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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. Hay Dazzle, 1. Yes, I use an external drive for everything related to GameEx except for the GameEx install and PC Games (ie it contains roms, snaps, titles, videos, emulators, etc). 2. If Daphne is enabled in the Setup Wizard and the drive is not operational (unpowered/unplugged/whatever), GameEx will crash in the way I posted above. 2b. If the Daphne is disabled in the Setup Wizard and the drive is not operational (unpowered/unplugged/whatever), GameEx will not crash. Instead, it will load with all of the emulator options greyed out. I only started working on setting up Daphne recently and did not encounter this issue until the first time I forgot to turn on my drive. It was at that point that I did some troubleshooting that lead me to conclude that Daphne's missing path was causing the crash. 3. No, I did not manually assign a drive letter to the external drive...but I am aware of the pratfalls of using an external drive with the gameex.ini that has static paths. I can say that this issue is not related to drive assignment mismatch. Also, I have done reboots on the off chance that it was some wierd glitch. Same result. I should also mention that I have been using this setup for about a year with no problems with other emulators. Also, I do want to be clear that I reported this issue in the event that it is also an issue for other users. I am not worried about fixing this on my rig if it's only a one-off. I just want our lovely GameEx to work well.
  2. @Evilforces It looks like the major emulators and Mame have assets available. You might go to emumovies to take a look at what is currently available to see which sets they actually have. Also remember that the assets at emumovies are constantly growing, so there will be gaps in the games lists. I mean between all of the available emulators and games, that's a LOT of files!!! Initially, the logos were not downloading for me either, but by the time I had all of my emulators set up with their Logo directories, the files started flowing.
  3. In the Setup Wizard there are new parameters under Daphne, Emulator Setup, Mame, and Groups called 'Logo Path'. Yeh, I admit that I got all excited too and looked through the different views to find a physical wheel-type view, but that's not what this is. This addition allows the user to set a path specific to (rom) logos that separates those assets from other types of assets such as titles, snaps, etc. That's ok though. Any new fuctionality is good.
  4. I noticed this the other day when I forgot to turn on the external drive I use for my emulators. The error log specifically calls it out. I found that if I disable Daphne in the Setup Wizard, the error does not occur. Can anyone else confirm if this is happening for them? log.txt: GameEx.ini
  5. Hey SuperMagicom, Thank for looking. I have corrected the links in the thread. You can find the theme here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/files/file/529-sidebar-1920x1080/
  6. Hey Marcus, Welcome to the GameEx! My guess is that you do not have the neogeo.zip bios files in your Mame ROMs directory. This is necessary for NeoGeo games to run on Mame. Do some Google searches and you should be able to find what you need (that's about all I can give about finding bios and rom files - forum rules and stuff you know). Of course, the other possibility is that your ROM version and Mame version are not compatible, but if you used clrmamepro I believe that eliminates that. If this does not lead you to the solution, it may help us if you were to post your gameex.ini file and a log.txt file after running a NeoGeo game. Check out the link in my signature if you need help with where to find those.
  7. OK, so I took a look at the shaking issue that Alan described. I was able to replicate the problem in full screen (but not windowed mode), but I could not tell you what was causing it for certain. While testing, I not only changed to a different theme and back, but I also removed all of the .ini files except for the Theme.ini and ran GameEx. One (or both) of these two actions caused the 'shuddering' to stop occurring while cycling through the game list. This makes me wonder if perhaps something in the cache was not interacting correctly and maybe my changes temporarily fixed things. I was unable to replicate the issue again after that. Although I am familiar with the Theme Editor, I am not even close to being an expert. From what I was able to tell, it does look like some clean-up may be a good idea. I saw many templates that had no assets assigned (although I could be misinterpreting what I saw). I know that this is not a solution, but maybe the information will be helpful.
  8. Yup. glad you were able to solve it
  9. Hi laggerific, Could you please provide a copy of your gameex.ini file as well as a recent log.txt file? See my signature if you are not sure how to do that. Also, if you could provide a screen shot of what you are referring to, it may also be helpful. Note that GameEx will have to be windowed for you to capture the image.
  10. I'm not sure I will be able to stay on the board for long, so here is my score while I have a chance: 368,400
  11. My best game to date by a mile: 167,320 First time ever getting to Track #6.
  12. When you set it up via the Setup Wizard, each time you press a new key or button, it adds it to the combination...so the pipe represents an AND in this case. I cannot think of a way to allow a global exit to be triggered from two controllers with different button combinations unless an external program is used to listen for the combination.
  13. You can set up a global exit in GameEx so that when you hit the exit combination for any emulator, it exits. Some emulators (like SNES9x) need an extra little nudge to work, but most work very well with it. It is under Input Settings > Global Exit. For instance, on my setup I primarily use XBoxOne controllers. In the Global Exit, I have the Joystick Exit set to both triggers plus pushing down on both sticks. Enable Escape Key Exit is also set to Yes. When those four buttons on the controller are pressed at the same time, the emulator stops and focus is returned to GameEx. For Snes9x, I also have the Advanced Config set to [Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close) under the Advanced Emulator Setup. This should override the Snes9x's normal ESC functionality. You could certainly do something similar if you have a control panel or keyboard. You just have to find a combination that works for you. It's worked really well for me.
  14. @ExedExes Unbelieveable scrore man. @Bay Route: You were one tough game. I wish you well. I do not think we will shall meet again...
  15. Hi NozzaC, See if Tom's post here applies to you. If it does not, please put up a support case.
  16. Good score...looks like I have work to do...
  17. Yeah, at those higher level boards every millisecond matters.
  18. Thanks for the advice. I should have thought of that last night...but funny thing, I booted up today to start putting things together for the troubleshooting process with FA and it works fine now. I will just have to play lots of games over the next few weeks (for testing purposes only of course). I played a few games last night and it feels good. No lag and the responsiveness FEELS like arcade controls. So, here it is! BEFORE (not so sexy) & AFTER (pretty darn sexy)...OK, so not so exciting. It really is all guts changes. I still have a few holes in the back that need to be filled, and I would like a shorter USB cable from the board to the USB pass-through, but that's about it.
  19. I mispoke...that's what I get for going off memory. The Radio module has it's own Favorites listing. Most themes will have a main menu bar on the screen that contains commands like Back, Home, and Exit. Once you enter the Radio module, you should see a Favorites option listed there as well. This is where your favoritest should be saved (see the example below from my setup). If you do not see these commands, perhaps they are hidden in the theme. If you need a theme to look at for testing, try default-default.
  20. Another old favorite of mine, but tough to play on a gamepad. I just got my new stick wired, so here's a score: 63,400
  21. I upped my game a smidge. 117,035
  22. I got the quick connect replacements from Focus Attack today, so I wired this puppy up...I had zero problems with the physical work as it is pretty much plug and play, but one of the spots on the board isn't working. I am wondering if you guys who are familiar with I-PAC might know of some nuance of the board that may explain it...I am hoping maybe, possibly the board is working as intended and I just have not figured out what is going on....maybe...otherwise, I will have to open a ticket with Focus Attack to troubleshoot and possibly do an RMA. To test, I downloaded the WinIPAC app and assigned gamepad controls to the joystick and all the buttons. I then found the I-pac in my control panel and went into the gamepad control settings and then the properties so I could watch the button/joystick inputs respond. Everything except 1B responded. I swaped the ground wire and the main wire from a working microswitch and tested both. Still 1B did not respond, but the other would. I did do some individual swapping of wires, switches etc on the off chance that some wierd combo of hardware was causing the problem, but it still points at the 1B connection on the board. Anyone got any suggestions. thoughts, prayers?
  23. There are only a few settings to the radio config. I don't see anything off-hand in the Setup Wizard that would remove that option. On my setup, when I select the radio station I want, GameEx next gives me the option to Play or Add to Favorites. If I understand correctly, there are essentially two theme types: v2 and v4. v4 has more features than v2. I am using a v4 theme of my own making. You might try some other themes or views if this is something importan to you.
  24. RedDog

    how to register

    @Kustom Kid Good Catch @parasol See if Tom's post here applies to you. If it does not, please do put up a support case.
  25. RedDog

    how to register

    Hi parasol, Please create a support ticket. Start by clicking the Support link at the top of the page and then click 'New Request'.
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