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Everything posted by emphatic

  1. I just don't understand the reasoning here, because having rom files on your disc won't affect the gamelist if it's told to exclude those titles already. Say that you actually delete the .zip-file and that is the parent rom and you want to play a clone, that won't work anymore. You will ONLY gain diskspace... Emph
  2. Yes, and how do I "unload" InstantSheller if the undo button doesn't do it for me? I've tried pressing it, restarted windows, but it still hides everything and boots into GameEx. It's not a big deal since this is on my dedicated GameEx machine and I can always exit to windows to setup stuff, but for users that are uncomfortable using only a keyboard it's not easy getting the mouse pointers visible again. Emph
  3. Thanks, I'll try that. I would have given you a screen shot of the error, but I was late for work. I'll retry the installation as soon as I get home from work, with the exe.config-files removed. If the error is still there, I shall present you with a screen shot. Edit: Yes! That worked. Emph
  4. I get an exception when I try to install and then run GameEx 7.50. Downloaded 7.51 and will try that as well. I don't have an internet connection in my cabinet at the moment, so I've disabled all the downloads in the installation (please make the manual viewer available either as a separate download or include it). Emph
  5. Awesome as usual Tom! Please give us some more information about V3 skins! Emph
  6. Try adding -state_directory c:\emulators\mame\state -nvram_directory c:\emulators\mame\nvram to your command line and see what happens. (Obviously, you need to change these paths to fit yours) Emph
  7. I was fiddling about with animated backgrounds and an overlayed meny like that, but I got slowdowns so I trashed the idea. Perhaps you shouldn't use 1024x768 resolution for your background movies. It would be even better if GameEx would support "layers", so you could create a graphical menu that sits on top of the background. This would open up a ton of possibilites for GameEx skinning. V3 skins, anyone? My background looked like this: http://www.emphatic.mine.nu/bak.avi (download .avi 526 kb) Emph
  8. If you have the EXACT same specs on the computer you're using to install, and the one where your slave drive will end up, it "could" work. But generally, I think it's better if you can install it directly onto his cabinet machine. Emph
  9. How about new PC games and demanding emulators like Chankast and such? Do they all run smoothly? Emph
  10. emphatic

    Key to Joy?

    Try reinstalling PPJoy. When I converted my hdd from FAT32 to NTSC I got this problem as well. A reinstall fixed it. Emph
  11. Not yet implemented. See my reply to your post in Feature requests thread for a temporary solution. Emph
  12. To have all PC games as an emulator, create a roms folder with shortcut files in it and set the rom filter to *.lnk . Emph
  13. How about you try to generate the gamelist using a newer build of MAME? Then go into configuration and change the path back to your current .exe. If you have "Verify Sets" off it should at least create a list from all the roms that the new build recognizes. At this point, getting a game list is step one, right? But if I were you, I would get a .100(or higher) build and update your roms to match it. And leave out the .chd games. Emph
  14. I use an X-Arcade dual and get this as well (only in GameEx). So I don't think for a second that this is an I-Pac issue. Emph
  15. emphatic


    You can still use an older build of MAME and use the current state of CPS2 games. And have the latest build for you other arcade games. Instead of struggling to get non-MAME emus to run in GameEx I mean. Emph
  16. Just make sure your working paths are the same. That's the only thing you should need to worry about. Emph
  17. See ya! Emph
  18. FFDShow is recommended for GameEx. Google it. Emph
  19. If you put all your PC game snaps in the same folder, you can setup GameEx to run PC Games as an emulator. Create shortcuts for you games and put them in a ROMS folder and enter *.lnk as rom extension. In this case, you can create an extra .bat-file that looks like this: Start.bat: @echo off start MDKIPC.bat start c:\game folder path\MDK.exe exit and the shortcut to use as a rom file for mdk is a shortcut to Start.bat If you have PC games that needs to be mounted, you can create a .mount file as well and let Start.bat run it for you. Emph
  20. Go to you "GameEx\Themes\Default - BlueEx - MCE1024x768" folder and open up theme.ini in Notepad. You will see this: [GENERAL] ArcadeMode=False XResolution=1024 YResolution=768 DisplayBackgroundImage=True DialogTextWhite=True TitleFont=Joystix Replace Joystix with Arial or some other font that you like that has support for... eh.. being bold. Save. Start GameEx. Emph
  21. Well, exactly how long did it take? You can't just write LONG and expect us to know. I'm not sure, but as GameEx has to compile the gamelist from scratch the first time (copying info from .dat-files) and so on, it might take longer the first time you run it, no matter how few games you have. Emph
  22. emphatic

    Bezel Problem

    I don't know if anyone have got bezels working successfully with AdvanceMame. It's either with bezels without AdvanceMAME or the other way around I'm afraid. Emph
  23. As long as you have the disc images on your harddrive, yes. I'm not sure how many images can be mounted at the same time, though. You'll have to check out Daemon Tools' website for more info on that. Emph
  24. Different builds have some extra features, like autofire and such. I think ZetaMame32 has some kind of speed hack though. Emph
  25. I get it with my own custom themes as well. I think it has to do with the "list" field being resized from the default setting. Emph
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