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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Thanks for the tips. I'll doublecheck my settings but I'm pretty sure that's how I'm already set up.
  2. Time for a new mouse! I use a wired mouse.. was sick of taking the batteries out to recharge them lol. I think this is partly why my score is so low. I couldn't figure out HOW to get them in the chambers. I tried to lure them with the decoys but I usually died instantly. I'm definitely going to have to try this again some time to at least post a legitimate score. Updated all scores... OP, DB, RSS
  3. I agree. By using the loops, you can go backwards and attack those planes coming from the right. ONLY 2 MORE DAYS LEFT IN COMPETITION! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. All but Rocky and Bullwinkle. What's the point of the table if you can't even get the ball anywhere?
  5. +1 for Perfect Disk. I'm kinda buggered about it's default defrag method for my drives though. When I installed it, the default was my C drive to use SMARTPlacement, and all the 13 other drives use "Consolidate Free Space". I know you can change the default. But if the program thinks that's the one it should use, I'll use it. The problem is, I've never used that method before, and it took 15 hours to do ONE drive, let alone 13. I cancelled it for the others. I think my problem though is because I have a lot of TV Shows and Movies, and hour long MP3's that take up huge chunks of space that it has trouble moving around on the disks quickly. To EE (since you use it ) do you think I should leave it as is, or change it to the SMARTPlacement mode?
  6. I've not had any issues, I just wanted to give my server a fresh spring cleaning.. ya know? I went ahead and grabbed the latest version of PerfectDisk Home Server, since I already know how it operates and never had any problems with it. Thanks for the tips and suggestions though guys. If anything, I bet I got a few of you to consider doing your own defragmenting now.
  7. Yeah I'm the same way. PerfectDisk has their trademarked "SMARTPlacement", which puts files more frequently used together. Then they have the more classic "Consolidate Free Space" which puts everything as tight as it can at the beginning of the drive to give you larger free chunks, and they have just a plain "Defragment" which simply defragments the files, but doesn't move them around on the drive. I typically do the SMARTPlacement, and had it scheduled to run every 2 weeks at midnight on each drive sequentially. Then I also had it set to do an Offline mode (system reboots and does the work on page files, etc) every month. I don't know why they were both disabled, and I never thought to check until today, when I realized it said last time ran was 2012 lol.
  8. If we're voting, I go for Adultery's System->Rom plan.
  9. So I decided I'd spend the day today doing some Defragmenting of my Home Server drives. I thought I had it scheduled to do it on a routine, but apparently it's been disabled and hasn't ran in over 3 years! I have been using Raxco's PerfectDisk Server 11. As identified in the name, this program was made/released in 2011. It is now 2015. I looked online to see if there was a newer version, and there is. However, the latest version is only 13, which makes me think they've not come up with anything new in 2 years. I could be reading it wrong though. I checked some other sites I typically visit for software news, and true enough, the most popular site I go to (download.com) hasn't had any news about a new version since 2012 when I do a search. I'm OK with buying the version 13, but before I do, I thought I'd ask the family here what they use. Is there a good alternative to PerfectDisk that would be ideally used in a server environment (ie; multiple drives [in my case 13], sequential drive defragging [not all at once], ability to schedule routines, offline [before Windows boots] modes, etc)? My Dad likes something called OODefrag? but I'm sure. I've heard of Defraggler (I think it was advertised with CCleaner is why I know of it) but I'm looking for something more robust. Any ideas?
  10. I don't know how you guys do it. I'm playing with a mouse, maybe that's my problem? Nice job by the way! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. Not the greatest score, but I felt good about it till I came here! Score: 33,610 Level: 4 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  12. Wow.. um.. I REALLY hate this game.. Couldn't even enter my initials after popping like $2.00 into the machine. Score: 1,473 Initials: N/A DID NOT Update OP, DB, RSS (score too low to make it worth while)
  13. Here's my entry. Played it 3 times, 1st time I got to level 4, 2nd time I got to Level 5 but had a lower score, then I took a break and came back and got to level 10. Still no where near you guys though. Maybe I should just give up on games like my dad did eh? (not sure why the screen shot is all skewed, oh well) Score: 37,940 Stage: 10 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. I'm still waiting to hear the announcement that they're going ahead with the HD remaster of DS9 and Voyager. Current status is that it might not happen because all the Visual Effects (space/ships) were done in the computer and not traditionally with models. Because of that, the "on set" stuff would look great, but all the VFX would have to be redone from scratch in the computer to measure up to the quality standards. It would really suck if they stop at TNG without going forward. They did, however, say they WANT to do it, but the cost of the work involved may be too much. They are actually looking at sales figures of TNG on BluRay to determine if they should go through with it. So please, if you want all Star Trek in HD, support the company and buy their BluRays!
  15. DOH! Didn't realize we were on page 2! Sorry about that.
  16. Consider that score accepted! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. The last time I checked, these were never "emulated".. they were "simulated". Kinda sucks, because I'd love to go back and play some of the ones I wanted but never got. As for my collection, I had: Baseball - LINK (the one on the right) Pinball - LINK (this was actually my brothers) Lights Out - LINK Speed Boat - LINK Star Trek TNG - LINK Star Wars Millennium Falcon Challenge - LINK Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - LINK (this was my brother's friend's but I played it A LOT) I'm sure there were more, those are just the ones I can think of right now. Lights Out had such a simple programing (for each button you press, the ones up, down, left, right and the one you push all have their lights toggled) that I programmed a version of it in TI-BASIC on my TI-85 Graphing Calculator back in high school.
  18. I dunno about this. Doctor Who has such a huge following that it will probably bring in a lot of money. On the other hand, I don't really see the point. The new episodes are pretty much movies in their own right. I don't really know what they could do. I've been watching the original's for a while now, up to Season 2 now (1960's). I like the show, though I've not seen any of the newer stuff except in passing. I don't know if it's got movie potential. Then again, the same could be said about Star Trek.
  19. Yeah I saw that new trailer yesterday. I gotta say, I have a lot more faith in the movie now, compared to what it looked like from the first teaser. I'm a little concerned that Chewbacca still looks the same, while Han is definitely showing his gray. But then again, Chewbacca was in Episode III too, and he looked the same then too. I'm still "on the fence" about whether or not I like the new Stormtrooper outfit. The new bad guy looks good, and it looks like they took some ideas from the Old Republic games. All in all, I'm excited to see the new movie. I just wish it was coming out this summer like they originally advertised, instead of the end of the year. Plus they also said a new movie every year after.. how are they going to manage that? We'll have to wait and see!
  20. I can't tell you how much I love Star Wars. This is really exciting! I just wish I didn't have to work and could stay home all day and watch it. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to plan on going someday.
  21. Ooooh.. hurt face! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. Wow geez! Way to take over the top spot! I don't quite get your reference to 17 and 1,310,720 (other than from Sesame Street). Anyway, thanks for the link to a good FAQ. They're always welcome. Updated OP, DB, RSS
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