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Tom Speirs

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Everything posted by Tom Speirs

  1. Tom Speirs


    Actually when playing a MAME game because MAME uses some of the same keys, and gets a full lock on the joystick, you will need a keyboard or remote that inludes skip and previous track buttons. A, S and the gamepad wont skip songs when actually playing a MAME game.
  2. Hi, I have seen similar issues with DirectX GameEx. In fact initially it would not work if the resolution used was the same as Windows desktop. I had to write code to switch to another resolution first. You can however make MAME run at any resolution you like. You can set this in gameex by changing the MAME options. Here is mine: MameOptions=-resolution 960x540 -skip_disclaimer -skip_gameinfo -triplebuffer -nowindow -joy -matchrefresh -syncrefresh Just add -resolution 640x480 to your MAME options in GameEx. Thanks, Tom
  3. See if the attached file works. It was taken from emu-france.com they are hosting Crashstests files. http://www.emu-france.com/?page=fichiers&idMachine=258 Mame_Videos_20041229.zip
  4. Hi, I think there is deffinitly demand for BittTorrent, I think Ill reseed myelf, and leave it seeding on a spare PC for a while. Could you point me in the right Direction of what is needed to reseed? Thanks.
  5. Can I have confirmation of this from others? Please describe under what circumstances this happens, and if it is fixed when exiting and restarting GameEx. Could you also please post your gamelist.txt before and after. (in the data folder) Thanks. Tom
  6. It might be that's what happening in your case, but its certainly not happening to everyone from what I can tell. Your log and GameEx.ini might shed some light. Also details on the software/os you are running and your hardware. Thanks.
  7. 14th April 2005 - Version 3.52 of GameEx available Seems I broke videos in 3.48. There working again. Should fix start-up errors with DirectInput Setting to turn off Game pad support New tree based (with sub menus) start menu with just 5 initial items. If you don't like this, you can go back to a flat menu by changing the setting under 'Basic' Improved parsing of controls.ini for mode switching. Should be perfect now. HTML apps, couple of minor fixes When waiting for the Jukebox to load when initial playlist starts on thread, the screen will no longer flicker. http://gameEx.net
  8. Can you post your log, and GameEx.ini.
  9. Try setting your button combo just to be escape (not alt-f4), and using the MAP Keys setting (on) for the emulator. That is the correct way to use joytokey. I actually think that will likely solve your problems. Let us know. Thanks, Tom.
  10. Many thanks guys, Ill see if I can get these in the next release. Cheers!
  11. I dont think I can personally host it long term, but will do temporarily if someone else wants to. If you want me too, Ill upload it temporarily so you can download and reseed it? Also, the MNG's torrent originated from CrashTest's site. Have you done some looking around there?
  12. OK, I must have updated some other files. You will have to wait for the next full release. Rest assured you will be able to play QBert to full affect when that happens.
  13. Hi, yes, my logic needed a little more work. Its fixed now. Here is an updated GameEx.exe I am working on an optional tree menu structure for the start page that is not finished yet. So youll need to put the following in GameEx.ini when using this version: FlatStartPage=True GameEx.zip
  14. Hi MAMEPATROL, I don't mind the occasional off topic post, but for the moment, I mean no offence, but please go elsewhere for other stuff. I'd like to keep the forum focused on GameEx only. I don't have the time to get sidetracked with other stuff, and you will all loose out if I do as Ill have less time to work on GameEx. Focus is important to me, and this project. Thanks anyway for your suggestion.
  15. I am comparing the String in the last column before the pipe with the string for the game in P1 controls. Lookup QBert in controls.ini. If its not the same as the one in the CSV included with GameEx then just add another mode to the CSV! (in the same format) That should do it.
  16. Hi, I am not really able to test the Secondary monitor feature. So dont really know what your talking about. Sorry. Can you be a bit more descriptive, and tell me what is working with it, and what is not, and what you need it to do.
  17. I think this may be partly due to your setup. If the timer is set to 0 it is deffinitly not attract mode that is minimizing gameex. It will deffinitly be disabled. Its either some other bug with GameEx or another application window taking focus away from GameEx. What else do you have running? Can you confirm whether you are using AVI or MNG videos also. If its AVI, it must be your setup, as theres really nothing that could be a problem with audio in the GameEx code. If their MNG it could be an issue with GameEx however. On thing that might fix the videos, is setting GameEx not to create the snap/video on a thread. This is under Tweaks/Performance in the configuration app. Let me know if turning that off improves things. If anyone else is experiencing the same issues please report. Thanks, Tom
  18. As most of you know GameEx can be configured for multiple languages. I have only had a few kind people do translations so far, and unfortunatly, these translations need updating as I've added new features. I put out the request again for this. In addiiton the configuration application can also be completly transalated by modifying config.csv. If you think you can do a decent translation or can help updating an existing one your help would be great. If you need help on doing this please post here. Also, feel free to donate to translations. If I get enough money I will pay for a professional company to do them. Believe me my costs for GameEx outway donations by far currently. Although I have no issues with that. I am a well travelled person and very much see and respect the world outside of English speaking countries. Although unfortunatly this is one of the areas of GameEx I cannot complete unless I pay out money for this. Which I may have to end up doing anyway. Thank you advance. Tom Speirs. Mr GameEx
  19. No sorry, it does not mean that.
  20. Hi, I did already look at the possiblity, but I think you were wight in the first place that its more a windows issue. What I mean is GamePads pretty much seem to be reported by Windows with the same name. I mean I dont see that there is a way to correctly identifiy a particulare gamepad. I could be wrong on this. In control panel, are your GamePads identified with different games/descriptions?
  21. Hi Eric, You could make the CMD used in the GameEx config to include the Call statement. That should hopefully work. Look at runitgame.bat in the Data dir to see what GameEx is doing. Also, the launch before and launch after is not currently implemented for other emulators only MAME at the moment. Let's see how your testing goes a bit more before I implement that. OK?
  22. It's NOT a beta and is stable, but I wont be updating the website. IE It will work as well all other releases do, but is really meant specifically for users experieincing DirectInput errors at startup, and to address that imediatly. Here is the URL: http://tomspeirs.com/gameEx/Download/GameExSetup351.exe Changes: - Should fix DirectInput failures on startup. - New setting: Joystick/Gamepad use can be turned on or off.
  23. This has come up a few times. I really dont know what the issue is. I think its something to do with .net. Did you install the framework in a different way when you reinstalled? For example from Microsoft instead of the GameEx install? If people have the same or simular issues I would suggest reinstalling the .net framework direct from microsoft on a freshly booted system, with only ciritical processes running. It is important that you 'uninstall' the framework first and reboot before attempting a reinstall. The uninstall routine does a pretty decent job of cleaning your system of .net. It may also be that some other program is interfering, although what that is I still have no clue. It could be a Virus or Spyware app. It could also be an anti-spyware or anti-virus app. Cheers. Tom
  24. Well, I did wonder if that was the problem, but did not say in case I insulted you. That's why it's always a good idea to say if your a newbie, or expert for that matter
  25. Hi, I think I have found the problem. There will be another full release today that fixes this hopefully. I actually managed to duplicate the problem by accident the other day. All is good
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