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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. There ya go! I knew you could do it. Not to mention 3rd place. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. Shucks man don't feel bad about that score! It's better than mine (seeing as how I've not submitted one yet). Just because you feel like it's a low score doesn't mean you're out of the running. It just gives you a goal to try and improve on. Nobody's gonna bash you for it. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  3. Yeah we require a 1 credit game play for that reason. Plus, more credits means you can play longer on some games while still keeping your score. So that's not really fair. I'm with you though about the game in general. Some of my friends back in the day loved this game, but I never saw the appeal of it, and have still yet to play it. Nice score though, puts you on the board, and marks another game off your "unplayed" list. Keep it up! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. I hate to be the one to say it, but we need to see those initials. It's one of our primary rules, and in fact the one that caught another guy off guard and he was so mad about it that he left. Like I said, I hate to be the one to say it. Could please try again, and post an image with initials? This is not entirely my call though. We have 3 mods, and if the other 2 rule in favor of your score, I'm ok with that.
  5. hansolo77


    Sweet! I'd love to play that!
  6. I just thought I'd mention it. I agree with your opinion though. Cheers!
  7. Drool. I want a pincab so bad. But I also want a stand up arcade cab too. You have the best of both worlds. Perhaps you should name your setup Pin-Cade instead of Bar-Cade. Unless you got a bar hidden inside.
  8. Speaking of expanding and new users. We had a new user who has come, and now decided to go. His scores are unmatched. Should we start to consider removing his scores from the boards, to give everybody a little easier goal to match, plus enhance a lot of leaderboard positions?
  9. It's worth 4th place, which is better than me! And it all counts for your Overall Leaderboard position, so don't complain! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. Nice one! I haven't played this one for a score yet, too difficult for me. You are, however, now on the board, and you booted out helpman's 7th spot. Woot! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. Yeah I haven't been able to mess with the snapper plugin yet. Nice to see you got it working though. Nice entry into the boards too, way to go! By the way, you booted GC off the boards on this one! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. Agreed. I built a control panel and made my own spinner before the fire. It worked ok, but sucked. It's lost now. I don't think I'll be venturing into the hands-on building again for awhile. But a spinner is definitely something to have. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Yeah, that's the actual "Title Screen". I saw it a lot when I played on my old Atari ST. Not bad, not bad! In fact, your score finally booted my off the bottom rung of the table so NYEAH . Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. Nice entry into this game. Keep it up! Couldn't have said it better myself! Boards already updated by somebody else?
  15. Chalk another one up for Buzz! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. Yeah, doesn't look like mine is supported bummer. Netgear RT314 Amazon Link
  17. Thanks for that link Drac. Question.. does it have to be a wireless router that gets the DD-WRT firmware? My Netgear is so old it was pre-wireless.
  18. You can send me some Cat-5 cables if you have them. I need a long one to go from my room, across the hall, and to my dad's room. The longer the better. Also, wireless aside, is it possible to add network "ports" to your existing network by simply adding another router into the mix? In my case, I'm using a D-Link for all my routing needs, wireless, and 4 gigabit ethernet ports. However, I also have an old 10/100 Netgear 4-port router just collecting dust in my closet. Could I simply plug one of the D-Link lan ports into the WAN port on the Netgear and get another 4 ports (thus giving me 7 in total (even though the Netgear wouldn't be as fast))?
  19. Its next to the canned beets, canned tomatos, etc. They actually have a Popeye brand. I hate spinach though.
  20. I don't know if it truly is an app. It might just be an external shortcut to a Netflix webpage INSIDE Media Center. It's located off the Movies tab in the menu. Thinking more about it, it might have been a plugin I installed from the Extras menu tab. Take a look.
  21. I'm not sure, but I think the license Microsoft has is staying put. So if you have a Windows 7 or 8 machine, it already has a Netflix app built into Media Center. That is what I use, and when it comes time to play games, I just launch GameEx directly from there as well. As I said, I'm not sure though. There may come a time in the future where the Netflix app becomes dysfunctional or simply disappears from the Media Center menu. Until that time though, I'm happy with that. The one thing I really hate is the interface of the app on smart TV's and Bluray players. They look absolutely horrid, and don't offer any of the perks you get from the website (multiple accounts with their own bookmarks, etc). Hopefully things won't be as drastic as we all fear they're going to be.
  22. Can you please provide a screenshot of the scoreboard with your initials? While we have no reason to doubt this score, it's only fair that we accept scores with initials as per our set rules. Thanks!
  23. Awesome work as always Tom!
  24. Yea buddy! It was touch and go there for a long time. Fumbles, interceptions, turnovers. The game had everything! The Ducks should have been called on unsportsman like conduct a lot, but never did. Plus, when Cardale Jones just dropped the ball when he was getting ready to throw was just ridiculous! Good Game.
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