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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Bested your last score, good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. Good Call. I was going to suggest the problem is related to the theme as well. More than likely, the theme was designed in a different resolution than what you're using, that's why you see graphics not properly aligned, etc. You can try doing as RedDog suggested, and make changes to the theme itself. Or, for a test, try simply changing the theme and see if it goes away. That way you don't waste all your time trying to fix it, if in fact that ISN'T the problem.
  3. On the Emulator Config's 2nd tab in the Setup Wizard, look for "Show Desktop" (8 down from the top). Change it to NO. This should render a black image behind GameEx, and will hide the OS completely. Also, check under Display Settings for "Hide Desktop" (13 down from the top) and make sure it is set to Hide Operating System.
  4. I think he misread wolfman's post. I think wolfman was saying he missed the tank bonus, but I could be wrong.
  5. Heh now you feel MY pain too.
  6. Thanks murve! I'll accept that one. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. Can you share any tips? I really suck at this game.
  8. Just found out a girl I've liked for a long time got my Valentine's Day note on Facebook, but didn't bother to reply. Now I'm all depressed again. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CharlesLam


      one should never get depressed if love isnt reciprocated. if they cant love you, be proud you had the balls to say that you appreciated the way they looked.

    3. Yung-Jedi


      will you be my Valentine?

    4. Draco1962


      Time to let this one go and change your status!

  9. Yeah, up here a little more north we got hit with the snow. We didn't get the 8 inches you were forecasted, but we did get a forecast of 2-4 and probably got close to 3 easy. I haven't watched any weather reports yet today to see our totals, but we definitely got more than than they anticipated.
  10. Better than mine, good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. Must be... he's a better player than I am at least.. I didn't even make the top 5.
  12. ARUGH! Not another one! Why do you guys want so any shooters?! I suck at this game. Score: 211,400 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. I've been playing GameEx for a few hours now, but my GamerTag signature still shows my last game as Gaplus (at least for me). Is the remote host down or something? I do remember seeing "LOGGED IN" on GameEx, so I assume that means it's connected to the server. Any ideas?
  14. Oh yes, now THIS is a game I can get into and comfortable playing! This is my best score so far, hope it's good. Score: 36,400 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. Yeah, I'm really not feeling the appeal with this game. I guess everybody just has their own favorites. My opinion: EH Score: 3,210,700 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. Ah! Another game I never posted a score too. Here ya go. I made it to the 10th stage (boss). This reminds me so much of Bubble Bobble it makes me cringe! Fun game, will definitely come back. Score: 67,700 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Here's my score. Not bad considering I've never played the arcade version of this before. Some of these stages are overkill. Had a good run. Score: 82,175 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. Wow, almost an entire year has gone by since this game was posted, and I never entered a score. Sorry it took me so long guys! I probably would have had a higher score, but on stage 3 when I split the 2 sticks, I was holding down the wrong button and did a fast line instead of a slow, so my score could have been more. Oh well. Still enjoyed this, and I beat GC anyway. Score: 51,206 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. I tried playing this again today. The first stage is ridiculous, so many hearts to get. Lets see. I beat Bluto with Spinach, put a bucket on his head, punched about 8 cans being thrown at me, and finally made it to stage 2, yet never got on the in-game board. I wonder if there is a way to reset those scores so I can at least enter my initials. Of course, it doesn't matter on our board since I didn't even get to 10th's place's 20k. Oh well.
  20. I can't see how the top score is 20 million. Thats crazy! Does the game restart back to stage 1 after you do all 5 or something, to let you keep playing? I made it to stage 5 but hit too many cars (surprised my car was still working). Score: 7,169,530 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
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