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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. You got me. I'm not sure what the AV is. If you were to ask which is better between RCA and S-Video, I would say S-Video.
  2. There is a bunch of similar themes in there, but still it was an interesting find. Thanks!
  3. Yeah, except it's only 40gb. Not really worth much of anything. I also took it out of the laptop, it's not standard SATA, looks like a custom IDE interface. I was going to put some Infocoms on it, and maybe some Popcap games. It's definately not a workhorse laptop. Would be nice to get working, but I'm not upset or nothing since it was free anyway.
  4. I did try to connect it to an external monitor. With the cable unplugged, my monitor said to check the cable, but as soon as I plugged it in, the warning went away, and the standby light started flashing. I tried pressing the Fn+F5 with it attached, but nothing happened. I then followed up by pressing ALL the keys, and the mouse buttons/touchpad with no luck. It's probably the internal video card the more I think about it. He said it just suddenly stopped working, not like he dropped it, or saw the screen slowly fading to dark. I wish it was something SOFTWARE related, I could probably fix that. I checked on Toshiba's website.. the out of warranty repair is way too costly. They want like $130 to ship it to them and inspect it, then an additional $350 for a screen repair. Yet you can buy a brand new laptop from the same manufacturer that is faster, lighter, with more storage, for less!
  5. Hey guys, got laptop problem I'm hoping somebody can help me with. A friend of my dad's since I was a kid (I call his "uncle" for crying out loud) had a laptop that stopped working. He gave it to my dad and me over a year ago to try and fix. Dad fiddled with it for a couple minutes and gave up. Passed it to me. I, too, fiddled for a few minutes and also gave up. We put it up on the bookshelf and basically forgot about it until the guy came looking for it. Well, apparently he forgot about it too after so long, and just bought a new one. A couple day ago he was talking with dad on the phone and it came up if we had fixed it or not, he said "no" and he said it was OK since he got a new one. Told us to just pitch it. Dad told me today "You can have it, if you get it fixed, if not, throw it away". So now I got a perfectly good looking laptop in my hands but I can't make it work. I have everything that came with it. The laptop's battery is dead, but appears to be charging (when plugged into the AC, the AC light is green and the battery light is amber [the book says the battery light blinks when it's full]). I can turn it on, and the power light turns green. But there is no display. I can usually tell if it's on but a blank screen, this screen appears to just be OFF and gets no power at all. I've already tried the manual's troubleshooting tips of "Press the power button for +10 seconds" and "Press Fn+F5 to swap between internal and external monitors". Needless to say, it didn't work. The laptop is a Toshiba Satellite A55-S1064. The Toshiba website says it was bought in 2006, and thus the warranty has expired as of 2007. I'm willing to try just about anything on this guy, since it's pretty much trash now. If I can't get it to work, I might consider selling it for parts or something on eBay. But since I've always wanted a laptop, and have been practically given this one for nothing, I'm really eager to make it work. I don't mind tearing into it if there is something inside I can do to fix it. If it comes down to needing to send it somewhere for repair though, I might just have to research a bit and see if it's costly. I've also posted a similar thread over at the Toshiba support forums, but I'd thought I'd give you guys a shot at it too, since were all a bunch of computer techies here.
  6. Yeah I enjoyed the game. I too was a bit let down about the grind and repeat missions. I liked the parkour stuff but wasn't too fond of the "find the flags" missions your 'pals' give you. Oh and speaking of find the flags, unless you're obsessed with getting 100%, it's not worth it finding all the flags from the different kingdoms and stuff.
  7. Alright, I've updated the rules in the OP to show that "Allow Continues" will be allowed. This way people can get the initial screen and post a better/legit screen shot of their scores.
  8. I can't wait to see how this fills out. The more I see things like this, the more I want to have a dedicated arcade cabinet with multi-color leds for the controls. Alas though, with my minimum wage part-time job, I'm stuck with keyboard/mouse and a $10 joypad.
  9. I actually have these for Xbox 360 and have yet to play them. WHAT?! I know.. I been too busy with other stuff. And they keep making more and more new games that I wanna play too. Hell, I just played Assassin's Creed (the first one) for the first time like 2 months ago. This is definitely a series I'm looking forward to playing when I get around to it.
  10. Well honored and deserved my friend!
  11. Nice score, be77amy! Was good enough to have you in first place for a couple days at least. Sorry we didn't update the thread/OP sooner to show it. But I saw it, and know you were there! FYI -> For future reference, please post a screenshot. I realize we're in the middle of figuring this game out (whether or not to use continues to enable initial entry) so I'll let it slide this once. Nice score helpman! Can definitely see this is your favorite game! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. I've yet to play this yet to confirm "officially". But it sounds like that might be the case. I've seen this in other games too. Does anybody know if you're score gets reset if you DO use a continue? That might make it a little more fair. If not, I'll have to see how GC feels about it. We've been pretty "uptight" about making sure our rules match TwinGalaxies', but since they're still unavailable (their website doesn't even have a placeholder anymore...). In the meanwhile, I'm working on updating all the scores!
  13. Oops, forgot to update the OP when I updated the DB, but I posted that I did! Thanks for updating that for me GC.
  14. I'm not usually good at troubleshooting things like this, so I'll just throw out my general rule of thumb to try when I have trouble... Have you recently installed anything that might have broken something else? Like say, drivers, or video codecs? Or maybe installed some new program? Whenever I have something stop working, it's usually because I've just done something to the system like installing or updating something else. Try and remember if this is the case. If so, try uninstalling it, or perform a system restore (provided you have a recent backup). This is usually the problem. If it's not that, maybe it's hardware related (like bad sectors on the HDD causing the drive to suddenly fail [believe me, I have plenty experience with that ]). Hopefully it's just something simple. It's most likely something you've done. Either in the system elsewhere, or in a configuration. Don't worry, you'll figure it out. In the mean time, you can always run MAME outside of GameEx, it just won't be as pretty!
  15. Wow setting the bar high! Good job helpman. Hope you enjoy your game! Updated OP, DB, RSS (and LB)
  16. My problem was that I could never play these great games. I was always the poor kid who just got to watch other people play. I would go up to a machine and move the stick around when in attract mode and act like I was playing it (don't tell me you never did that!). I never really got the chance to play. The one time I was at a birthday party, I was given $5 for tokens (basically, 20 tokens). I would spend 15 of them at skeeball (since everybody plays that to get tickets for prizes) and then the other 5 in the machine that gives you more tokens if you hit the edge just right. One time I hit it just right and got like 10 more tokens. But I went back to skeeball! I really missed out on the opportunity. But on the other hand, I grew up in a household where my dad owned 2 Atari 800 computers and was a pirate (ARR!) and literally had like a thousand games for it. So it wasn't like I grew up without games. I just never really participated in the arcade phenomenon as much as most. Least I have MAME now!
  17. UnRAID is the way to go if you want to have reliability and easy upgradability. I went with Windows Home Server for my needs. Mostly because I needed to have a Windows Platform for the server so I could Remote Desktop into it to troubleshoot, run Windows programs (like Serviio for streaming), run uTorrent, and have decent automatic backups of my client machines. If you just want a fileserver and have no need to run other things, UnRAID seems like the best option.
  18. Tried to get a score; I suck at this game sooo bad. I think I reached 2000. Not even worth trying to post about it. Couldn't even make it past the first stage.
  19. Grr; wow this is a tough game to get on the score board for. I made it half way through level 2 before losing my last life, but only got like 12k, minimum is 20k so I didn't even get to keep a score. Crazy good job guys that are on our board.
  20. Yay! First post with the new Hard Drive! (thanks again Tempest!) Initials: HAN Score: 43710 Level: 2 More scores to follow I'm sure. This was just a quick run. Died very quickly my first quarter. Usually do, trying to get a feel for the game. Didn't realize there was no health bar; one hit you're dead! Updated OP, DB, RSS Also: Updated OP to show what settings need changed.. [edit by GC: thanks Han; I've also updated the LB]
  21. Thanks Adultery and Ben, and of course, Tom!
  22. I would like to take the opportunity to make public my appreciation and thanks to Tempest for offering me his old spare drive. I received it around 2:00pm yesterday and spent 7.5 hours manually moving the files from the old drive to the new. I was doing it 1 folder at a time, and it would get about half way through a folder than "die" on me. A quick unplug/replug routine then followed, allowing the drive to spin back up and let the move procedure continue. I only had to do that about 50 times, lol! But in the end, I was able to move all the files. Strangely, the drive still showed files inside of folders that weren't moved. I tried to move them, and they said they moved, but they remained in the folder. Other folders had a similar reaction, but instead when I tried to access the folders, it would say the folder no longer exists. I tried to refresh the folder display but they still showed up. Oh well. When all was said and done, I did a chkdsk on the drive, and it found 4 bad files where the indexes said there were files but they weren't really there. Hopefully when I tried to re-move those files and it SAID it did, it didn't just move 'nothing' over and now those files don't work. It was late last night so I don't remember what they were to check. But anyway, I did try to load up GameEx (it updated) and after it finished scanning all my folders, the menus displayed and I was able to browse around. Because it was late, I didn't bother playing anything, but I'm sure they'll work fine (least I HOPE they do ). So yeah, Thanks Tempest for your kind offer. Hopefully this one will last longer than the other one did (or at least long enough for me to get a decent backup made).
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