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Tom Speirs

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Everything posted by Tom Speirs

  1. Have you tried optimizing your PC for games usage? What I mean is disabling certain windows services, and stopping things starting up with the PC such as messenger, tray ICONS, Video control panel. Also disabling unused hardware in the BIOS such as parralel and serial ports. For example, if your not using Wireless networking disable the service. If your not using messenger, dont let it start with windows. Theres some links on the docs page for optimizing. Also use Startup control panel, for disabling the memory/resource eating apps from starting up each time windows loads. http://www.mlin.net/ http://tomspeirs.com/gameEx/docs.htm Also, get the latest 'specific manufacturer device' drivers, dont rely on windows update. Also - use .net framework 1.1 SP1 You could also try a different mame build specific to your CPU, or also FastMAME. I would use command line version of MAME rather than MAME32. I am pretty sure MAME32 uses more memory, as the GUI takes it up.
  2. Hi Pat, Can you go into the configuration, tweaks/performance and take a look at the load snap on thread setting. Change this to Load Snap immediatly (no thread). Let me know if that was the problem. Another thing to try if that was not it is delete all the DLL files in the GameEx directory (but dont delete your settings etc), then reinstall GameEx. Try those two things and let us know. If that did not fix it please post your log and GameEx.ini file. Thanks, Tom
  3. I personally cant think of any reason why they would not work. They work fine for me with the latest version of GameEx. You say they used to work, perhaps you could give a bit more detail about exectly what has changed on your system?
  4. Tom Speirs


    In GameEx Config there should be a 'Daphne' section where you can setup up all the paths for the artwork, and the other Daphne settings. Is it not there, or not working? Zips are not supported at the moment.
  5. Video Fun Theme (Update) by Tom Speirs. Demonstrates how to use animated logos and backgrounds. Features animated logos for: - Daphne - MAME - All MAME Games - Adult Games (Softcore Cartoon porn) - Emulators - Multimedia Features animated backgrounds for: - Daphne - MAME - Jukebox http://tomspeirs.com/gameex/download/Defau...Video%20Fun.zip (48MB)
  6. The shortcut drags just fine on all my PC's. Maybe your trying to drag it right into MCE itself. Thats wrong. If GameEx is not already in MCE you need to copy the file that is in the Start Menu Acceseries / Media Center / Media Center programs directory into what is the equivalent for your country language on your MCE PC. This is done from the desktop not within MCE. Did you in fact mean to say the shortcut is not showing up in MCE? Have you actually selected and gone into the My programs menu item in MCE?
  7. You need to copy over picturesbak.bmp and radiobak.bmp from the default - default theme into the transparent theme media dirdectory. Also copy over the logos.
  8. Surgeville, actually the links not working, we are working on getting the torrent available again.
  9. 8th May 2005 - GameEx 3.70 I think this is pretty strong release and a good step forward. The main new features are that GameEx now supports title, box, and cartridge artwork for console emulators. It also now can show title, cabinet, flyer, marquee, and panel artwork for Daphne. If your a newbie or unaware of screenshot archive I cant praise this site enough. Go there to get your console and daphne artwork. http://screenshotarchive.com If enabled audio now plays in logos that are videos. In addition to the new image paths available, there are two more settings for emulators. Much like with MAME already these allow you to launch a command before running a game, and launch a command when a game exits The Configuration application has been reorganised a fair bit to hopefully make things a little easier and less confusing. Robs included BlueEx themes will now not show corruption with ArcadeVGA 7000 series cards. Radio can now play WMA station direct links. Meaning station URLS beginning with MMC:// now work. http://gameex.net
  10. Just tell GameEx where they are. (Snap Video Path) [its only a sample]
  11. All, please post your opinions on how things should be organised in the Configuration application. Even if theres just one thing you think should be moved or confused you please post. Ill rename this topic and PIN
  12. Ressurection is correct This is because you have an out of date NEO-GEO BIOS/ROM. A possible workaround is to disable Verify Roms, and turn on Only Exist under MAME Update Settings.
  13. In case you did not notice, your wish was granted
  14. Hi, MMS url's will work directly with the next release. I have Capital Gold working with my latest development build. An upated version will be released soon. All other Windows media stations were already working. I am sorry but RealPlayer feeds are not supported. It's just not possible at the moment. Thanks, Tom.
  15. Not possible to get it from another source on the web. Might be able to use Media Player artwork though as GameEx already uses Media Player to get the tag information. I think that's where it was left last time. Ill take a look at the WMP COM object and see if it supports this. Not sure it does though, but worth checking.
  16. I do like this idea and it is somethng I already thought about. The dat file does actually integrate with MAME itself though. So you dont really need a front end for it. I do think its something that could happen in GamEx though.
  17. Tom Speirs


    Thats as far as I got too. Let me have more of a think about it. Certainly a possibility though.
  18. http://uploads.tomspeirs.com/files/MAME MNG and MP3 Samples.zip (55 MB)
  19. Is Alpha Paging not working? Or can you not just press 'L'?
  20. Tom Speirs


    You can only show one image at a time currently. Set the snap path to where your box art is.
  21. They are already sorted alpahabetically by name, no? If you mean be able to have categories (folders), you will be abel to do this when I implement the folders.
  22. Not sure what you mean? The lists are already sorted by name?
  23. Yes, I would be interested.
  24. Just a reminder: 1. Feature requests for GameEx are activly encouraged. 2. Donations are entirely optional, and have no relation to new features, requests for features, requests for support, or my time. Tom
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