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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I liked Epic Pinball and Extreme Pinball.
  2. Ahh true, never thought of that.
  3. I was wondering why today was Pi Day. It makes perfect sense now, because the date is Pi. Coolness! It's more than a once in a lifetime event. It's a once in the time of the universe event.
  4. It's all about having fun while playing, and bringing rare seldom known games to the spotlight.
  5. I could say something but it wouldn't matter. It's all been said before.
  6. I 2nd this. Not much information provided. On a side note.. I'm now even more eager to get my hands on an Xbox controller for my PC.
  7. I only see 2 things wrong with that video. Both are easily fixed. The audio is out of sync as evident by the notes not in sync with the music, and it's a little dark. Other than that it looks fine.
  8. Console is out of proportion, wrong aspect/stretched. Otherwise looks good!
  9. Oooh catchy! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. Damn you're better than me. I just tried playing this game too, and I'm not very good. Made it too stage 3. Tips: Shoot the Barrels for powerups. Also, the enemies keep coming when you're fighting the boss. If you can survive long enough, you can get a lot of points just for killing the other guys and not the enemy right away. Score: 91,200 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. And we have our first submission! Nice job MO! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. Absolutely worthy! I wish I thought of it.
  13. Oooh just missed it by 2 hours! LOL I don't care. Nice score smario. You more than doubled your last high score. Unfortunately you didn't with the GOTM, but you put in a hell of an effort! The winner of this month is none other than: ExedExes - 20,269,170 (link) Join us all in celebrating this fine achievement. Our partner GC will be in touch with the winner shortly with his signature banner award. Everybody else, stay tuned for the next GOTM. Also, don't forget that you can still play this game and compete for the top spot. Just because the monthly contest is over doesn't mean you still can't earn the points for the overall leaderboard. Keep them coming! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. hansolo77

    apple 2

    Keep trying. I'm sure there is a solution. Have you been able to have it load up a ROM/Disk manually through the command prompt OUTSIDE of GameEx? This might require something more, like SENDKEYS (advanced area of the emulator config in GameEx). Is there a keyboard shortcut to access the menu and do as you say "select game and reset"? If so, just put that in the config and see if that helps. Also, perhaps some AHK (auto hot key) script could be used, but I'm not the one to ask about setting one up for you.
  15. Shatner drains his blood every night and fills his arteries with liquid nitrogen, thus freezing his body. When a new day dawns, the process is reversed, after a long night of blood purification and filtering. In fact, every day he is awake, his blood is cleaner than the day before. He'll never die! MUWAAHHAH!! Actually, I like Shatner. He's really cool in his old age, unlike other people I know of similar age. He has a sense of humor and pokes fun at himself. I think the next to go will probably be Nichelle Nichols (only 1 year younger than Leonard Nimoy was). Unless some serious health matter arises, in which case it will probably be Walter Koenig. On the other hand, George Takei could have some kinda rough gay anal sex with a guy who has HIV or something, and cut his life short real quick. But I joke, I hope nothing bad happens to anybody.
  17. hansolo77

    apple 2

    I don't use this, in fact, I don't think I have the Apple II in my collection. However, I did find this: https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/blob/master/help/CommandLine.html Try making it like this: Applewin.exe -f -d1 "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"
  18. It would be awesome if they had this on the last BLURAY of The Hobbit.
  19. I know.. I can't believe it. I heard he went to the hospital earlier this week. I didn't know they sent him home to die. Very sad. They're saying it was COPD from smoking, but he quit like 30 years ago. Let that be a lesson to you guys, quit while you're ahead! He was a great actor, good spirited, good heart. I hate hearing when another of my Enterprise crew passes away. First it was Deforest Kelly, then it was James Doohan. Who's gonna be next?
  20. Happy Birthday Buddy. Take a day off and enjoy it!
  21. That's always been one of my fears with diving. That and heights.
  22. Way to go! Your score puts you snuggly in 3rd place! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  23. Ok, consider it done. Updated OP, DB, RSS
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