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Everything posted by emphatic

  1. It's supposed to do that. Only the coin key is allowed, that "unlocks" the screensaver and changes into play mode. Emph
  2. Just make sure that you have .net Framework (at least 1.1), latest Direct X and Windows Mediaplayer 9 or later installed and it should work. Also read the FAQ on this page for more on this topic. And choose not to download the default themes. Emph
  3. GameEx will skip the snaps you already have. It's just THAT good. Emph
  4. Wow, that's awesome! Emph
  5. Not as of today, but you can write a request for that feature. Emph
  6. emphatic

    Key to Joy?

    Great! Emph
  7. Have you tried importing any of the preconfigured Playstation settings that comes with GameEx? I'm not sure, but it sounds like you need to enable "show desktop" for it to work. Sounds like the ePsx is loosing focus, and GameEx thinks it's crashed. Emph
  8. I had a little get-together at home for a night of gaming madness, but it was totally ruined by MAME performing like crap with the X-Arcade. I haven't noticed anything for single play recently, but when trying two-player action, chaos came to town. A friend suggested that it was keyboard ghosting (he's been reading somewhere that if you press 4+ buttons at once on a keyboard, you get ghosting) but since PC games, like Virtua Tennis and Raiden 3 worked flawlessly, I don't think that is it. I'm growing really tired of MAME acting up... If you are a successful user of X-Arcade in MAME with two-player action, please post MAME build, version and command line settings here. Pretty please. Thank god I have a JAMMA cabinet as well for some serious arcade gaming... Emph
  9. Create a .bat-file that mounts your ISO and then launches your game. Or for more options, use www.autohotkey.com with which you get more options, like waiting for your image to mount properly before running the game. Then create a shortcut to that .bat/.ahk-file and use THAT as your rom file. Emph
  10. emphatic

    Key to Joy?

    1. Install PPJoyKey. 2. Setup 1 or more Virtual Joysticks that has ONLY 2 axes. You don't have to change ANYTHING else in the setup of those Virtual Joysticks (perhaps you need to set the correct number of buttons, I'd go with 20 buttons). 3. Do this (cut from another forum, original post by Headkaze): You need 3 batch files... one to launch PPJoykey in the background and one to launch Virtua Tennis and one to launch them both. I place both the PPJoyKey.exe and the ini file for the settings into the Virtua Tennis folder. --- vtennis.bat (the batch file you run from your FE) --- @ECHO OFF start ppjoykey.bat start virtuatennis.bat EXIT --- ppjoykey.bat --- @ECHO OFF ppjoykey.exe .\vt.ini EXIT --- virtuatennis.bat --- @ECHO OFF VIRTUA_TENNIS_PC.exe taskkill.exe /F /IM ppjoykey.exe EXIT 4. When you have created these .bat-files, you will notice that you don't actually have the vt.ini as in ppjoykey.bat. To create this, launch ppjoykey.exe and select your Virtual Joystick #1 and map your controls to it, then save the ini to "vt.ini". If you need to map more than one controller to a Virtual Joystick, just map out another and save it as "vt2.ini" or whatever and change your ppjoykey.bat to: --- ppjoykey.bat --- @ECHO OFF start ppjoykey.exe .\vt.ini start ppjoykey.exe .\vt2.ini EXIT Now you will open 2 instances of ppjoykey.exe Hope this is sufficient for your needs, Lingpanda! Emph
  11. 2. From FAQ: "Q: Can I map the the keys and buttons GameEx uses to something else on my keyboard or game controller? A: Yes look in the GameEx 'Config' folder for a file called custominput.ini. Open this file with notepad (Start - Run - Notepad - {OK}). For a keyboard - reference the file 'scancodes.txt' and put the appropriate scan code number after the equals sign for each navigation control in custominput.ini. For a game controller use the appropriate button number. To see what your buttons are on your controller, test the game device via windows control panel. To then use the custom input configuration, turn it on under the input settings in the configuration application." Emph
  12. emphatic

    InstantHeader !!

    Great! Emph
  13. emphatic

    InstantHeader !!

    Start you system, let it boot up into GameEx. Then exit GameEx to windows. Press ctrl+alt+delete and go into the task manager. File\new task\ -> browse to Windows\Explorer.exe Now you need to go to the directory that you have your Instantsheller folder in. Open Instantsheller and click undo. Restart you computer. Voilá! (I hope). Emph
  14. Sorry for bringing back this old thread, but I just read something interesting in another forum: Apparently, someone did a "fix" to the driver that runs games like Gauntlet Legends (I think the driver is called Vegas) in MAME, using DirectX and the games run at full speed. But since MAME is more about having correct emulation (in this case emulating the Voodoo Graphics) before playing the games, this fix was rejected from the MAME source. My guess is that a MAME binary with this fix/hack included is out there somewhere and this guy you met got his hands on it. It sounded really strange to me that a different processor would make such a difference. But what if you actually have a Voodoo card, will that make any difference for games like this? Can MAME detect that the ACTUAL hardware is installed and take advantage of it? Emph
  15. Go to c:\Program\GameEx\CONFIG\GameEx.ini and change BezelVersion=1 to BezelVersion=2 Or try to update your Game List. Emph
  16. I select the first of the English choices, (it no longer says (Custom) in the installer if you haven't noticed that, you can only see that in the Advanced Configuration App) I believe that is the non-custom one. Emph
  17. That is also a fact of life, matey! Btw, the issue is still there in the current release, but there was nothing about a fix for it in the news so I will just wait for it. Emph
  18. You can use AutoHotKey for this, just create a script that remaps your joystick to the emulator. No need to hack it. And it's fairly easy. But I'm all for that feature as well. Emph
  19. That is correct, sir! Emph
  20. As you can see in the above post that i edited for clarification, I get this thing while using auto-update. Twice so far, just forgot to report it first time. Emph
  21. Sorry I meant Auto-update of course! I upgraded from 7.05 to 7.07 and my language changed from English to Swedish. And I did not change it myself. Or is this a new feature that automatically changes the language depending on the OS language? Emph
  22. In addition to browsing to your attachment, you actually have to click "add this attachment". Emph
  23. Yes, that must be confusing, sorry. The "ini" folder is for individual game settings. Say you change a dip switch, controls and so on. The actual mame32/mame.ini is located in the mame root folder. On that PS note: You have in your GameEx folder a "CONFIG" folder with a gameex.ini, open that in Notepad and go to edit->find next and type in "MameOptions". It's the second one, not AdvanceMameOptions, there's your GameEx settings for your mame.exe. For MAME itself, there's an .ini-file located in the same folder as your mame.exe/mame32.exe called mame.ini/mame32.ini. Emph
  24. The source code for this great screen saver is now free! http://www.geisswerks.com/drempels/index.html Perhaps someone can incorporate this as a plugin (this is why I posted this here)? Would be very nice if you could put this as a background image, and have the menus on top. Or just as a visual for the jukebox. Edit: Here's a short (very bad quality, shot with cell phone, should open with Quicktime) video of what it would look like: http://download.yousendit.com/BC66CAED7A43933B If you want to know how I got it into GameEx like this, that's an entirely new topic... Emph
  25. 2: Wrong. You can use command line options for MAME32 as well. But you might get into trouble if you have an option enabled via both .ini and command line. 3: Try to use the -scanline option in GameEx' Advanced Mame Configuration (i.e. command line). Otherwise I don't know. 4: Try adding all the path-related commandlines in GameEx, like; -inipath "F:\mame\ini" -cfg_directory "F:\mame\cfg Add it to your MAME command line like I've done above. You don't need to use the " unless you have spaces in your path. Here's a list of options that you might need (try with ctrl_directory first): -inipath You can give a path (list of directories seperated by semicolons) of directories to be searched for INI-files. The default is .;ini (that is, search in the current directory first, and then in the directory "ini" in the current directory). -cfg_directory After running a game, MAME stores some user changeable settings into cfg_directory/gamename.cfg. Additionally, on the first start of MAME a cfg_directory/default.cfg is created. The default is CFG. -nvram_directory The original hardware of some games use non-volative ram chips to save their configuration. The contents of these are saved into this directory. The default is NVRAM. -memcard_directory The original hardware of some games supports so-called memory cards. The contents of these are stored here. The default is MEMCARD. -input_directory Input recordings created by "-record" will be saved here and loaded by "-playback". The default is INP. -hiscore_directory If there exists a file HISCORE.DAT in the MAME directory, highscores may also be saved for games that do not have the original hardware to support this. The quality of this feature depends on the accuracy of the externally available file HISCORE.DAT. The default is HI. -state_directory MAME supports state saving for some games. These states will be saved here. The default is STATE. -artwork_directory Some games used extra artwork not created by electical circuits. MAME supports such artwork in PNG image format, located in this directory. The default is ARTWORK. -snapshot_directory Screenshots will go here. The default is SNAP. -diff_directory Directory for hard drive image difference files. The default is DIFF. -ctrlr_directory This directory holds controller-specific input port mapping .ini files. The default is CTRLR. -cheat_file The default is CHEAT.DAT. Modifying the default may not work at the moment. Good luck Emph
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