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All my products and services are free. All my costs are met by donations I receive from my users. If you enjoy using any of my products, please donate to support me. Thank you for your support. Tom Speirs



GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Congrats @TerryRed and @Kustom Kid!
  2. Works my end. Have you tried download link on: http://abobosbigadventure.com/fullgame.php ?
  3. The fella who just keeps things ticking along each day. A demon when it comes to "you gotta catch 'em all" media projects, join me in wishing this all round good egg a Merry Birthday! And kudos to his hero whose kung fu is as good as mine:
  4. Just had to share this guy. He merged 16 (?) consoles into 1 unit. Video runs from the point where he explains his custom switch unit he built. Where there's a will.... For some reason, it reminded me of my coding...
  5. I suppose we're lucky to come from such a small island - meaning any enthusiasts are gonna be concentrated in one place. I'd love to do a build convention here in the UK - see everyone's setups. Isn't there ZapCon in the states? That looks quite big
  6. http://www.playexpomanchester.com/relive-your-favourite-arcade-moments-at-play-expo-manchester/ Just found this. Typical innit!? Just muster the interest to go and get a stinking cold. That's the UK for you.
  7. Partly outta boredom, partly out of necessity (I need somewhere to host tutorial videos for my invariably baffling software), I made a UBend 'Channel' - it's probably like Channel 5, only crapper. However, I did think if I'm going to ask people to visit, the least I could do was lay a welcome mat and offer a cup of tea. Check it out, subscribe, like and all that crap... If you're a fellow UBender, maybe we could be friends. I take 2 sweetners and semi-skimmed. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL847aUnddZ13Wrzs_oGptw?view_as=public
  8. My apologies - yes - it was playful English sarcasm. Please take it in good faith. Tbh, imho, your using acronyms helps prevent tl;dr so acronize away!
  9. Looks awesome - although your posts could do with a few more acronyms - they're a little shy. Dunno if it's the same for others, but your youtube vid seems to stutter - which kinda put me off watching it - could be my pc/end but just a heads up as you seem to be putting a lot into these! Your table knows no bounds...
  10. Have you tried messing around with DisplaySettings>BackgroundMode?
  11. It's my pedancy within this hobby, Felix. Guess I'll just have to have emumovies images as a subfolder to all the others. Thanks for letting me know, Tom.
  12. @Tom Speirs Sorry tom. Know youre just a tad busy, but could you let me know either way whether this is possible? Notsure how id write a work around, though given need for sync
  13. I made an app to explore focus issues- it might help. Attached as codeplex being an ass. FocusSpy.7z
  14. It is, but sorry - no idea! Don't think this will be in themes though - more likely through GameEx settings? btw - amazing job on getting all those systems installed!
  15. Update: 1.3.1 Sorted BringToTop on marquee change (runs silent)
  16. On 2. Theme Editor>Edit>Options>Custom Emulator/Module Layouts Then edit each one individually via Templates, I think.
  17. Naw - his custom layouts were on standard module screens not custom menu screens. However, @Krakerman - wicked theme, chap! Lots of work went into that + some quality work there. Doesn't match the theme of my cab, otherwise I'd be using it for sure. This on'es feeling like there's gonna be no joy. I should really just be patient and wait for evo!
  18. Cheers dazzle. Yerp, get it. So question being, can gameex pick up its a non-module page and consequently look for a background of the shortcut name. Thanks draco, I'll take a look. I did try enabling custom layouts, but didnt see my page Nmes in theme editor. I also put "games_module" as the background image name. Still no dice. But will check out that theme for any furthrr ideas
  19. stigzler


    She'd be cute until you found her eating your hamster one night.
  20. Heyup, So - I'm using custom menus. I'm wanting to use custom theme backgrounds for custom menus I create. For example, I have created a custom menu called "Games" under the Home page. I'd like GE to display a custom 'games' page background. Following the usual logic, I placed an image in the Media folder and called it "Games" - no joy. Cannot find any options in Theme Editor, nor any obvious methods enabled via the Theme.ini. Anyone got any pearls of wisdom?
  21. Just had a quick scout around theme editor, but can't figure how to do this. Ideally, would like to change the position, size and graphic. Also - any way to position the input box?
  22. Dammit. I went back to Playstation for current gen + this looks sweet. Can't have both worlds, I suppose. Enjoy you XB1ers. I'll get my own back with The Last Guardian (bloody hopefully!)
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