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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Happy New Year everybody!
  2. Love this program, love this community. Here's to another great year, and many more to come!
  3. Feeling ill and so so tired of WORKING!! Grocery stores at the end of the year are the worst!
  4. Crap! Can't believe I missed it. Sorry bud, Happy Belated Birthday!
  5. I would recommend just using the automatic downloader that comes with GameEx. Start -> GameEx -> Download Artwork and Videos Its free since you have a purchased EmuMovies account and the license with GameEx. Once it's loaded up, put in the login credentials you created when you registered with EmuMovies. Then all you have to do is tell it where your ROMs are located, and then choose from the dropdown list the artwork you want to get (Screenshots, Titles, Box Art, Cartridge Art, Videos, etc). It will automatically rename the video upon downloading to match the ROM that you have. Once its all done, you just need to go into the GameEx Setup Wizard and point the emulator config to the new path the downloaded created (or move the downloaded files to the path you already have configured). If that doesn't work, you MIGHT just need to go through and do a manual rename of your videos. PerfectMatch (SkinnyMatch etc) will work to a degree, but I think it's more hassle than needs to be. Ultimately what I'm afraid you're going to end up needing to do is what nullPointer was suggesting (using RomCenter). Your ROMs aren't in a standard naming format, and they're probably already too hard to easily identify what the games are supposed to be. Using RomCenter and the appropriate .DAT will rename your ROMs to a more readable format that is standardized and guaranteed to match with what EmuMovies uses.
  6. I would also suggest this. You'll just have to press ALT+F4 to close the emulator rather than Escape. This is because Atirra emulates an actual PC (if you wanna call the Atari 800 a PC). The Atari had an Escape key, so that's why it doesn't work to exit the emulator. MESS has a similar lockout, where you have to press (i believe) Scroll Lock to temporarily disable the keyboard emulation so you can use TAB and Escape, etc. I am glad though that you were able to get it to load up through GameEx. You're 90% there! And once you've got it configured manually and you know what you did and how you did it, you can pretty much do it for any other system out there!
  7. hansolo77


    Lips are sealed, nothing coming from me (not that I know anything anyway )
  8. GameEx is just a launcher. You build the command line in the Setup Wizard, pick the game in GameEx, then it sends the command line to the command prompt. When the emulator is finished, the command prompt closes and GameEx returns. If there is a problem with the command line, the emulator won't run, and GameEx simply returns. Double check your spelling. You can also try and enable the "Debug" feature for that emulator. It will pause the command prompt before launching the emulator so you can make sure everything looks right. You can also run the file "Run Last Game" from Start->GameEx->Utilities. That will simply bypass GameEx and give you the last command prompt it generated so you can see what's going on. Something else.. if your roms have spaces in them, you'll need to include " quotations around the [rompath]\[romfile] part so they are spelled out entirely.
  9. It's simple enough, if you have everything working in Altirra already, all you need to do is configure GameEx for the paths. Create a new emulator config in the GameEx Wizard. Point the ROMS path to your roms path (obviously). Configure your command line (typically in the format of "Commandline.exe /whatever-flags [rompath/romfile]" I'm not at my computer right now to give you a specific click-per-click walkthrough, but it's really not that difficult. And you can enable GameEx to run in debug mode so it pauses after putting in the command so you can see it in the prompt to make sure it's right, and make changes if needed.
  10. If you just want games.. check out the Atari 800 GameBase. It's what I use. And it runs the Altirra emulator.
  11. Love the ornament! Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you have lots of family with you at this time. I spent mine last night with my aunt. Today though, I'm by myself. So some people would think that sucks, but for me it's a Christmas gift of it's own! Dad and stepmom went out of town to visit with her daughter. Don't know how long they'll be gone either, so PARTY OVER HERE!!
  12. I would be willing to upgrade if only there was a drive pool feature. I've read that there were attempts to make a 3rd party plugin app for WHS 2011 but they don't really work all that great. The only way is by building a RAID system, and I don't have any RAID controllers. SAS looks like an option, but it would require a whole new design scheme from the chassis, to the mobo and controller cards. We're talking MORE money, of which I don't have. So for the time being, I'm stuck with WHS v1. I thought about maybe ditching everything altogether and build like a FreeNAS or something, but that defeats the purpose of having a Windows server and being able to install stuff like .NET and the MB3 server software on it.
  13. Yeah, I've been reading, it looks like its because .NET nowadays is for x64 architecture, while the v1 Windows Home Server software is strictly x32. Kinda dumb if you ask me. I really don't want to upgrade to the WHS 2011 version because Microsoft removed all their Drive Pool and Duplication features.
  14. Hey guys, me again! Does anybody know of a way to override lockouts set in place when you try to install Microsoft products? What I want to do is install the latest .NET on my WHS v1 so I can run the Media Browser 3 "server" on it. The MB3 server requires .NET 4.5 but when you try to install it it says it was not made for that OS. I'll grant you, I don't know much about .NET but it seems to me that it's just a software. Why would Microsoft block it from being able to be installed? Does anybody know a way to override it or force it to be installed (like manually copying files to folders or something)?
  15. Can't help you there. I use WinAPE for Amstrad. You should give it a try.
  16. My command-line is: blueMSX.exe /machine "MSX" /fullscreen /rom1 "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" Perhaps telling it the machine will cause it to boot. It's been a while since I configured it. I did check though, and I don't have any other commands (like Also Launch, Launch Before, etc) so that's all it takes to make it run on my system. There might be a setting in the emulator you'll have to switch on. Look for something like "Start emulation after inserting disk" or something like that.
  17. Short answer; Yes you can. Long answer; There is always the possibility that some games can't run on MESS, but they are clear and far between. MESS will pretty much handle all of the A+ titles for a given system, but you might find it unable to handle others. Especially if you're going to get into Atari Jaguar and N64 games. Stand alone emulators are better equipped for handling their own specific systems, and they're tailored to that system's specific needs. On N64 specifically, I know there are emulators out there that handle rendering 3D better than MESS does, plus they can have patches to disable certain aspects of games to make them more stable. MESS is a great multiple system emulator, but you really lose out on compatibility, stability, and features if you don't give other emulators a try. To be honest, I use MESS for a lot of systems, but some key systems just seem to work better on their own dedicated emulator. The only way to know for sure is try them out and see which works best for you.
  18. In my experience, Roms in 7Zip just means GameEx displays all the Roms (ending in 7zip) then extracts it when you decide what you want, and displays the 7zip contents. IE: Contra.7z - Contra (NTSC).rom - Contra (PAL).rom - Contra (BETA).rom - etc. If you were to use 7z for compressed images, you'll see the game title in your list.. then when you select the game, GameEx will extract it, then give you the extracted contents. You'll then have to manually select the .cue file to load.
  19. Shark007's codec is the best. I was in the same boat a while back, and didn't want to have to keep installing new codecs. I was tired of doing it, and was tired of fixing problems when they arose. I had already manually installed the CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) as well as manually installing DivX, XviD, Matroska, AC3Filter, FFDSHOW, etc. When GameEx officially started support for mp4, I went through and re-manually uninstalled all that and installed the Shark pack per Tom's suggestion. I'll never go back to anything else again. The pack installs cleanly and is super easy to configure for those tweakers out there. The best part is when you decide you want to update, you just uninstall and install the newest version. It remembers your previous settings so you don't have to re-tweak. Something I noticed when I recently (like about 2 weeks ago) updated, Shark is no longer using Matroska for the MKV HD movie file-splitting. They're now using LAV. I never heard of it before. So at first, I configured Shark to NOT USE LAV but rather use Matroska. Turns out, the LAV works so much better for everything, that I didn't even need to do that. All in all, I love the Shark007 codec pack. Easy to install, configure, and maintain. It's not overly huge, has EVERYTHING you'll ever need, and it just plain WORKS with GameEx, which is a plus in my book!
  20. Remember, snaps (static or video) have to be named exactly the same as the ROM...
  21. It might be the way you have it sorted. Are you loading up GameEx and being presented immediately with the Game List? I think that bypasses all the extra menus. I think this feature is called "Fix to emulator" in the Enable/Disable Features tab. Also, make sure you have enabled "Enabled MAME Info and History" in the Mame Settings tab (under the Advanced area).
  22. I don't think there is an enable/disable. I think it's just enabled by default. You just have to put media into a folder and have GameEx link to it in the given emulator settings in the Wizard. The enable/disable for video that I know is if you wanted to have GameEx work as a Media Center, and have it show things like music videos, movies, tv, etc.
  23. I guess I could say that about my dad and Sonic the Hedgehog 1. My brother got the Sega Genesis for Christmas (and the subsequent Sega CD the Christmas after, and the 32X the year after that) and Sonic came with it. Many days were spent playing it with my dad, and the memories of him failing to get past the rising and falling of the islands in the first stage are a fond memory of why he gave up on video games, saying he's grown out of them, and complains that games can't be played with your thumb. I discovered the Sega controllers used the same 9-pin D-Sub connector that Atari used, and I tried using the old Atari Joystick on the Sega and it worked. He was able to play a little more Sonic using a joystick, but still got stuck on those islands.
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