting more people to use it isn't due to lack of support, or lack of themes, or stuff like that. I think it's just a matter of the technicality involved on getting it to work. It's customizable, you make it the way YOU want it to be made. Other frontends are more geared to the lazy person.. plug and play. Everything is handed to them. GameEx requires work. I think that's the hurdle most difficult to overcome.
  3. Lol we already decided! Wait until Wednesday. If TwinGalaxies is up, then we can confirm 100% which settings to use. If they're still not up, then the official settings we'll use will be the ones GC and helpman found (same txt files). We will probably go with the 'unconfirmed' ones. It's just that since we have to make a change to the game settings, it would be nice to confirm for sure what TwinGalaxies prefers.
  4. Don't feel bad, I'm pretty much in the same boat. My HDD died and I'm waiting on the replacement. I can get it to boot up for a little while, but not long enough to keep it running. When I can, I'm going to try a real quick mass copy onto the new drive and hope for the best. Shouldn't be anything screwed up since all the registry is on the C drive and this is the 'M' drive. Only files here. But once all is said and done, I plan on participating and posting a score up too.
  5. I was wondering the same thing recently. I noticed the old thread was still pinned and was going to suggest we move it out of the GameEx forum and into the pinned forum. I just forgot. It would be nice to see another competition, just because it was fun looking at all the new ideas people came up with. Perhaps something can be worked out, but don't hold your breath. It would be nice just to see people coming up with new themes without the desire of competing for prizes. Over at the High Score forum, we're all about just having fun, there's no prizes involved, and we seem to be doing ok so far.
  6. SPOILER!! I don't even know who you're talking about. I've yet to see the show. I want to though. Gonna read the books first to catch up. The show is popular enough though, I'm sure you pissed somebody off!
  7. Thanks helpman. We are already aware of that link and have considered using those settings. We're waiting until Wednesday to see if the TwinGalaxies site is up by then. If not, we will be using those settings as our official contest settings.
  8. TwinGalaxies is currently down for scheduled maintenance so we're unable to obtain the appropriate settings. Please postpone submitting a highscore until after we have received official settings. This way we can make sure all scores are submitted fairly.
  9. December 2013 GOTM Winner: helpman - 161,730 points (link) Rygar Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Mame Offender 2,881,480 2 KRC 2,108,080 3 Yung-Jedi 503,630 4 ExedExes 412,130 5 rtkiii 251,820 6 PcTeknic 221,320 7 helpman 161,730 8 millerbrad 96,730 9 be77amy 82,510 10 Floyd Turbo 79,650 Last Updated by hansolo77: 09-20-2019 Luigimaker - 75,840 (link) GimmeClassics - 64,380 (link) wolfman24 - 47,230 (link) hansolo77 - 43,710 (link) Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Rygar: ROMSet: rygar Unknown: Off [All] Lives: 3 Bonus Life: 100,000 (only at 100,000 !) Difficulty: normal 2P can start any time: no Allow continue no Cabinet: Upright These are not the default game settings so make sure you change it accordingly !! --> Bonus Life needs changed (100,000 is last option), Difficulty needs changed, Allow Continue needs changed. To give everybody a fair shot...here's a link to the video how to pick up the "1 million bonus" in Round 13...first you'll have to get to Round 13 of course LOL # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link # general rules for submitting you hi-score > link # the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings > link [pending] -Han
  10. This month's competition is over! We crown our winner GimmeClassics Although we didn't get many participants in this month's game, we still had a nice round. I'd still like to take this opportunity to thank everybody for continuing to participate and make this competition forum worthwhile. Thanks! That being said, please remember that you can continue to play this game and submit new high scores. Don't let GC be the top winner forever!
  11. Send a message over to Circo at EmuMovies and find out what he used to capture his.
  12. That is indeed a beautiful set. My only problem is staying WITH it. I bought Oblivion for the Xbox 360 when it first came out. I loved it, for about 3 weeks, then I gave up on it and went to something else. Then when Skyrim came out, the same thing happened. I played for about 2 weeks, then got bored with it. The world is so vast and expansive, and there's SO MUCH to do in it. I like RPG's, but I think I prefer them to have a specific beginning, middle, and ending, rather than just be an open-world, do whatever you want type system. Open-World works great for Online MMO's, but not for single player. That's my take anyway. Some people really like it though.
  13. Actually, I think the pilgrims hit Plymouth Rock much earlier than Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is just the day they finally got settled down and were able to have a decent meal with the Native Americans. In fact, there were more Native American's at the actual 3-day dinner than there were colonists. Also, Thanksgiving wasn't an official holiday until Abraham Lincoln was president. Lots of good stuff here and here.
  14. I hate that CompUSA got bought out. Here in Columbus, we had 3 CompUSA stores at one point, and one just down the street. Now there's zero. The only computer store we have left is called MicroCenter. It had 2 locations but now it's down to just one, and it's a 40 minute drive away. I mean, come on. This is the capital of the state of Ohio, and there's only ONE computer store for a hundred miles?! Sure, there's Best Buy. But they want you to pay a lot more for not even 1/25th the selection. Last time I was there, they had 2 mobo's on the shelf, no cpu's, and 3 videocards. Sure they had RAM and HDD's, and prebuilt systems. But that was about it. They really drive home the idea of buying a prebuilt pc or laptop. The only other option I have is Staples. I only shop there if I need some blank DVD's cause they sometimes have their cheap storebrand DVD-r's for $16/100pk. MicroCenter is better though; $12/100pk but I can't afford the gas to drive across town to buy blank disks. I like online shopping to a degree, but it looks like you have to buy more than 1 at a time to get decent packing. I bought a motherboard from NewEgg and all they did was slip it into another box the same size, with no peanut packing or bubble wrap. The PS/2 ports on the back had broken off in shipping. So I don't tend to do much online shopping for electronics; only Media (movies, music, etc).
  15. I had some generic stuff that turned into nothing more than flaky paint after it got hot for a few days. Then I got a cooler master heatsink/fan that had it's own compound syringe. It was 'ok' but not the best. I've since only ever bought Artic Silver brand compound, seemed to be the most used/trusted, and it's never failed me so far. I've not heard of the others you mentioned.
  16. I'm just thankful I don't have to work tomorrow (I work at a major grocery store chain). Ok, I'm also thankful I have a place to live, and parents willing to let me stay there. I'm also thankful for my so-so health; it could be better, but it could be a heck of a lot worse. That's all you really need. The fire we had a few years ago was a real eye opener. To be thankful for ownership of material possessions just isn't what it's about.
  17. Ooooh I never liked this game.. it's like Asteroids; the more you shoot/the MORE you shoot! Hopefully I can get my game drive up and running again and I'll be able to play this soon.
  18. Hope it was good, I don't get BBC-A. Dad probably would have liked to have known about it, but I didn't catch this thread till just now. Hope somebody got to see it.
  19. Yeah, it's a custom built PC, and the power supply is pretty old. Looking back, the fire we had (that caused so much trouble with the drives and things) was over 3 years ago. All my equipment is at least that old (minus the replacement drives, and the MOBO for this computer). I realize things don't last forever. I'm in the catch-22 area right now. I need to refresh my equipment, but I'm stuck with limited funds. If I upgrade one thing, it'll have to be everything. The power supply should be an easy upgrade. But I really need to branch out and get onboard with the newest technologies. I'd like to get an I5/I7 processor, but that means upgrade the MOBO as well, which usually also means a new RAM set too. Plus, this computer is my HTPC/Media Center. I have specific requirements for expansion slots to be able to house my tuner cards. This is all stuff that needs to be considered. Ideally, I'll suddenly come into a bunch of money (casino, lottery, Publisher's Clearing House) and not have to worry about this stuff anymore. In the mean time, I can really just save for months and buy replacement parts as needed. Luckily the prices of drives is continuing to drop, so this 500gb drive isn't very expensive to replace anymore if it really is the drive that's failing. The power supplies can get rather expensive though, especially if you want one that rated and capable of heavy loads. I dunno, I don't really think my computer is all that 'busy' to really require a heavy loader. I have 3 HDD's (OS/Recorded TV, Storage [houses videos I encode], and Games), 1 BluRay/HD-DVD/DVD-RW drive, 3 case fans (small), and a PCI-E graphics card. It's not at all like my server, that has 10 HDD's, 6 120mm case fans, 1 dvd and 1 floppy. -BUT- the power supply I'm using was the old one I replaced in the server last year because it was recommended to get a better load bearing supply, so it's possible I'm experiencing the same issues I was having on the server. I'll definitely consider a new power supply as my solution to this HDD. But I'm still concerned it might just be the drive. Why would only this drive be having trouble, and not all of them together?
  20. Well I did some experimenting, and I think it's the power supply, or at least one of the cables. I plugged in and out the drive's power multiple times and heard it spin up like 3 times each time then ultimately give up trying. It did this every time I plugged it in. I can hear the disks spinning inside the enclosure, so I know it's not like the platters crashed or something. I tried a different plug (on same cable) and strangely enough, the DVD drive I have on the same cable also "spun up" as soon as I plugged it in. That's very strange. I duplicated it multiple times, that every time I plugged the HDD in, the DVD spun up. I unplugged the DVD drive, and plugged the HDD in. It had a difficult time, but on the first try the HDD did finally spin up and become recognizable by the computer. I'm running a chkdsk on it now, just in case. I'm wondering if the power cables or the power supply might be going bad. This DVD drive is a spare I have and every time the computer comes out of standby I hear it spin up. Perhaps it's causing too much drain on the power supply all at once. I wish I had another computer I could plug this HDD into to see if it spins up properly or if it's just dying. On a side note. Last time this HDD failed (when I first started this thread) I was able to get it load up. I ran a Western Digital Data Lifeguard Diagnostics on it. It's a WD drive, and that's their low-level diagnostics tool. It passes all SMART checks, as well as the quick and extended (sector by sector) scans. Now that the drive is running, I'm also having no difficulties with the chkdsk, it's chugging away fine. It looks like the problem is just when the computer shuts off or goes into standby, and then the drive has trouble spinning up to 'wake up'.
  21. Spoke to soon perhaps. My computer was acting funky this morning. I turned it on, and it switched off in about 2 seconds, then turned itself back on for 2 seconds and back off again. Did that for about 5 minutes before I got tired of it and just unplugged the damn thing for about 10 minutes. Now it boots up but the game hdd is not spinning up again. I just don't get it. I understand things getting old and breaking down, but seriously?
  22. Lol, thats basically what I did too.. shook it like a Magic 8-Ball. But it worked, so whose to say it was dumb. I had it turned on the side, and was basically shaking it horiztonally, not vertically, so I didn't get a head crash. I know. They must not be making drives like they used to. Most of my failures came from the server, which I think was due to the fire and the water getting into the mechanics, and overheating. I've fixed the overheating problem, my hottest drive is only 47c now. But I agree; I have the crappiest luck with drives! I can't afford to buy a drive from you, and you can't afford to just GIVE me one of your drives, so don't worry about it. Thanks though.
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