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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. The scroller appears to be working ok. I tested it with generic text as well as a feed to Gamespot and saw messages each time. I don't know much about RSS feeds, but I would guess that it's some sort of formatting problem with http://gameinfo.hfc-essentials.com/hiscore/HiScore.rss.
  2. Hey N1K0S, Depending on what version 12 you upgraded from, that is a 3.5 to 4.5 jump...the biggest I have seen. Your 'problems' could very well be a result of how far GameEx has come since you last updated. There very well could be a number of parameters in your config that are no longer used in the same way. If it helps, how I have reinstalled in the past is to archive any files I want to keep (GameEx.ini at minimum), uninstall, manually delete any residual files, reboot, install GameEx, run the Setup Wizard to walk through each menu and disable all the 'top of the page' features, save, and then run GameEx. Give GameEx all the time it wants to generate files. After that, exit, copy the old GameEx.ini file over to the CONFIG directory, run the Setup Wizard, check for plugin upgrades, and run GameEx giving it plenty of time to generate files while you say a silent prayer...and then test. If the above does not work I think you need to consider starting from scratch or disabling every feature you can and then slowly adding them back in (testing each in turn). Also, don't forget to check your plugin versions. In 3 to 4 years, they probably have been updated. Lots o luck with this. I think you are in for a challenge.
  3. @MNMax21 Thanks for the pointer on the 4/8 stick. I found one for $35.00 that you can change without opening the case. I will keep it in mind. Also, I did see the details about the Shift Key and the software. All I expected was that the controller would show up as a joystick and that's that. The programmable software is a very nice addition.
  4. Thanks again. Your direction helped me go from knowing very little to having a solid place to start. Gotta love this community!
  5. Thanks for the thoughts guys. Those suggestions really helped me to start looking. I had looked at Focus Attack before posting. It's good to know that site is a good choice...and the Twisted Quarter has some cool stuff beyond the normal upgrade stuff. I am starting to get a sense of things. I now know that $50.00 isn't going to get me too far...maybe a PCB and wiring to start. I assume this PCB is the way to go for a single (or two) player setup: Ultimarc I-PAC-2 2 Player USB Pushbutton and Joystick Interface PCB This is the entire setup if you are insterested. In total, it would be about $105.00 to get all the parts through Focus Attack. Miscroswitches would be the standard ones (ie no cherry). This also includes shipping. It's a litte more than I wanted to spend, but I may decide to piecemail it together. I will watch for that sale at Focus Attack and maybe that will inspire me.
  6. I have a single-player X-arcade stick that was designed using the old PS/@ keyboard wedge design (USB 1.1). It sometimes feel sluggish in games, so I do not use it much. I think it's the old USB 1.1 interface that is causing the lag. I have been considering swapping out the innards for more modern hardware to make something I will actually use. X-arcade offers a USB2 upgrade PCB and cable assembly for $35.00. That feel a bit pricy for a so-so product and it only improves the interface. I am assuming I can get better results with better arcade hardware at a similar price. I have built a fair number of desktop PCs, so I am not too worried about putting the hardware together once I have the parts. What I do not know alot about is arcade hardware. The least I would like to do is make the unit USB2 compatible and upgrade the buttons (12). I prefer less 'clicky' sticks and buttons and I do not want to enlarge any button holes. Extras that I may consider is if there is a PCB to make it PS3/PS4 compatible, adding additonal small buttons for COIN, PLAYER1, and EXIT, and upgrading the stick (though I don't mind the x-arcade stick that much). I am a casual gamer, so I don't need super high end components. I'd like to see what I can do with $50.00 plus shipping costs. Any more and I would think it may be better to buy a new entry-level fighting stick. Hopefully $50.00 is not too little to work with. Anyone have some advice?
  7. Here is another. I did encounter the glitch this time where I fell off a ledge on my final death and did not get to register my initials...so it's up to you if you want to take it. I will try again anyway. 79,870 I got past the block traps this time AND THEN died. Now thats progress!
  8. No problem. Its all in good fun.
  9. OK, Round 2. Fight!!! Oh no, more glitches!!!
  10. Hey Thinker. I went back and tested Fusion through GameEx with my two XBoxOne controllers and I was able to use the dpads on both just fine. Do keep in mind that my tests are not exactly the same as your since you are using XBox360 pads. Hopefully there isn't some wierd conflict between GameEx, Fusion or your gamepad drivers. It would be best if you could post your gameex.ini file instead of doing a screenshot of the Fusion config. There is a lont more under the hood than just that.
  11. What do you mean about the 'D'. That's what it looked like on the screen. Honest. Hey, maybe it was one of those glitches... I generally think of a rom being one zip file, so when you say 'set' I thought that meant any of them. I just chose the first USA version. No problem, I can try again. Maybe this time I can get past those traps.
  12. Hey Thinker, So I broke out both of my XBoxOne controllers to see if I could help you out. Funny enough though, I configured both through the Fusion GUI and had no problem with the setup. I tried both using the left stick and then the dpad for movement and they worked independantly just fine (in Streets of Rage at least). Anyway, I am not super familiar with the fusion.ini, so I attached it for you. This has both controllers configured exactly the same with the dpad for movement. I hope it helps. Fusion.ini
  13. Hi Forty, While the daphne log file may help, the logfile I was referring to is for GameEx. Try to run Dragons Lair using GameEx, let it fail, and exit GameEx. Then, go to the GAMEEX\LOG folder for the log.txt file and post it.
  14. Hi Forty. Would you post your gamex.ini file and the log.txt file from just after trying to run Daphne? I don't have Daphne set up myself, but those files will be helpful to anyone who wants to try to help.
  15. I did not think of using favorites. That is kind of cool actually. I had assumed that, like emulators, you normally only see what you configure. So this is more like the online flash games. I take it the 40 slots in the radio configuration are to add radio station urls not in the list, correct?
  16. Sorry I did not find that earlier...but at least we we know what it is now.
  17. OK, I came across a post for a similar issue that I did not come across before when I did my searching. It looks like GameEx is displaying the data that Steam is providing. Not much can be done unless you want to manually edit the steamdata.ini file as the post indicates.
  18. Hi Unforgiven, I believe that there is still an issue on Tom's Radar regarding some games not being displayed for large lists (above 110 or so). This recent thread sounds similar to your 'missing games' issue: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/17676-steam-stopped-adding-new-games/#comment-156112 As for the 'advertisments', please try deleting the steam cache and map file again to see if GameEx rebuilds the files properly: - Delete EMU_1002.dbcacheini from the DATA folder - Delete gameex_[PC] Valve Steam.map from the DATA folder - Run GameEx and enter the Steam module If that does not clear the odd entries, please grab the log.txt file before entering GameEx again and post it. Perhaps it captured something from the file build that might be helpful. Thanks!
  19. Poor stigzler. I am sure that as soon as Tom is able to bend space, time, and reality (well, more than he already does), he will be happy to oblige. Thanks for the update Tom. I am sure the SSF fans will be stoked.
  20. Tom, as I mentioned above, I noted the same issue as Bim. While I have only 1 station configured and enabled, 14000+ are listed. Attached are my GameEx.ini and log.txt file. All the log file contains is running GameEx, entering the Radio module, and then closing GameEx with the ESC key. log.txt GameEx.ini Note: Message sent to Tom.
  21. I set up radio for the first time on my setup and got similar results to yours. While I did find my favorite station and it did work, I also had 14967 stations in my list even though I should only have one. Hey Bim. It would be helpful if you could post your gameex.ini file and log.txt. Before posting the files, run GameEx, go into the Radio page, then close GameEx. Perhaps the log will capture something. gameex.ini can be found in GameEx\CONFIG. log.txt can be found in GameEx\LOG. Thanks.
  22. Just a shot in the dark on this one...make sure the pathways in the Setup Wizard still matches the location of the files on your PC. I have all my games stored on an external drive that I only power up when I want to use it. When I forget to power it up, I can move through the menus (and into the favorites), but cannot run anything. On one occasion, I booted my PC with several usb flash drives already inserted, so when I powered up the external hard drive with all the emulator stuff the PC assigned a different driver letter...hence, wrong path. Hope it helps ...and if that ain't it, listen to Draco, cuz he knows his stuff.
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