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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. My last post was an attempt to get a baseline to work from for the entire setup (including GameEx, Daemon Tools Lite, and SSF) instead of simply taking shots in the dark. However, I am sorry to say that I feel like I am spinning my wheels on this one, so I shall bow out. I hope you are able to figure it out.
  2. Yup. That was it. I had always assumed that option somehow made navigating easier with an 8-way stick. I did not realize that was how it did it. Thanks!
  3. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. For most themes, when you go into an emulator other than Mame, you will see the Menu Ribbon which contains options to sort 'By Name', 'By Category', 'By Publisher', etc. I do not usually use these options, but I noticed today that they are mostly unresponsive. I found that I had to press a ket 5 or 6 times before the 'cursor' would move to the next selection on the list. I have two Windows 7 64-bit machines and it does the same on both.
  4. You can make changes to the SQL files for each emulator with an editor, but I would really suggest against it unless you are well-versed in manipulating SQL files . . . and I am guessing that you may not be since you asked the question. Work is continually being done to fill in missing data and every so often an update will include new files. When that update happens, you will either loose your edits (if you keep the file names) or you will miss out on the added data (if you use your own file names). As a SQL dabbler, I did do some database editing myself about a year ago in an effort to fill in missing game data for my setup (against the advice of the admins). While nothing terrible happened, I eventually gave up on it for the reasons above. I did not see the time investment as being worth it.
  5. That one we got! Look for the Hide Change View option under Enable\Disable Features. Note that it is a global paramter that affects all pages.
  6. Jonathan, Your gameex.ini loaded for me when I ran GameEx. The log indicates that the crash occurs just after the emulators are loaded or as Steam is being validated. The error is "Error: Illegal characters in path". Your config shows that you have no emulators, so I would assume it is Steam. Try disabling Steam in GameEx and see if GameEx loads. If it does, you might try cleaning the Steam config files and let them reload: ...GameEx\DATA\EMU_1002.dbcache.ini ...GameEx\DATA\steamdata.ini If that STILL doesn't work, do you happen to have a Steam Game with any non-alphanumeric characters?
  7. That GameEx.ini came through ok. Checking it out now.
  8. Would you please check the GameEx.ini file and upload it again file? When I open your link, all it has is a bunch of empty or null values. Attaching my GameEx.ini as a test and as an example of what it should look like. EDIT: Confirmed that my attached file opened fine. GameEx.ini
  9. Hi Jonathan, Would you please post your gameex.ini file as well?
  10. Zyon2323, I will need some help from you. It is good that you feel comfortable trying things out, but I am having some difficulty keeping up with the things you are doing. I would appreciate it if you would slow down so we can take this step by step. That would mean taking the instructions and reporting back what you have done, what the results were, how the files look now, etc etc. Now, I have two Windows 7 64-bit PCs running Daemon Tools Lite, GameEx, and SSF without the issues you are having. It is difficult for me to believe that there is a blanket issue related to GameEx when my two PCs work without a problem. I don't know why SSF acted the way it did in your test above. I would not rule out a GameEx cause, but that is a worse case scenario since it would most likely mean that it is a problem specific to your PC. Hopefully that isn't it . . . so if you are willing to continue, I would like to start with confirming that the config in GameEx, SSF, and possibly Daemon Tools is good and then make any adjustments as needed. Here is what I would like to see: If you still have the Virtual Drive Loader plugin installed, please give me the parameters you have set up for SSF. If you do not, please install it using the files from the link in this post and these instructions. With Daemon Tools Lite running, manually mount an image. Then go into the SSF options and make sure CD Drive is set to DiscSoftVirtual. Unmount the image. Reconfigure GameEx for SSF using Virtual Drive Loader and attempt to run a game. Repost the gamex.ini and GameEx log.txt Post the SSF.ini and Settings.ini from SSF Post the runitgame.bat from the GameEx\Data directory . . . (you will have to zip this to post it) Post the lastmount.bat from the GameEx\Plugins\DT Loader directory . . . (you will have to zip this to post it) From previous posts, you stated you are using SSF_012_beta_R4. If that has changed, please let me know what you are using. From previous posts, you stated you are using Deamon Tools Lite 10.2.0. If that has changed, please let me know what you are using. I assume your GameEx is at 14.43. If not, please update before testing. Also, is your PC up to date? I know it's a lot of stuff to ask for, but I am trying to cover everything I can think of. Also, for the time being, please hold off on your own troubleshooting until we have a config that I believe should work. Thanks.
  11. Zyon2323, If your believe your premise is true, run GameEx and SSF in Windowed mode with theGameEx Hide Desktop parameter set to No. That should be enough to launch the program without causing video changes. See if it crashes. Hopefully that is not it, because that means your issue is related to the video driver or Windows. Be aware that some programs just don't like resolution changes while they are running and may crash or stall. You may have found the issue or you may just have found another instance where a crash occurs.
  12. Correct Adultry. I included you as a CC in my message to tom since your plugin is working (and I figured you would most likely share the list of changes you made with him).
  13. Message sent to Tom to review this. I am beginning to think that there may be a compatibility issue between the integrated ISO mounting and the more recent versions of Daemon Tools Lite. I have not had any luck getting images to mount. I am using Daemon Tools Lite 10.2.0 with no addons and Emulator 26 is the one I tested with. This is a Windows 7 64-bit machine. As a test, I attempted to mount the included test.iso (from Adultry's Virtual Drive Loader plugin) using the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command. The GameEx log returns that the image could not be mounted. If I use the same test using Adultry's Virtual Drive Loader and replacing the [VIRTUALDRIVE] command with [DTLOADER], when the 'game' is run, the iso WILL be mounted for a few moments before returning to GameEx. I should also point out that the DT Loader files I am current using are here. GameEx.ini log.txt test.7z
  14. Hey Zyon2323, Your configuration shows that the Virtual Drive Loader plugin is installed, but is also disabled. Also, if you were using that plugin along with Daemon Tools, your executable line would read: SSF.exe [DTLOADER] or SSF.exe [DTOOLS] instead of SSF.exe[-VIRTUALDRIVE-] What you are using is one of the commands for GameEx's integrated image mounting, [-VIRTUALDRIVE-]. I have not used integrated image mounting as my mounting solution as Daamon Tools Lite is usually what I set up; and then while setting up one of the other emulators, I came across Adultry's Virtual Drive Loader which worked just fine. If you are interested in trying the Virtual Drive Loader plugin, enable it in the Setup Plugins screen and then configure it per the instructions on the web page. If it still does not work, please give the DT Loader files located in this recent post a try as well (I don't think Adultry integrated this update into the official build yet). Of course, if one of these setups does work, please let us know. As a side note, I have now set up SSF_012_beta_R4 on two Windows 7 64bit machines using Daemon Tools Lite 10.2.0 and the Virtual Drive Loader plugin. However, I do now realize that I ended up using the newer DT loader files from the post. I have been tinkering with the GameEx integrated iso support and I am getting the feeling that there very well could be a compatibility issue with it and recent versions of Daemon Tools Lite. I have messaged Tom on this.
  15. How can you tell if GameEx integrated Iso Support was included when GameEx was first installed? If it was not included in the initial install, how can it be installed later? Also, it looks like the link for Iso Support under the Emulator Setup in the Setup Wizard is no longer valid. Here is the web address: http://www.gameex.com/Support/ISOandImageMounting.aspx
  16. Nope. As long as your pathing in the GameEx setup is correct, that should not be an issue.
  17. Apparently so. When I was tinkering with DTL 10.2.0, I found some of the command line parameters did not work for me, such as assigning a drive letter to the virtual drive. After some quick searches, I found a number of recent posts on several sites complaining how the quality of DT has gone down as of late.
  18. Hi Zyon2323, Your setup is actually different from jombee's in that he is using batch files. Please do me a favor and provide me with some additional information: - What version of SSF are you using (for example, I am using SSF_012_beta_R4)? - What settings are you using for the Saturn emulator in Virtual Drive Loader? - Please also post your SSF.ini file from the SSf directory - Lastly, please give me the name of a game that will work outside of GameEx, but fails when run from GameEx. Give me the full file name and location of the file on your PC.
  19. Hey Zyon2323, Older versions of GameEx are not archived on the GameEx site. However, I think it's likely one of the admins might be willing to help you out. On a related note, recently I set up SSF for the first time in response to this post. I used Adultry's Virtual Drive Loader plugin instead of batch files. You might consider giving that a try. Alternately, if you want to stay with batch files, would you mind posting an example of a game that was attempted (gameex.ini, log.txt, custom batch files, game file name and game file location)? I am also running Windows 7 64-bit with Daemon Tools Lite and would be willing to be another set of eyes to look at the problem. I will try to set it up on my rig to see what happens.
  20. Note that if your games are on physical disks, you won't need the plugin or an image mounting program. The important parameters will be: Working Path: The path to the emulator executable Rom Path: The path to the ROMS (images) Rom Filter: If needed, set a filter Command Line: SSF.exe Just remember to pop the disk in the optical drive.
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