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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Hans - check the J1 red wire - it looks like it's touching a contact in the ground plane. That may be your controller up issue?
  2. uh oh - that sounds like a FPS... I'm out...:)
  3. Nice work, Hans! Having recently done some similar work (see Ataroid: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,149221.0.html) I'd recommend using xlr-type panel mounts. E.g for your hdmi: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,149221.0.html then using this to cut the hole: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-Pcs-Large-HSS-Steel-Step-Cone-Drill-Titanium-Bit-Set-Hole-Cutter-4-12-20-32mm-/272422588843?hash=item3f6da6d1ab:g:jXoAAOSwgHZYC1wh Gives a result like this: Also - for any other standoffs - i'd recommend using hot glue. Sure - leaves the insides a bit messy, but saves any traces on the outside.
  4. wtg the greeze. this is harder than I thought. whos bright idea was this? wonder whats next?
  5. Hilarious - mind you it's better than my Japanese! Good esoteric knowledge there, tthurman.. Damn - yours is gonna be tough.
  6. Cracking dev - guessing this is so you can control GE via your tablet?
  7. And the Greeze gets it!!! Bang on - yer up, chum..
  8. Hopefully he'll tap in the wrong co-ordinates and aim the nuke at his own sociopathic, narcissistic head. I did try really, really, really hard not to say anything. Sorry! My condolences America.
  9. lol. No not that one - but who put Sean Connery in a videogame!?
  10. errr...nope...no, that's definitely not it. What were you thinking of?
  11. So - Name the Game from the line... If someone gets your line, post a vid or a pic of the game. Winner gets a point. And a star. And a sticker. Starting from now(ish) Super Hero Baddies Killed The_greeze 1 tthurman 4 stigzler 2 Draco 4 hansolo77 1
  12. Looks like you have it all in hand. Yerp - FTP could also work! And sadly no, GSM is a ClickOnce app, thus needs installation. Look forward to seeing some full sets - they're gonna rock
  13. Although I'm not big-up on Mame - this looks funky - thanks for the share. If I'm reading this right this takes xml as input and outputs in a different format? Whoa - powershell looks quite errrr... powerful!
  14. Excellent job! From looking at the samples, I'd say go for 64 or 128px. 32 is just too small. Have you thought about the following (from experience): - Naming format for the game/icon - How to co-ordinate all your project members so they aren't working on the same game - Central upload area to pull together the sets This does feel like a shameless self-promotion, but only syaing to save you guys a lot of hassle. Easiest way around above is creating a dropbox account, making a share folder + share with project members then using GameSetMatch (this'll do all of the above for you). GSM will take 20 minutes to learn + happy to help with this side of things if needed. Good luck, god's speed and shoot for the moon...
  15. Update 1.4.1 Added Icons to identify properties Added Daphne to Systems List
  16. No probs - thanks for feeding back.
  17. Here's how I got PS2 running:
  18. Thanks hans. All informative stuff. get well soon, and dont forget those paragraphs (makes reading easier for people) and pictures.
  19. Not sure this would work. gameex would look out for the batch file closing rather than the emulator. thus, unless pcsx2 is closing the bat, it might not work. you could use start wait, bur the whole methos appears convoluted. A better way would be to use the launch before and after facility in emulator setups to start/end GameCtrl around the emulator launch. Other options include pcsxlunch and pcsxbonus. I did a setup guide somewhere, search forums if interested.
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