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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Sort of. I'm in Columbus, which is a little far away. If I had my own car, this would be awesome. Is that a Minecraft arcade game? Seriously?
  2. Ahh the good old days. My memories of these were of me begging for money to go play, and getting turned down. Now the arcades are only in Dave & Busters or Chuck-y-Cheeses, and maybe a bowling alley if you're lucky. Theaters around here don't even have them any more. I miss the one in the mall from where I grew up, where I finally played my first arcade game "Metal Slug". Then later at a truck stop on the way to Disney World with my high school marching band there was a 3 game arcade, but they had Killer Instinct, and it was fun to watch. Good times.
  3. I joined up, just cause. Not sure what to do or say, but I'm there.
  4. How do you rescue people on the 2nd board (the one with the battleships). I shot a lot of stuff and tried to land on a couple of them but no hostages came out. I think I'm missing something.
  5. Yeah, I haven't talked to him since I asked him to see if she would do it. But things are definitely turning around for me. I'm feeling better, I'm playing more games. I've been battling a major medical bill for 7 years that the State is offsetting my tax returns to pay back, and I finally got it all cleared up today. She's doing some awesome magic for me. Now if only my store manager would leave/transfer (like she's been supposed to have done for 3 years) then I could finally be relieved of my one of my major stresses at work and I'm going to try to start working full time. Get my life together. Get a car and move out on my own finally. Hopefully things are looking up.
  6. What is the difference to how you go? right, left.. left, right... i'm confused.
  7. Are you looking for this? http://www.gameex.info/forums/files/file/66-3d-mame-cabinet-models/
  8. Yeah, I'm actually on my way to work so I won't be posting anymore today. Been a good run, trying to get back into the swing of things. When I said it wasn't worth posting, I was referring to the score, not the game.
  9. Another middle of the road score. I didn't know how the score entry screen worked, so I kinda messed up on it. But you get the general idea. Score: 67,600 Initials: HAN AA ()
  10. I tried taking some Melatonin last night to help me sleep. While I fell asleep faster, I woke up a lot more in the middle of the night.

  11. Man you guys make me sick. All you do is play games huh?! I suppose if I wasn't just trying to post scores to games I haven't played before, or try to beat old scores, I'd do a lot better. But I mean, this game is tough, and I thought I did pretty good. Then I come here to post and you guys have slaughtered it! I bow to ya. Score: 19,100 Initials: HAN
  12. I actually had a little help with this game. I used to play it all the time on my Dad's Atari 800. Good times! However, my score isn't near as good as some of you, but that's to be expected! As it stands now, I'm right in the middle, which I'm happy with cause it shows I'm neither good nor bad. Score: 58,612 Initials: HAN
  13. You know, I tried to play this game, but couldn't make it anywhere close to you guys. I did make it to the 2nd stage, but couldn't figure out how to pick up people and died. Surprisingly, the game didn't offer me a chance to enter my initials, so I figured my score wasn't even good enough for the in-game board. I came back here to check, and yeah my score wasn't anywhere near you guys. I also noticed that the difficulty in our rules was EASY, and mine was still set at HARD. The game wasn't really any easier for me after I changed it, and I actually didn't make it to the 2nd board after trying a couple more times. I'll have to try again some time and get on this board.
  14. Here's my entry into this game. I think mine is "bugged" (heh see what I did there?). I built a nice corral where I'd be safe from the enemy bugs while I worked on the outside, but somehow one of them went through a wall or something and got me. I don't know how, it was completely closed off. Anyway, I played this for a while and made it up to level 5. Interesting name entry screen! Score: 21,560 Initials: HAN
  15. Another game not worth submitting a score for. I liked this game too though. Kinda like a vertical version of Defender. Score: 39,790 Initials: HAN
  16. Not a bad game. We have a lot in our competition that I've never heard of or played. This is another one. I like the strategy aspect where your machine gun is always pointed up, but your grenades/etc go wherever you're vehicle is currently pointing. Makes it tricky some times. I especially like running over people. Score: 53,100 Initials: HAN
  17. UHG.. another score that's not that great. I shouldn't even post this since it doesn't even put me in the top 10! Score: 37,650 Initials: HAN
  18. I never played this before, but I've certainly heard of it (not just from this competition). This was an interesting venture. I played my first credit and died before I made it to the boss. The 2nd time I made it through to the 2nd stage and had the 2nd to last place on the in-game board. Now that I was more familiar with it, I tried again, and actually made it to the point where you're fighting a knight as a boss. I think it said Level 5 but I only remember waking up and having my potions stolen twice. Oh well. Here's my score: Score: 67.5 Initials: N/A
  19. This game seems different from what I remember. I made it to the 2nd stage, but couldn't make it past the sand trap. For some reason, everywhere I walked, the bridge collapsed under me. Took all my lives right away. I think it's rigged. Still, a fun game. Score: 15,800 Initials: HAN
  20. Ahh, so that's what those were. I thought those lit bombs were just because I got close to them but didn't grab them. So they are actually the ones you should go to first. Cool, I'll try to remember that next time I play.
  21. Man, I try and try and think I have a good score. Then I come here and BLAM! You guys wreck it. I actually remember playing this on my Playstation years ago. Here's my wimpy post. Score: 4,931,730 Initials: HAN
  22. Yeah, we got too many of these shooter games I think. I'm not very good at them at all. It was a fun run though. I only played it a couple of times to get a score. When I find time, I'll definitely come back to play these for a better score. I'm just wanting to get some scores submitted that I never did before.
  23. I really tried on this one. I made it the beginning parts of stage 3. This game is a lot of fun. I'm not a big fan of all the crazy bullets everywhere, especially on the bosses. How are you supposed to dodge all of them? It's insane! After coming back, I really seemed to do a lot better this time around than last time. Beat my best score by almost 700k! Woo!! Score: 1,064,390 Initials: HAN
  24. My hats off to all you guys! This game is strangely difficult for me. I was able to make it to level 9 though. I wanted to get at least 20k before submitting a score, since that was the first place on the in-game board. Score: 20,570 Initials: HAN
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