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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Update - "one day I'll release something that works" V0.9.5 Removed random "here" popup! Checked for no emu path + throws error Added 'restore config window' to context emnu for naughty forms. Fixed GameID bug - 0 making it sticky. Upped to seed from 1.
  2. Naw - don't think it'll have any impact at all, although I do keep meaning to ask about how GameEx matches rom names to images.... + disparage away, man - none of my stuff works anyways - today was launch day getting everything set up + implemented, but now it's more like bug-shoot day. Apologies - maybe I was just coding-cranky.
  3. Ah well - then hope you had some nice cake.
  4. I'm totally lost - let me know if there're any issues, Draco. It's just meant to be an app to help out the community.
  5. Lol. That it is, Draco. But the functionality of that in both are really quite separate. In this app - it's more for matching images to database names. That's a bit like saying both cars and bikes have wheels. Sorry, but just found your post curious. Unless I'm missing your meaning...
  6. Many happy returns Starwars dude. Quick - you're under 40 - get drunk, get laid and then pull a sickie. Life's too short...
  7. stigzler


    aha! Now I get the reference.
  8. Had a quick look to see if CustomLists could accommodate this. However, it appears as though Radio favourites don't get put into DATA\Data.db3 - in fact can't find where they're stored!
  9. Update 1.2.0 Added facilitiy for Hyperlist parsing Added faciltiy to remove tags (bracketd text) from Database filenames and Gamenames (only in HS at the moment - not needed in GE?) Added open folders buttons to main edit window. Will auto-update on app launch.
  10. stigzler


    Understood. However, I still say give it to Rob Zombie to rough up the edges a bit. I understand Ryan Reynolds kept the costume.
  11. Nice one - thanks for feeding back. Still awaiting a response on the Repository Manager issue. I'll upload the new, working (ahem..) version.
  12. stigzler


    Finally watched it - saved it for a Bank Holiday. Yeah - 'twas OK. I can't help feel a bit shortchanged by the oldest trick in the book - putting the best bits in the trailer. Some good bits in it. Liked the bartender dude - looks like him and Ryan Reynolds have a bit of a Sat NIght Live relationship thing going on - remind me of Adam McKay riffing. I think they wimped out a little on this - they should have made it Certificate 18, given it to Rob Zombie + Adam McKay and cut down on the amount of back-story. It felt over-padded as it with the story. I mean - yeah - a bit of context fills it out a bit, but it's the personality and anti-hero bit that's best, right? Anywhos - yeah 7/10 as stands. Be interested to know how our resident Deadpool aficionado found it..
  13. Guess this is mainly aimed @Tom Speirs and @headkaze.... I know they're just pootling around kicking their heels at the moment with not much to do. So, my CustomLists plugin leverages GameEx's CustomMenus and favourites systems. It creates folders for each Custom List. I see from the CustomMenu.ini that there's a limit of 100 folders: # The following sections allow you to choose which items to show and where. # Each of the following sections is a menu (list in GameEx). [Root] is shown first when starting GameEx # Sub Menus are in Sections [MENU_[0-100][ eg. [MENU_2] # Create new sections if required. # The First item in a section should be Title to specify the title text to be shown My worry is that this may seriously restrict the number of CustomLists that can be made (below 100 at best, I think in reality with other folders and menus to around 70). Is there anyway to increase this? I did test it out with: [ROOT] TITLE=Last PLayed Item_1=-1,TestFolder,101,themes [MENU_101] TITLE=TEST FOLDER Item_1=4,TstFolderSubItem,0,themes But no joy - didn't work. I know GameEx sees these custom menus as 3200 + the CustomMenu number. Guessing there's no pre-set pages above 3301, so wondering why there's an arbitrary limit of 100? Sure there's a rationale I don't know about. Anywhoos - if it's possible and an easy fix - be great if the number of menus could be extended.
  14. Apologies Smario. Schoolboy error on my part. Your hunch was right - missing .dll. Try the attached. Let me know if it works and I'll upload it to the file repository.
  15. Damn. OK - I'll test on my other machine tonight. Wish I knew if anyone else was getting this error.
  16. Doh! Try this one. Drop all .dlls into the plugins folder.
  17. Can you convert the error to english? And oops yeah... I might have forgotten to include dependencies. I am but an amateur.
  18. Dont use the sandbox. Thats a practice area. Use the live folder instead - youve already signed up to this one too.
  19. Weird one... When trying to launch Custom Lists via Repository Manager - it crashes. But it launches fine when done via Plugin manager. Attached relevant logs. Something looks askew in the R Manager log - the times do not correspond to the plugin launch either - they're at startup. Additionally R Manger is a bit sluggish and takes a while to load. The form briefly shows but then disappears. Any ideas? RepositoryManager.log CustomLists.log
  20. @smario - OK. So this is a really weird one. I have tidied up the code a little - so I would download the new version. However, the main problem appears to be launching config via Repository Manager rather than via the old method of the Plugin Manager. I develop my plugin using the latter as it boots quicker and is more repsonisve. Custom Lists Config boots fine from it. However, Repository manager crashes it. I'm seeking a solution elsewhere, but in the mean-time, find attached the old Plugin Manager exe zipped up. Try it with that. PluginManager.7z
  21. Then GameEx name with that specific replacement it is. Plan is to start building up GameImage resources + wanted to decide on a format before starting to gather/make stuff. I think the nice thing about using the GEF (GameExFormat) is that it maps to all the other naming conventions via your great work on the dbs. Kinda unique for the FEs Just one thing - they're no changes to radically change the format or db before I start building libraries based on this?
  22. Wanna take it Adultery? I'm currently mopping up the mess that is my other plugins!
  23. Update 1.3.0 - "The Marq is back" (sorry) This version requires a Version 1.2.3 install at least. It's suggested that you make this a fresh install (delete any 1.2 installations - folder + DLL) Fixed GameEx back bug (Thanks KustomKid!) Squashed annoying notify icon bug. Lingering notify begone... Made it a single .dll installation. Automatically detects whether existing settings/xml exists and doesn't overwrite. Cleaned up GameEx menu browsing and matching supplemental displays changes. Should now only change display on system changes or game changes. Imperfect but functional.
  24. I could do with some cosmetic fixes.
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