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Everything posted by scutters

  1. Updated to V1.4 in first post. Includes optional selections to display table author / version and comments. These fields are not standard in current PinballX database xml so at this time won't display anything.
  2. Updated to V2.1.1 - attached to first post Added pause playback function, maps to whatever you have set in PinballX pause in game key/button. Playback resumes if pressed again or if music navigation button pressed (e.g. skip) And here's a quick video showing navigation using a remote control (using the Flirc V2). Apologies for poor quality etc
  3. I'm only using the custom lists now for playing tables, but the All Tables list is handy to hide tables from these lists by changing the Rating in PinballX. After adding [rating>0] to the Xpath queries in the first post (e.g. "/menu/game[type='SS'][rating>0]") i can then go through the All Tables list in PinballX and set any games i want hidden to a rating of 0. As the batch file runs on PinballX startup the next time i start PinballX any tables set to rating =0 will be hidden from the lists. Effectively on my setup this has the effect of disabling the table, but without having to go into Game Manager and remember which table(s) to disable. And if i ever want to try the table again it's still there in All Tables, so i can 're-enable' it during the next PinballX startup just by changing the rating. It's a pretty handy alternative to actually disabling the tables EDIT - And if you're using ALT CODE type characters in database xml then you may also want to include the encoding in the xmlstarlet cmd. E.g. the "E Windows-1252" here; xml sel -E Windows-1252 -t -c "/menu/game[type!='EM'][rating>0]" %SOURCEXML1% >> %OUTPUTXML1%
  4. 90 secs seems really slow to me, are you on a HD or SSD? Might be worth trying to add /minimized to your visual pinball launch parameters to hide the VP editor
  5. @Mike_da_Spike's AC/DC Loading video overlay as GIF version; Zip has light and dark versions for centre of loading screen overlay (bottom of screen versions on FTP) ACDC.zip
  6. Sounds great, i'm an offline cab guy though so won't be much use to me.. but I think it will be popular with others!
  7. Seems to be an FP thing. Have a look at @societyab 's workaround here;
  8. File Locations; Log file - .Pinballx\Log\Log.txt Config file - Pinballx\config\pinballx.ini Please attach both after an attempt to launch a table. Thanks.
  9. I don't have the latest source files no. Send them across and i'll gif'ify it them some stage.
  10. Whatever button you have mapped in Settings to exit emulator
  11. Been a while since i delved into FP, but from memory you have to move the 'HUD' away from the visible area to off screen somewhere in the FP editor. Edit - see https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=22798
  12. Updated to V1.1, attached in first post. Fixed formatting issue for short time with flashing ":" for seconds
  13. Does sound work if you load a visual pinball 10 table outside pinballx? i'm guessing not. Check your preferences -> audio options in the visual pinball 10 editor
  14. Look in Pinballx\databases\Visual Pinball X\ folder Post that file when you get chance, and also update to the latest version of PinballX (3.56 is quite old now)
  15. You'll need to post more info, please attach pinballx.ini, log.txt (after trying to launch a vpx table), and you vpx database xml files.
  16. If you're setting VPX up as an other system something like this should do it. Amend the paths for your setup;
  17. Pinsound studio is probably running as admin(?), so make sure pinballx is too
  18. Where is Pinball FX3 installed? In your ini file you have it set as; WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam Executable=steam.exe When you launch pinball fx3 manually where do you run it from and do you run via steam.exe or Pinball FX3.exe?
  19. FX3 game manager screenshot looks ok to me. Maybe a silly question, but are you viewing a favourites list in PinballX rather than all tables? Please also attach your pinballx.ini file.
  20. Please attach your pinballx.ini file
  21. That's why packs are a bad idea!
  22. So the problem now is backglass videos captured by game manager don't work in the front end? (but you can open them ok in VLC) VLC shouldn't be a problem, i have that installed too. I'd reinstall LAV codecs from Pinballx homepage and if that still doesn't work, post a screenshot of your LAV settings and attach a copy of pinballx.log file after recording new videos. Smells like a lav issue somewhere..
  23. Best done in VPX video options, set to 1; It will look for tables in your tables folder as setup in Settings for Table Path Don't think i've ever seen a rom / SS table without high scores, and enabled by default. From your stats file i don't have any of the tables you do so i can't confirm, but maybe there is a rom setting to enable high scores... news to me but possible, try going through the options for the roms (have a look on vpforums for rom adjustment guides)
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