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Everything posted by emphatic

  1. You too! I found my old key in my hotmail inbox, so I'm good!
  2. Hi! I have mostly been using non-computer games (consoles, pcbs) in my cabinets for many years now. But right now I feel like playing some Steam games, and other PC games too, so I need a frontend, I guess. I really used to love GameEx back in the day, so here I am, once again. Since the info on the site doesn't describe the limitations of the demo version I have downloaded and tried tonight, to my satisfaction, I need to ask some questions. 1. Is this a subscription only license now? 2. If so, will the demo become more crippled if I keep using that without buying a license? The "GameEx unregistered version" overlay is ugly, but not as ugly as using a mouse. 3. Doesn't the demo support themes? I guess not, since there's no theme editor included like before, but I'm not sure if I've missed something, somehow.
  3. Hi everyone! In the 80's I used to hang out wherever there were arcade games. In Sweden, real arcades were very rare, so the video rental places where the main source of arcade games. In 1997 when I got my first taste of the Internet, I started to search for a PC rendition of my favorite arcade games, starting with Rygar. This lead me to "Rishgar" and "Rygar Emulator" and later on to the site "Dave's classics". That's where I found out about MAME and when Dave's Classics turned into Vintage Gaming Network it got harder to find roms etc and then I stumbled on MAME World where I first found out about frontends. And aaaah, MAME.dk was a great site. My first Frontend was Emu Loader. I did use it for quite some time until I found GameEx. Now I had started to think about building my own cabinet etc. I was quickly hooked on the forums, as it's always been filled with friendly people and so on. I haven't been very active on these forums for a long time now. The reason is that I totally gave up on MAME and more importantly, my MAME cabinet. I sold it a couple of years back, and bought JAMMA cabinets instead. Why? Because it's always been about PLAYING the games for me, and managing a frontend driven cabinet means lots of time spent on configurations and other distracting things. Now I have a Japanese XBox 360 in one cabinet (playing arcade ports only), and also a PC (running GameEx of course) with a very short gamelist and the other cabinet only runs JAMMA games. Emph
  4. I like how fast this thread got off topic. Btw, my 360 is Japanese and I have it in my EGRET II cabinet.
  5. emphatic

    Gameex crashs

    Yeah, well I just took an old XP licence I had lying 'round the house, and this computer (only GameEx + MAME )will never be online, so I transferred everything that the GameEx installer asked for on an USB stick. The only thing you need to look at, is the system requirements, and add SP2 to XP. Thanks though. Tempest: Thanks for the cleanup, even though I'm quite fine with your chatter. Emph
  6. emphatic

    Gameex crashs

    What was this thread about again? Tom, if you're reading this, it seems that GameEx needs at least SP2 in XP to work now. Emph
  7. emphatic

    Gameex crashs

    I just installed SP2 and now it works! @nexus: If your install was a fresh one as well, you might have to have a look at if it has SP2 or not.
  8. emphatic

    Gameex crashs

    I got the exact same error. I just reinstalled XP Pro, then .net, and DX9. Then GameEx setup only for MAME with the wizard, ran the registration .reg-file, and GameEx wouldn't start.
  9. Awesome. Is it possible to overclock the emulator to get less slowdowns compared to the real hardware? I remember from when I had an Atomiswave mobo with Dolphin Blue that the slowdowns was on par with Metal Slug 2.
  10. I would go with the Ultracade UVC, because it'll keep it's value as long as there are CRT screens available anywhere (in the homes of us arcade folks). You can't for example hook up an XBox 360 to the ArcadeVGA, can you? If you however think that the UVC is too expensive, the Extron video converters (Emotia, Emotia II or Super Emotia) appear on eBay for 'round $100 from time to time. I recently got one myself, and am very pleased. But the UVC is a much better choice if you have a dual sync monitor, as the 24kHz output from the UVC apparently looks awesome on high res games. I only with I knew about the UVC before getting an Extron Emotia II. Emph
  11. +1. Emph
  12. You da man! Emph
  13. Beautiful! Emph
  14. Check out MPTagThat: http://www.team-mediaportal.com/files/Down...ortalTagEditor/ Open source. Free. Etc. You don't need to use MediaPortal to use this. I've used Tag&Rename with great success in the past. Emph
  15. 3 buttons is often enough as you're using arcade emulation only. If you plan on playing console titles (PS2, XBox 360 etc) you'll most certainly need a fourth button for some games. Emph
  16. Really nice update. Emph
  17. Don't know if a usable MPI exists exists ATM for the Windows platform, but this would be a great addition to this community/FrontEnd. As I don't have the know-how, I'll just gonna toss this idea out here. Emph
  18. Apparently, this is implemented also in the next u build of MAME. Emph
  19. Here's some great games: http://shmup-rs.blogspot.com/ Emph
  20. Very nice Tom. This will be very much appreciated. Emph
  21. The thing with X-Arcade is, that if Num lock is "off", Player 1 controls use the arrow keys. This is bad, as they're not designed to be used along with other keys. With Num lock "on", these controls use 8, 2, 4, 6 on the num keys instead. I remember remapping my default keys (using the hardware in X-Arcade), as I was using a Swedish keyboard layout and it was causing issues in MAME. But as long as you use the English (US) layout and ONLY this, (disable the keyboard shortcuts for layout change) the X-Arcade will work much better. Also, I did have other input issues in MAME with X-Arcade (hanging controls), and started using Raine instead. Emph
  22. Are you using an English keyboard layout (the language setting in windows)? Emph
  23. Can you rotate the screen for vertical games? Emph
  24. Au contraire, keep those sweet pictures comin'. Looking very nice, but why is the monitor not centered? Do you plan to implement controls directly into the table itself? Emph
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