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Everything posted by emphatic

  1. Use the Matroska splitter: http://haali.cs.msu.ru/mkv/ All you really need is FFDShow and this. Then you should be able to watch these kind of movies in any DirectShow player including GameEx. Emph
  2. That's just super-cool! Emph
  3. Headkaze: How does the plugin work with RGB leads regarding colours? Say I was putting all white buttons in my cabinet, is it possible for the plugin to set the "neo geo colours" (green blue yellow red) for the four buttons used for neo geo gaming? Emph
  4. Hi, It all depends on the shape of the "old arcade cabinet" you've gotten your hands on. Is it a working cabinet right now? If that's the case, get a J-Pac from www.ultimarc.com and use the arcade monitor+JAMMA wirings. All you need to do then is put new joysticks and buttons in it. This is your best bet. Otherwise, if you can get a 21" PC monitor cheap (mine was 50 bucks), that's really plug & play which of course is nice. TV is also good, and it's easy if you need the bigger size. But it's also a matter of taste. Emph
  5. Wow, that is very inspiring, Headkaze! If I ever feel like replacing my X-Arcade controls in my cabinet, I'll do that in a heartbeat. Emph
  6. Outrun 2006: Coast To Coast looks like a "fun ride" if your cabinet is racing compliant. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/driving/outrun2...creenindex.html Emph
  7. New theme: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=3299 (I hope the download link is still valid, have you upped this to the theme-site, night?) Emph
  8. Amos_82: Here's the bezel (V2 only, but most people use the latest MAME build, right?) I've also attached the folder (zipped) to avoid confusion about how to use it. However, remember to delete ALL artwork zips already created by GameEx, otherwise this won't show. Emph BEZELV2.zip
  9. Sure. Next time I have my Cabinet running I'll try to remember copying it and putting it up here for you. Emph
  10. PC Version. Only available from Japan though. But I guess, so is the PS2 version? VERY nice shooter with massive sound FX and awesome music that'll make any subwoofer sweat. http://raiden.mossjp.co.jp/raiden3.html Emph
  11. This is my current GameEx theme. Nothing fancy, but a very nice interface I think. I tried to mimick the user interface used in many arcade games of latter years. Download while stocks last! http://download.yousendit.com/82D58CDD750768E1
  12. Virtua Tennis Tetris Worlds Raiden III Emph
  13. If you're a registered user, you can set GameEx to display bezels for all vertical games. These will keep you vertical games, eh, vertical. If you only want black around the game area, you can edit the bezels in a graphics editor so that they are black. Emph
  14. Looks to me like you need to check your MAME path: "16:26:37.0 2/3/2007: Cannot Find MAME Path: MAME Disabled" Welcome, and good luck! Emph
  15. I'm gonna request this again because I still miss it as a feature: Ability to start GameEx with Favorites opened. As an addition to "Show start page first" that is. Emph
  16. Excuse me, but wouldn't it be easier just to have one installation and two different shortcuts using the built in command line support for loading .ini files that GameEx already has? It's all in the "Docs" page on gameex.net... Example: Config GameEx like you want the "first" instant to work, then copy GameEx.ini and rename it as GameEx.1.ini Then reconfig GameEx and copy the start menu item for GameEx and add the command line for loading GameEx.1.ini . Emph
  17. Of course! I'm such a dufus! I'll look into that ASAP. Emph
  18. Sorry, I can't do that. This is not a filesharing forum. Let's not get Mr. Speirs in trouble. Emph
  19. Open up the Advanced Configuration app and enter Advanced MAME settings. On the last page (I think) you'll see a list of your "excluded games". Those are the romnames of the games you want to delete. Now all you have to do is delete them from your rom folder. I however can't recommend you do this. Emph
  20. The theme is my own, I'll upload it if you like, it has no emu specific backgrounds, but it does have specific bg for start page. Nothing fancy, but I like the colours and It does look arcadeish enough. Raiden III is only available for the japanese market, but you can "get it" if you search hard enough. More info on the game itself here: http://raiden.mossjp.co.jp/raiden3.html Emph
  21. Here's a couple of pictures of my cabinet (comments are in swedish, sorry): As you can see, it's not your typical generic cabinet, but if you could see it up and close for real, you'd also see that the carpentry is far from what the arcade industry can "whip up". I really love the shape of it, and the size(I built it bigger to get the same awe-inducing experience you'd get if you were still a little kid), but I almost never play on it anymore, now that I got a real JAMMA-cabinet to play real arcade PCB's on. Emph
  22. You should move to Sweden. Here you can sometimes get used cabinets for free. No, I'm not even kidding. Emph
  23. emphatic


    Yeah, pretty much. It's an app that let's you create Virtual GamePads. So if you're using an I-pac, J-pac or X-Arcade for example and wan't to configure controls for games like Virtua Tennis for PC, you'll need to use it. You can launch multiple instances of it (for example one for each player) and it supports command line for loading different settings. Emph
  24. Oooh, someone is sucking up. My tip is this: Get a stripped JAMMA-cabinet and use that as a base. I promise you it will be worth it. Here's why: You get a lot of professional arcade engineering for free No hassle creating those pesky T-Molding grooves It will at least have a good base coat if you need to re-paint it You can even find a cabinet "cheap" that still has a working arcade monitor Hey, perpaps the controls work as well, just get an J-pac and you're almost home (electronically) Sure, you might get a kick from creating something from scratch, but it'll cost you. If you just modify the "real deal", it won't be as hard getting it sold if you feel you're really ready to build your own as selling your first attempt at building something you don't really know enough about building. I bought my JAMMA-cabinet for about $250 (2300 swedish crowns) that is fully working. Had I known before building my "from scratch"-cabinet (costs about $600 and counting)... Emph
  25. emphatic


    You're not confusing PPJoyKey with this app then, are you? Emph
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