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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. Two updates in two days...now thats a heck of a development cycle!!! Thanks for the improvements Tom.
  2. Welllllllll, there is one setting in GameEx that affects video snap volume... Go into Audio Settings > Audio in snap/preview videos You cannot turn the volume down for video snaps, but you can turn it off. Otherwise, Draco is right; the only other way would be to edit the video files and lower the volume there.
  3. I have reinstalled or transferred GamEx I don't know how many times usually because I had some great idea of how to organize stuff or because I had a new rig. Ultimately my advice to you would be the same as I would tell someone doing a new set. After the base install is done, do it in small steps; set one thing up and then confirm it works before moving on. Don't set up a whole bunch of stuff and then test at the end. Test general functionality first, then built-ins and mame (steam, videos, karaoke, etc), and then emulators. As far as transferring a setup, this is what I generally do: Install the latest GameEx on the new rig Make sure you install every option you need during the GameEx install (databases, themes, arcade ambience, etc; if you are not sure, just install it) Run the setup wizard once and go through every single option using the defaults so GameEx can download and generate stuff it needs. Run GameEx. If it runs, let it generate other stuff that it wants to generate. Copy over your GameEx.ini to the CONFIG folder. Run the Setup Wizard and do your best to confirm that the paths are correct. Run GameEx and see if it starts. If it doesn't check the log.txt file for errors. If that is enough to help you fix it, then continue on. If it starts, test the built-in functions and Mame first (Kareoke, Videos, Jukebox, etc). If that stuff works, start testing the emulators outside GameEx one by one. Once you know an emulator works outside GameEx, test it inside GameEx. Lastly, let GameEx generate as much 'stuff' as it can on it's own. Don't copy every single file over from the old build. However, there is one caveat I have to mention with transfers: GameEx has a lot of stuff going on under the hood and it is important to get the config right. Doing a transfer requires a degree of knowledge and some troubleshooting skills. If you run up against a wall, don't bang your head against it too long. It may be better to wipe and start over with a clean install and start from scratch than it is to troubleshoot a whole mess of things. If you try to migrate an install and have a lot of errors, I think that most of the people here will probably suggest a clean install. I have done it many, many times myself, but I also am willing to take the time to troubleshoot my stuff...but I also have went with a fresh install at least once after trying a migration. Whatever you decide, it's always fun to get a new rig that you can pimp out. Good luck with it.
  4. Hey wmarshall, Glad you got it fixed up. Happy GameEx'ing!!!!
  5. Hi wmarshall, How big is the problem? Is only one game displayed incorrectly, a few games, most games, or all games? Do you have a file called [Arcade] MAME.mdb in the GameEx\DATA\EMULATORS folder? If you do not have this file, it means that you may have installed GameEx without the databases. Please check and let us know if it is there or not. If you have the [Arcade] MAME.mdb file, please try recreating your Mame game list and then post your gameex.ini and log.txt file from your GameEx. Thank you.
  6. I believe the way Gameex builds its list is to take data from the dat files and then create a gamelist.txt file in the DATA folder. It then reads that gamelist.txt file when it needs to display info for a game. I suggest working with the mameinfo.dat file first since this is where the descriptions come from - maybe try a different one (old or new) and rebuild. Personally, I have only seen this sort of thing when dealing with map files, but GameEx does not use mapfiles for this.
  7. Hey magenois, please post your GameEx.ini and log.txt file. It never hurts to provide these files...and often helps.
  8. Hey Draco, the GameEx.ini shows that Menu Under Games parameter is already set to Put Menu under Emulated Games. He kinda already said that in his original post too... The parameter in the file is NoMAMEOnStartPage and it is set to True. I am not aware, but is there a general cache for GameEx that can be reset?
  9. No Cisek. It is a separate program from SetupWizard.exe. Look for the GameExMenuEditor.exe file in your GameEx directory. Again, chances are it is not the reason for your issue...but looking at it at least rules it out.
  10. Custom Menus allow you to create your own menu list that overide the ones created by the settings in the Setup Wizard. By default, the feature is disabled. You access it using the GameExMenuEditor.exe file found in your GameEx directory. If you are not aware of them, then chances are you are not using them. To be sure, run the executable and see if the Enable Custom Menus check box is unchecked.
  11. I guess we could TRY to think of some bad things to say about you if you want...might be tough though...
  12. I am guessing that you have something like this for your roms: Mame Roms fighting racing sports underwaterprofessionalbasketweaving Then again, I really don't like guessing. I would rather you provide an example or pics of the custom category folders for your roms and video files. Also, would you please post your GameEx.ini? Your issue is beginning to sound more like a GameEx-config-thing than a theme-thing.
  13. I am late to the game in saying 'Woo Hoo for new releases', but I helped a bit with this one...so Yippie!!!
  14. Hi Shoguy, Make sure you have the neogeo bios files inside your Mame rom folder...or...I wonder if you may have an incorrect version. Be aware that around mame 1.39, mame changed the way that neogeo games are handled. Because of this, old neogeo bios files were no longer compatible with the newer mame version. Please keep in mind that we cannot help you get bios or rom files here. You will have to use your own googling skills to see if that is the problem.
  15. Hey SpyhunterUK, If you check your MAME Settings Page, what location do you have for the Video Snap Path? The default structure that GameEx uses should allow this to work (assuming you have it configured properly), meaning when your selection bar is on Spinner Games, you only see videos for Spinner Games, Golden Era only shows videos for Golden Era titles, etc. You aren't by chance using Custom Menus to manually set up your mame categories?
  16. Hey SpyhunterUK, The ini files are based on the configuration used in the Theme Editor. While I am no expert at the editor, I have used it enough to know that there isn't a place to set values for the location of the bar. I beleive they have a hard-coded location. The background image itself is named PleaseWait.png and the graphic for the bar is named PleaseWaitBar.png. You can edit these images. Both of these images should be in the MEDIA folder of the theme.
  17. Shoguy, From my testing, I was unable to get Fusion to detect an image mounted to a virtual drive. Fusion does support image loading itself. I suggest you try using this command instead: Fusion.exe -scd -fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"
  18. Actually shoguy, I will make it super easy for you for this one. Try to run a Sega CD game and then exit GameEx Grab the log.txt file from the GameEx\LOG folder. Grab the GameEx.ini file from the GameEx\CONFIG folder Post both files in your reply The next time you need to post for help, please look over the How to ask for help guide. Thanks!!!
  19. Yes, yes, yes. I know that the monthly challenges take time to manage, but I keep looking for them each month.
  20. Hi Shoguy, Welcome to the forums! Please do us a favor and post your GameEx.ini and a log.txt file after you attempted to run a Sega CD game. Check my signature below for how to find those files.
  21. My apologies. I did forget to turn debug mode off for Emu 12. I retested and it worked just fine. Did you want any testing done on a GameEx_Lite version as well?
  22. Hi Tom, I ran the same tests again. I attached files for Test#2 only. TEST #1 (Emu 26) The simple test with only an iso to load worked fine. TEST #2 (Emu 13): NeoGeo Emulator. In this instance, the iso is mounted, but the runitgame.bat still includes a PAUSE command before launching the command line of the emulator. The "Install ISO Support" message is no longer present; and after a key press to allow runitgame.bat tio continue, the emulator loads successfully and the game can be played. It appears that all that is needed is to remove the PAUSE. Let me know if you need anything more. Test2_Set2_Emu13.7z
  23. Hi Tom, The new executable does allow an image to be mounted using the [VirtualDrive] command. However, when the runitgame.bat runs it shows a message to "Install ISO Support" and then the batch pauses. If you unpause it, the batch file will close and the emulator will run and successfully display the game. TEST #1: The simple test I provides (Emu 26) to test whether an iso would mount independant of the emulator executable. In this instance, runitgame.bat does not pause, but the bat does contain a message "Install ISO Support". TEST #2: The second test was with the NeoGeo Emulator (Emu 13). In this instance, the iso would mount and the runitgame.bat would pause displaying "Install ISO Support". After a key press, the emulator loads successfully and the game can be played. I should add that the only two emulators I have that require mounting are SSF (Saturn) and NeoCD (NeoGeo). All the other image-based emulators I use have integrated mounting support. I also do not have any isos to test SSF (only mdf and cue). I suggest that a few others who use the GameEx VirtualDrive functionality may want to take part in testing. GameEx 14.43 / Daemon Tools 10.2.0 / Windows 7 64-bit Test1_Emu26.7z Test2_Emu13.7z
  24. Hi TheThinker, I have a feeling that Custom Menus are the thing that you are looking for. When enabled, the custom menu list overrides the default menu setup.
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