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Everything posted by starbuck

  1. Thanks Tom
  2. fRequEnCy Won't GameEx try to load all the roms on the external drives if I point GameEx to the external drives rom folders. This is one of reasons I think the system has long pload times. Will check out map magician. Don't know if I want to span all the game into one giant map file. Would be hugh. I am using the maps that GameEx are making. Would be cool if I had a map files for example: Nintendo NES USA Japan Hacks Protos etc etc. When yoy load a system a option would pop up asking: All Japan USA Hacks etc etc. In some cases I have an emulator listed 3 or 4 times in the system list. One for new USA only, Japan only etc. Adultry Tried to make the list- was over 200,000 games way too much to read Tom Like the color idea, will gameEx automatically do colors based on if GameEx can find the game or not. Thanks all for your ideas
  3. Two requests I have had for a while with GmeEx have been: The abilty for a user of my cab to know which games I have and which games I am missing on any one system. Using ClrMamepro, I have built a pretty complete set for many systems. But due to extensive number of games and systems I have under GameEx, load times are terrible. This has resulted because of sheer storage using a number of external drives hooked to my computer. This only addeded to mmy load times. Since there is only certain games on each system (Evem Mame) that I play, there was no need to have the other games on my cab. What I have done is on my main drive I have created a roms directory for each of my systems, and only put in 3 to 5 games. I have my asset directory on my c drive and have Emumovies download all the great media to that directory, using the external drives with the complete game set.I then go to that system and run each of those three to five games that I have under that system. Next I created a map file with all the games for a system on it and use it in GameEx for that system. I then check the boxs in the setup wizard for that system for last played. After diconnecting all external drives. I run GameRX. When I select a system. The map file loads all the rom names into the list. At the same time it puts the 3 to 5 games that I have at the top. I have a note on my cab using the help line in the setup wizard saying that the games the on games list above the blank lne are the ones I have currently available. Yet because of the map file all the games ae visible and all the media associated with that name is available. If you try to run one of the games below the blank line, you can view the media but the game won't load (Beacuse it really isn't there) Load times are fantastic and I have over 150 systems on my cab, plus karaoke, mp3s, moves etc. Now after all that, how many games will GameEx store on the last played list. Second is it possible to have a theme show a image when a game is selected that is not available stating that the game is not available. My friends love seeing the list of all the games available for any one system. All the great media that I have from Emumovies shows for all the games. If a friend sees a game on system he would like to play sometime in the future he can write it down and I can change it out for another game currently on GameEx by the next time they come over. How many games will GameEx show as played above the blank line.
  4. +1 for this also. 2 pretty please Adultery, While on this new screen, is it possible that when you scroll down to say box, the label on top would read Box, scroll to title the label on top reads title.
  5. As always, Thanks Tom
  6. Adding the custom backgrounds to the theme and the only one that shows up is the Gameboy Color one. In Atari 2600 for instance, in Custom Backgrounds I select Back-Atari_2600_Foreground.png and nothing changes. I have noticed that the bottom band color does change though, when I select the Back-Atari_2600_Foreground.png. Also is it possible to add a semi transparent background to the game list box.
  7. No don't use xpadder I will download it and start to figure it out.
  8. Love the theme. When out and bought a xbox 360 controller to match your control layout for the NES. Could you please upload your outher layouts for the other systems. Thanks
  9. Thanks Tom
  10. New Feature Request: Would like the tv commericals, videos etc. that Ciro makes to show up as a preview in the image box. Done simialr to what happens when you scroll thru your movies. You get a mini version of the movie, until you click on play movie.
  11. As always you are in our prayers. Am downloading the theme now. Looks great
  12. New Feature Request: Have screensaver scroll thru your snaps folder instead of the videos. Still have the ability to pick what systems to have in screensaver and be able to play mp3's in the background while screensaver is playing.
  13. Thanks guys
  14. Another great update!!
  15. A while back I did a topic on just this idea. I found a database that is updated monthly and that is free and has thousands of cheats for all types of systems. It also a database for dvd bloopers. The link is www.cheatbook.de Agree it would be a great feature within GameEx
  16. Knew GameEx did this. Was thinking if it would do it by system, then that would be the ones to include on your system. This would also tell users which systems are being played the most.
  17. Playing games has become more of a headache then the fun it once was. As a rom fanatic I have thousands of roms and am contantly scanning them, fixing them etc.. But, rarely playing many of them. Because of the sheer size of the roms and number of systems, GameEx takes forever to load databases, etc. This lag too reduces the fun factor. Since there are only cerain games in each system that I play, I have decided to 1) Still contine to collect all gamess and systems. 2) Still audit all games and contine to get scans, manuals etc. for all roms 3) Create a folder in my roms and call it "My Games" I will only have GameEX load these games. This will reduce the sheer size of my files that need to be loaded. I then can add some of the other systems that I have been wanting to add, but didn't because of the already huge number of systems I already have running in GameEx. Now my question. We all only play certain games anyhow. Could a thread be started that shows the various systems, and then keep a running total by votes as to what the best games are for each system. These then would be the games that I could put in my "My Games Folder" Would this list benefit anyone besides me. I see no need to have games in my folder that I will never play. But, I'm sure there are games that I have never played that should be in my folder. As GameEx incorporates more and more features, the size reduction of roms should be of great help in keeping the system running smooth and fast. I plan on doing this for my movie files, karaoke, mp3's etc. Any thoughts .............
  18. Can't wait to download the theme. Will your theme allow a specfic background/foreground for a game under the system? I seen where hyperspin's new version that is coming out will no longer use flvs but the same mp4s that GameEx uses.
  19. Thank you Tom!
  20. Looks great Krakerman. If you are looking for other systems. Sega SC-7000 Sega 3000 Sega Pico Spectravideo SVI 318 & SVI 328 Tiger Gizmondo All these are easy to emulate and have some great games.
  21. Thank you Gentleman
  22. Thanks Tom for staying on top of things.
  23. Maybe not. I seem to recall that if you don't put in an image in the theme you are using, it defaults to the image in the default theme that Tom has set up. If that is the case you could put all your foregrounds and backgroups in that default theme and no matter what theme you use it would use those default images.
  24. Thanks Tom
  25. Another great update. Thanks Tom
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