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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. I found SSL to be slightly more involved than other emulators to set up, but not by much. I tried several ways to do it manually, but in the end I found Adultry's Virtual Loader plugin to work well. If your games are on disk images, you will need: - A program for mounting the images such as Daemon Tools Lite 10 (which is what I used) - Adultry's fabulous Virtual Drive Loader Set up your emulator: Working Path: The path to the emulator executable Rom Path: The path to the ROMS (images) Rom Filter: If needed, set a filter Command Line: SSF.exe [DTLOADER] ...And any other settings you want to do (Image Snap, Video Snap, etc, etc) Be aware that the [DTLOADER] command in the command line is used specifically with Daemon Tools. If you use a different program to mount the image, you will need to use a different command. See the Virtual Loader Instructions if needed. After the emulator is configured, browse through the Setup Wizard to the Setup Plugins screen. There you will configure Virtual Drive Loader. All that is needed is to find the Saturn emulator in the drop-down list, add the following settings, and then click SAVE: MOUNT COMMAND: -mount dt, "[RomFullPath]" UNMOUNT COMMAND: -unmount_all Also, once you have things set up, you can set the SSL emulator to fullscreen using ALT-ENTER.
  2. I believe that I encountered the same issue, though without seeing the error log from billoute's error dialogue I cannot say for sure. In any case, I tried your updated DTLoader with a fresh install of DaemonTools Lite 10.2 and was able to open, configure, and use DT_Loader again.
  3. Interesting solution. I will have to remember that one.
  4. Hey Evil, Did you try my suggestion of doing a clean boot and closing out any other programs?
  5. Your log file shows an OutOfMemoryException around the time the listinfo.dat file was being processed. It appears that your PC ran out of memory. I have a feeling that the process is stalling and GameEx is timing out. Your PC only has 2 Gigs of RAM, and while that is more than the 1 Gig requirement that Windows 7/10 suggest for a 32 bit system, I have generally considered 4 Gigs to be a more reasonable minimum. I would suggest doing a clean boot, closing out any unnessessary programs, and then try running the update again. If the same exception occurs again, you might consider upgrading the RAM (unless someone else has another suggestion, of course). I also did a gameslist update on my Windows 7/GameEx 14.43 machine and it did work fine. However, it does not necessarily rule out a problem related to 14.43.
  6. RedDog


    Just an FYI for Tom. My Webroot is detecting that bass.dll contains W32.Rogue.Gen. The Last Modified Date for bass.dll is 11/24/2014 so I am preeeeeeety sure it's a false positive. I am not sure if there is anything Tom can do about it, but I thought best to mention it.
  7. Hi Kustom Kid, The Parameters you suggested would be the same as the following settings in the Setup Wizard: - Media Center Exit\Start Mode: Close and restart (recommended) - Exit GameEx if MCE Loaded: Yes Exit if Home button pressed Thanks for the suggestion, but it did not help my situation. These settings cause WMC to close if GameEx starts or GameEx to close if WMC starts. I did notice that the original programs did not restart after the interrupting program was closed (not sure if that is intentional or not). My intention was that no interaction would take place between GameEx and WMC. If one opens, the other does not care (and vice-versa). I am making the assumption that when Media Center Exit\Start Mode is set to No Media Center Interaction, there should be no interaction. I can't see any other way to interpret the commands, but perhaps that is not completely accurate or perhaps it is not functioning as it should be.
  8. I did most of the same sort of stuff as ClassicGMR as well (and am still working on some aspects). If you want a REALLY nice and fancy setup that includes all sorts of snazzy graphics and videos, it takes time. You gotta like doing this sort of thing. GameEx can be relatively simple to configure if all you want is a bare-bones setup that works...or it can be a tinker's dream/nightmare. And take it from a guy who has reconfigured and set up GameEx many, many, many times...save your progress.
  9. I am having a minor annoyance with the interaction between Windows Media Center and GameEx. I have a Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit PC (HTPC) connected to my TV that is primarily used with Windows Media Center to record and watch media. I also have GameEx installed on it. The Windows Media Center client and service are set up to always be running and I would prefer it to be that way. However, whenever I exit GameEx, the Windows Media Center client also stops running a few seconds later. Fortunately, the service (for recording shows in the background) continues just fine. I have the following options set in GameEx: - Media Center Exit\Start Mode: No Media Center Interaction - Exit GameEx if MCE Loaded: No don't check for ehshell process The GameEx log file does not indicate to me if GameEx is prompting the WMC client to stop, yet the WMC client is definitely closing when GameEx closes. I browsed the Windows Event Viewer and was unable to find an entry for WMC indicating an error or that the client was closed. Besides my HTPC, I also have WMC and GameEx running on my laptop (Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit). This sort of behavior occurs there as well (with the same GameEx WMC settings as above). The attached log file is the result of the following steps: - Start WMC and minimize - Start GameEx - Close GameEx as soon as it loads (by ESC, manual EXIT, or closing it at the taskbar) - GameEx closes - Approximately 2 seconds later, WMC closes Anyone have any suggestions? GameEx.ini log.txt
  10. I do not believe there is an option within GameEx to say 'use this generic bezel if one does not exist', but perhaps someone else knows a way. From what I have been able to find, vanilla Mame only looks in the ARTWORK folder for a bezel file that matches the same filename as the rom being run. It does not have an option to use a generic bezel. I did come across a few pages that spoke about the possibility of recompiling the Mame executable to allow for this functionality, but I also could not find a page that confirmed that it actually worked. What GameEx currently does when Use Bezel is turned on is to create a folder called artworkgameex in the folder that contains the Mame executable. It then renames the graphic file from GameEx\MEDIA\BEZELV2 to match the name of the rom, zips it up with the default.lay file, copies it to the artworkgameex folder, sets the artwork path to artworkgameex and boom, you have a generic bezel. However, I was unable to find an option in GameEx that would use the generic bezel IF the game did not already have a bezel available. Initially, I thought that you might be able to accomplish the same thing by running a batch file before running mame, but I don't think there is a way to extract the rom name for the batch file to use. Unless someone else more knowledgeable knows a way to make it work, this sort of thing would require an enhancement or plugin. The only other solution I can think of is to create bezel files for the ones you are missing (not a small project would be my guess). Although, there are others who have taken it upon themselves to make their own bezels. A bit of googling may go a long way if you want to look into this. I actually do not use bezels, but I sill have alomst 900 files in my artwork directory (the downside of being a collector/hoarder?)...so they are out there... I also came across a Bezel Generator site at Mr Do's Arcade that does not look terribly hard to use: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_lay.php
  11. Hello opjose, After a little bit of testing, I believe I have a solution to what you are looking for. In the Advance Mame Settings, there is a setting called Use Bezel. When this is set to Use Bezel for Vertical Games, GameEx uses the additional -bezel -artpath artworkgameex command line options which forces Mame to use the GameEx-specific bezel in the GameEx\MEDIA\BEZELV2 directory. I am not familiar with the ins and outs of what makes the GameEx_Lite version...well lite...but considering the way it is acting, it appears to ignore the Use Bezel setting. How you can use the bezels in your Mame Artwork directory is to set the Use Bezel option to Don't Use Bezel. Next add a command line option of -artpath <path> to the Mame Options under Advance Mame Settings. When I tested it, I did not need to use the -bezel option. This setup worked fine for me for both the GameEx.exe and GameEx_Lite.exe executables. Anyway, I hope this helps.
  12. Monkeys?!?!?! Where? Where? Thanks everyone...especially to Tom and Draco for considering making me an admin. REDRE HFREN YNNUF YREV
  13. It sounds like this is a PC specific problem (as opposed to GameEx). You might check out this article: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-performance/the-application-has-failed-to-start-because/b15f7dd3-942c-4ea0-acd0-648f38cdd5cf
  14. It's no problem. As you have probably realized, GameEx is chock-full of awesome goodness. It is easy to forget stuff sometimes.
  15. Hi r3b0rn. Thanks for taking a look. Many of the backgrounds should automatically be used such as Mame, Favorites, Search, AllGames, the various utilities, etc. Emulator-specific backgrounds must be assigned in the Advanced Emulator Setup. You will need to set the 'Custom Background' for each emulator to the background you want to use. There are also some alternate backgrounds in the Alternate Assets folder. If you want to use one or more of these alternate assets, you will need to copy the asset into the MEDIA folder overwriting the default image file. Lastly, do keep in mind that GameEx supports several different theme views, but my theme only works with one of those many views. If you find that icons and text are not lining up, you may want to try different change views. As far as I know, this is the normal way that themes with multiple background images work in GameEx. If you have any other questions, just let me know. I hope this helps.
  16. You might try cleaning the Steam data files so that GameEx regenerates them on it's next run: ...GameEx\DATA\EMU_1002.dbcache.ini ...GameEx\DATA\steamdata.ini Also, I found a similar thread from last year. If regenerating the Steam data files does not help, you might try this: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14157-resolved-gameex-and-steam-games-list/#entry118219 For that person, it was indeed something in the steam install that caused the problem. They used a 'Save and Restore' function on each game which in turn caused it to be visible to GameEx. That 'Save and Restore' function is no longer in Steam, but you might choose a small game and do a Backup, Delete the Local Content, and then restore the Backup. Maybe it will resolve it.
  17. Hey r3born, How many Steam game folders do you have on your setup? For instance, the default folder is 'Steam' while secondary installation folders are called 'SteamLibrary'. I seam to recall a time not long ago where GameEx was unable to pick up game installs in SteamLibrary folders. I don't know if the issue was resolved or not. For some reason I recall that the problem was actually on the Steam side of things...Tom is also pretty good about resolving GameEx issues, so I doubt he would let it go for long if he could help it.
  18. I think that somehow your view was changed. You may try to cycle through the views. I don't think the 'Flat Menu' parameter is coming into play here, but you could try changing that as well. I use custom menus for my setups, so I very seldom see the default menu setup. NINJA'D: Good job Sonny!
  19. Hi Simbamame, When you reply, click the MORE REPLY OPTIONS button on the bottom right of the text box. The 'advanced' editor has the option to attach files. There is a basic and advanced uploader, but either are pretty straight forward. If you still have problems, you may want to try a different browser. For your video issue (which is why Draco is asking for the config files), if you have consistent problems with specific videos, have you tried viewing the videos through Windows Media Player? From what I have seen, most video snap issues within GameEx are related to video codecs. GameEx.ini
  20. One thing you can do (currently at least) is to create a copy of your entire GameEx folder, configure it for just the one emulator, and use a Custom Menu. However, you will start at a root folder and have to ENTER into the emulator. I could not find an option to send an ENTER key to GameEx within GameEx, but perhaps there is a way. However, unless this is the only way to go and you REALLY want to do this, I would not suggest multiple instances of GameEx. Besides the fact that updates will only go to installed instance and a graphic heavy theme would could take up more space than you may like, I am sure that this idea is not intended by Tom (and so support for the duplicate instances could be limited). I do have to say that I can see why the OP might want to be able to launch GameEx to simply use it as a title browser and launcher for the one emulator, even if it is a bit of a niche manner of doing things.
  21. The XboxOne drivers are built into Windows 10, but you can only use a USB connection. A wireless dongle is needed for wireless use. I bought two XboxOne wireless controllers last year during a sale after reading some articles that Microsoft was planning on releasing a wireless dongle for the PC later on. I have been using them for a year and the only setup that still feels awkward is 6-button fighting games like Street Fighter or games with specialized controls (like spinners, trackballs, etc) A NOTE FOR WINDOWS 7/WINDOWS 8.1 USERS: When the wireless dongle was released earlier this year, Microsoft stated that it would only be compatible with Windows 10. Two days ago, Microsoft released drivers for Windows 8 and 7 as well. Also, the dongle will handle up to 8 controllers.
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