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Everything posted by starbuck

  1. Must be getting old. Attached is a list of the roms in my roms folder. They were named useing a tosec dat file and ran thru clrmamepro. I have all the snaps. snaps, boxes etc created thru Emumovies. They all play thru MESS fine without a map file. I'm not running or using the MESS names at all. Still don't see why blakepoet can't do what I do and not have a problem.
  2. I run all my roms thru clr mame pro and then thru the emumovies download service. Atari 2660 and Atari 7800 doesn't have a no-intro dat file so I use a tosec dat file. I've used map files and have had the same proble. Mentioned it in a past post. I've like to use map files for the ability to color rom on my system. Can't get that to work.
  3. I use mess for over 100 systems thru Gameex,including 2600,5200,& 7800. I run all the roms thru Clrmame pro for renaming. All run fine with the right names. Check your mess setup ans see if they run outside of Gameex with the right name.
  4. Thanks Tom!
  5. Ran the theme in 1920x1080. Same results. I'll keep playing with it
  6. Sorry about your wife's mom. No hurry for the fix. Hope I'm not the only one haven't problems. Not running on 1920x1080 but will try that.
  7. Ok, Installed new update. Theme now opens. mame works fine. Emulated games creates a list larger than the box. Clicking a emulaor causes the screen to flash and nothing more
  8. Krakeman Is it something you could email and I'll test it before you and Adultry upload it., I'm at work but I have access to Gameex here and I could see if it works. Might save you both sometime.
  9. I tried a number of themes and the all work out of the box. Running Krackerman.s I get the attached log. Exits almost immediately. I have tried turning on customenu, turned off the toolebar and nothing helps. Log talks about preview. I've tried it on several computers and all produce the same error.
  10. Gameex just throws it out when you try to run it. Perhaps a step by step on how to set up custom menus etc. for your front end.
  11. Haven't been able to get your theme working yet so I can try it. Will your new systems be added as a update pak
  12. And the hits keep on coming
  13. Thank you much
  14. Thanks for the update
  15. Great thanks. Can you use both and they load one after the other.
  16. Thank yoy Tom Did the game loading screens make it in this update??
  17. Here they be. The first 2 are Clrmamepro dat files. The third are Hyperspin dat and xml files
  18. I sure Tom can fix this. I understand why its sorting them as it does. Being at the top is ok, but would be way cooler if the user had to scroll thru the list and media to see what games are available for any given system. Otherwise its a waste of good media from Emumovies. Not sure why when you exit a game and come back to the list, the colors are gone. I beleive Gameex is not reading the colors of the map file when it returns from a game. It is reading the map file cause all the games are there Would it be possible for Map File Maker to make a map file from a Clrmamepro dat file. Then my cab would have every game listed even the ones I'm missing.
  19. I would use the standard color for all the games and then color the games that are available a neon green. I currently am running 200 plus systems in Game EX and only have 5 to 10 games on each system. This worked. But interesting enough. When you open the system on GameEx, the three games that are colored appear at the top of the list regardless of the alpha spelling. When you play a game and come back to the list, the color is gone and the games are make in the list alpha. When you close GameEx and reopen the games are colored again and back at the top of the list
  20. Morning Adultry, Luv you app. What I want to do with youe app is: Right now I Iet GameEx make my map file for the complete rom set, by running the roms one time thru Clrmame pro. This gives me a complete list of all the games available for any given system. I then point GameEx at that map file. I then, pick only a handful of favorite games I want on my cab. These games I want colored different then the rest of the set. This way when someone plays my cab, the see a complete list of all the games ever made for that systerm. When combined with the media from Emumovies they see all the great videos, boxes etc for all the different games. The colored names are the only ones available for play. If they see a preview for a game they want to play that is not available, I can easily add it to the cab. Is there a way that your great utility will allow me to creat import that set and by right clicking a row change ther name to a color of my choice. Or is there an easier way for me to do this. Thanks for yoor help.
  21. The layer for the loading screens
  22. Happy Birthday Tempest!
  23. Congrats! Draco Well deserved
  24. Thank you, Will test and let ya know. Have you had time to upload that layer for the loading screens.
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