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8 points
Below is a list of virtual pinball programs and support sites list. Please note in reply any sites that you feel should be added. Main Site Forums/Support/Community Discussions Arcooda Pinball Arcade Pinball Arcade Steam Cabinet Support BAM - Future Pinball Mod VP Forums- Future Pinball/BAM VPUniverse- Future Pinball/BAM Pinball Nirvana - BAM DOF - Direct Output Framework Config Tool VP Forums - DOF DOFLinx DOFLinx - Step-by-step Setup (VPForums) Future Pinball VP Forums - Future Pinball VPUniverse - Future Pinball Pinball Arcade Steam Pinball Arcade Community Discussions Zen Studios Games Forums Steam Pinball FX Community Discussions Zen Studios Games Forums Steam Pinball FX3 Community Discussions Zen Studios Games Forums Steam Pinball M Community Discussions Pinball Wicked Steam Pinball Wicked Community Discussions Official Visual Pinball and Pinmame Hub VP Forums – Visual Pinball VPUniverse - Visual Pinball Zaccaria Pinball Steam Store Site Steam Zaccaria Pinball Community Discussion Pinball Nirvana Pincab Passion VP Forums VPUniverse Also attached is a copy of an Word docx file with the same details. Virtual_Pinball_Sites_List.docx5 points
Version 25.0219 is just released Minor update of the program including a bug fix and a small internal adjustment: Fixed a bug where loading videos showed as 'not found' (red hour glass) in the interface even if a video was present. Set timeout to close 'emulator' after recording video to 15 sec This timeout will wait for 15 seconds to gracefully close the emulator process. After this timeout, the process will be forcibly terminated. Thanks to @robertms for reporting a bug in the latest release. Thanks to @scutters or making these adjustments quickly.4 points
Version has just been released, and it’s packed with an incredible new feature that will knock your socks off! But before we dive into the details, we have a special announcement: This release marks our 5th anniversary! The first program was released around 5 years ago , and what a journey it has been. Now, back to the exciting news! It's probably the first program for all of you pinball lovers of its kind that can record everything! After 5 months of extensive developing and coding (and a few late-night caffeine-fueled coding sessions), we’re excited to introduce the DBM Media Recorder. This little gem can capture both images and videos for every game we threw at it, and it worked like a charm. But it wasn’t all smooth sailing. The first two attempts were not working correctly, and we had to go back to the drawing board. Thankfully, @scutterscame to the rescue! With his magic touch and the mediarecorderlib nuget package, he managed to record everything we tested. Let me break it down for you: Main options: Record images in PNG format and videos in MP4. Record videos across multiple screens via parallel recording. Yes, you heard it right! One record for Playfield, Backglass, DMD, and Topper. Cool Features: Need a moment before the magic starts? Pause the countdown with the Pause/Break key and resume whenever you're ready. You could make some minor adjustments before recording your media Can’t wait for the countdown to end? Smash the 'R' key, and the recording will kick off instantly, skipping the countdown (even if it's in Pause/Break mode). Automatic rotation isn't correct ? Set it manually so your rotation is always correct displayed withing PinballX Can record audio with playfield videos (using default system audio device) Quality: Choose your smoothness: Videos can be recorded at either 30 or 60 FPS. You can also change the video quality settings, the So, there you have it, folks! Go ahead and update to the latest version, and let the Media Recorder bring a new level of awesomeness to your pinball adventures. Feel free to share your recordings and let us know what you think! And how to enable this new feature ? Got to settings : Click on the tab Media recording : And click the checkbox to use DBM recording instead of PinballX recording : Discover all the features that can be set (also check our updated manual for the settings) As always, this release wouldn't be what it is without @scutters. Thanks for all of your help and patience with me! It was a bumpy road, but you made my square wheels round again! All the credits goes to you for this release Thanks to @wrd1972 and @robertms for doing testing and give us some extra ideas to implement in this release4 points
Bear with me: this story is long. Last year, my son's big birthday party was cut short when the skies decided to open up and dump rain all over his birthday party at the park. To be fair, I wasn't into the party being at the park because, the year prior to that, while we got lucky with the weather (it had threatened to rain all day), we got big, gusty winds which played havoc with our decor and wouldn't allow us to light the candles on his cake. Still, that party was a success and prompted his 6th birthday to be more of the same. This time, the rains came and we were forced to relocate to my mother-in-law's suite. Half the guests went home which, while it was a blessing in disguise being that the suite was small, was still a bummer to my son who liked a lot of the kids who showed up for him. This year, for his 7th birthday, I told my wife that we needed to hold his birthday indoors. That, and I wanted an entire arcade theme which was a departure from the last two years which had been dominated by one of his favorite things since birth: Hot Wheels. We started big, but the venue ended up being at our place as I wanted a full on pop-up arcade with all the trimmings. I wanted to bring my pinball setup, have a small laptop emulating old console games, and my wife wanted a small claw machine. We also wanted an 80's playlist. It would have required two PC's, several monitors, several speakers, a laptop, a table, a bunch of chairs...and possibly a moving van to carry all this crap to where we needed it because there was no way we could transport any of this in our cars. At first, I envisioned using my Mac Mini for the arcade portion along with a couple X-Arcade Tanksticks and my steering wheel and pedals for driving games...but there's a limitation on the Mac which prevents two light guns from working at the same time...plus the Mac can't run TeknoParrot. As fate would have it, my pop-up Vpincab began to experience a slight hiccup: it would have random freeze-ups during gameplay for 2 to 3 seconds. These freezes weren't backbreaking but it would be annoying enough to make me consider getting a new PC tower. My Vpin ran off an Intel i5 6600 with a Nvidia GTX 970 and it had served me well for the better part of a decade. After thinking things over, I began to formulate a plan: 1) I would refurb my old Vpin PC and fork it over to my son for his "arcade" and 2) I would get a new PC with updated everything for my VPin. Having had past success on eBay, I bought a nice rig with an Intel i7-13700k and a Nvidia 3060ti. It came with a 1 TB SSD which was an upgrade from the 256 GB drive I had on the old rig. After backing up all my important VPin stuff, I took my old rig to Best Buy for a makeover. I had them check the system. They found no flaws except that I should replace the old SSD which might have aged a bit and was possibly causing the freezes I was experiencing during my pinball play. I had the drive upgraded to a 2 TB SSD and that was that. I began building my son's arcade rig using PinballX as the frontend -- but one more thing remained: what hardware was I going to use for this sucker? I already had two Tanksticks except I was using one for pinball and the other one was just beyond broken. The second player joystick's diagonal movements were barely registering anymore and fixing them was beyond my expertise. Would I buy a set of new Tanksticks and a couple pedestals to mount them? Nope. I went online and found GameRoomSolutions, a website which caters to people who build arcades and gamerooms. I did my research on these guys and watched a lot of videos on their stuff. The reviews from Reddit were mixed to negative (as most reviews on Reddit tend to be) and everything outside of Reddit seemed to be positive. I communicated with their customer service people over chat and they seemed friendly and knowledgeable enough. I told them exactly what I was looking for, what I needed, and what I didn't want and I was ordering three weeks later. What I did was get a 4-player pedestal with a joystick and 6 buttons at each station. They also added a Coin and Start button for each player. The top center had buttons to exit a frontend as well as bring up menus and start games. I didn't spring for the Steam Deck as I already had an AppleTV hooked up in his room and the SteamDeck would have been redundant. I did make sure to add beverage holders on the thing as my son is partial to drinking ginger beer on game nights (non-alcoholic soda for those ready to rage over the word "beer") and he'd end up spilling his ginger beers night after night all over the coffee table in the living room. The other custom specs I had were two trackballs instead of one (for games like Marble Madness), and holes cut for a spinner and a flight stick. This was the customer design I sent them...it featured my son in the middle of all his favorite game characters. The art around him is not mine. It's from one of the Smash Brothers games. I screwed around with Photoshop to make him into a "cartoon" of sorts so I could match the style of the characters around him: When the two boxes arrived, I was amazed at how heavy they were. I don't know what I expected. Maybe I was used to years of using the X-Arcade sticks which, while heavy, paled in comparison to the weight these suckers had. The first time I had a childless weekend, I pulled out the arcade panel first. Here it is, pre-extras and stick tops added. First, this thing is huge...It's basically a Tankstick and a half wide and about two of them from top to bottom. It's insane. It takes up my entire coffee table which is insane. This is a close-up of the panel's center design featuring my son: Anyhow, the LED's are bright and the hardware felt sturdy. I spent the entire weekend programming all of the MAME, Daphne, and TeknoParrot games. When he'd come home, I'd cover it up in my room with tarp and laundry and he was none the wiser. The next childless weekend was spent installing the extra gear I bought. I bought the following items from the esteemed Thunderstick Studios: Their TRON Stick Their DIY LED Kit Not one, but TWO compatibility wire harness kits Their Flight Yoke Their Flight Yoke Desktop Mounting Stand Their Push-and-Pull Spinner Their Arcade Spinner Steering Wheel So, the first thing I did was install the spinner. This was fairly easy and was comprised of just putting the spinner into the pre-drilled hole and then fastening the wires to the pinky finger-sized connector board it came with. The other cool thing is that the board has a USB out to regular USB A, so there was no need to wire it into any sort of board. I plugged it into one of the many USB ports in the two 7-port USB hubs I bought for the inside of the panel. Here's the Spinner: Here's the board: The next thing I did was install the encoder board for the TRON stick. That was as simple as just using plastic mounts with adhesive and pasting it to the panel near the TRON stick. This was my handiwork so far: Now...I gotta tell ya'...that TRON stick was a HUGE pain in the ass to install. Here's the deal: yeah, the pre-drilled holes from GRS were great. Perfect, in fact. The instructions on how to fasten the stick TO the panel? That was a big issue. I know it probably isn't GRS's fault but you'd THINK that, at the very least, they would tell you the types of holes they drilled into this thing. The hardware? Yes, it's good -- but with some caveats. First, GRS had no idea, really, what screw fasteners I had to buy to get the stick to connect to the panel so it was me guessing my way through the fastener collection at my local Home Depot before GRS finally answered me. But, by that time, I had spent nearly $20 bucks on a bunch of candidates. The fasteners they DID recommend were NOT at any of my Home Depot stores and ordering them was a crap shoot. I went to Lowe's and got lucky: they had just enough fasteners left and I bought out their last two packs of two fasteners. I got home and screwed them in and I was good to go. The stick went in next and that was easy to put in -- but the directionals were all wrong. In fact, they were reversed. I emailed Thunderstick and asked them what was happening. The dude basically told me to just pull the entire base apart and then turn the directional base around so that it would register correctly. I guess I get why they'd do this as it's supposed to resemble the controls of a flight stick (up is down, down is up), but left and right being reversed made zero sense. MAME's control config fixes is easily but I'm that anal that I pulled it apart anyhow. Let me tell you: if you have an innate fear of breaking plastic, don't ever do this because it will trigger that part of your brain. Here's the other thing: they make you pay for extra wiring and a USB encoder board. I have zero problem with paying for these things but I DO have an issue when they don't come included with the stick itself. I had to buy their DIY to get the board which is the size of a credit card. The kit also includes a joystick, buttons, and a bunch of other crap I'm not using...why would they make a customer shell out money for all this stuff and not just sell the board? All the guy at TS Studios would tell me is "We're thinking of just selling the board in the future". And, I'm sorry...but all the necessary wiring should be a part of the overall package. Why sell it all separately and make people shell out extra money? Anyhow, I got it put back together and installed -- but then I noticed that when you played TRON, the joystick registered 8 ways instead of just 4. This is extremely apparent when you play the Lightcycles portion of the game and you try to move one way and you get this zig-zag output as you accidentally move diagonally. Luckily, TS Studios includes a restrictor that limits the inputs to 4 ways. This works great and also has the added side-effect of allowing you to use it for other basic 4-way games like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong. You can still play those games with the 8-way sticks that came with the panel but let me tell you something: 4 ways work far better. I regret not having GRS install a single 4-way on this panel. Anyhow, enough griping. TS Studios DOES include a nice, detailed video on how to hook up the TRON stick once you get all the materials you need. It worked like a charm and, soon, the TRON stick was up and working. That LED lighting kit is WORTH the extra money. It adds an extra oomph to the presentation. This was the whole thing put together, but not lit: I was proud of myself. I've never done ANYTHING like this so when it all worked, I was overjoyed. Also...moving this summabitch was no easy feat. If you're reading this and you're thinking of buying one of these four player panels and you pull the trigger and you need to move the thing from one place to another, I recommend finding a second person to help you move it. My wife helped me when she was here. When she wasn't, I had to stand it up and use a handtruck to wheel it out to the living room and then shimmy it off the truck and then lay it across the table. My coffee table has some gouges from me scraping it. That's fine. It's cheap so I don't care and scratches add character to a table but this sucker is heavy. Imagine dragging it out and then moving it back to where it was numerous times. Yeah. Ok, so here's the thing: I initially bought TS Studio's steering wheel so that my son could play many of the driving games I put in his collection...but after watching their video on the flight yoke, I decided to pick that up and use it instead. Not to say I can't use the steering wheel later (it's compatible with the spinner I bought), but the Yoke was a better option. So the next step was fooling around with the TS Studios Flight Yoke. Unfortunately, there was nothing GRS could have done about this to add it to the panel without taking up a ton of room. When I sent them the link and they contacted TS Studios, GRS came back and told me that they would have needed a mount in the dead center of the panel and that would have messed with the two trackballs. So, the plan was to add this to the panel by attaching the Desktop Yoke Mount to the panel. This worked -- except that there are two sets of wires that protrude from the back including the long USB cable. In hindsight, I SHOULD have asked for GRS to cut me a hole to put those wires through because they don't look so great draped across the panel...it's still a minor gripe because, honestly, nobody cares. They just wanna play. Also, this thing weighs a ton. It's not like the cheap plastic parts Atari made for their Star Wars arcade units and it's DEFINITELY better than the cheap crap Arcade 1-Up sells on their Star Wars units. It's built to take a beating. From what I understand, TS Studios made this thing specifically for modders so that they could replace A1U's yoke with theirs. I highly recommend this because I hear stories of A1U's parts breaking or no longer working a year or so after purchase. A couple of very nit-picky gripes about this thing, though: I KNOW the yoke's sole purpose is so you can play flight games which don't require a pedal -- but including a pedal would have been great. There's one on sale at a partner website which connects via USB. I may pick that up. TS Studios advertises this thing as having 6 buttons. They have the gun triggers and torpedo triggers...but the two other buttons are hidden and placed on the back of this thing. I don't get the point of having these buttons as they're incredibly inconveniently placed and they're very hard to push. Plus one seems to be coded to the Escape key on your keyboard, which is odd. They should have stuck the two buttons elsewhere. The next item of business was building the damn pedestal. I feared this part big-time. The instructions that came with it featured small colored pictures and minimal descriptions. Videos on YouTube weren't much help at all...so I dove in and just started putting this thing together. Turns out my fears were pretty unfounded. Everything was pretty easy to put together -- though I will say if you have an electric drill, you will save yourself sanity as well as a ton of time and frustration. I cannot imagine screwing in 30-something screws all by hand. My son surprised me that day by walking in, unannounced, and asked me what I was doing. I stammered and told him I was building him a new shelf. He asked me when it would be done. I told him it would be done near his birthday but that I had to "have it painted first". He smiled and said "I'm glad you're building me a shelf because I really need one..." Dude is 7 years old, he's talking like that. I just laughed. Anyhow, there's this part of the install where the company warns you that if you have the cabinet door on and secured by only one screw, BE VERY CAREFUL. If that door suddenly decides to fall over, the one screw holding it will tear the particle board and the door will no longer swing. Being the cocky jackass I am, I disobeyed this. I would lean the door forward to prevent it from falling -- but, then, I moved the wrong way and pulled the door right off the screw and the thing hit the floor. I think I remember saying "No...nonononononono..." I picked up the door expecting to find torn wood... And I found that the hole was still intact. I don't know how it happened but the door just fell off the screw and there was no damage. The Furniture Assembly Gods were with me, it seems. Anyhow, I finished the rest while he was asleep. This was the final result: The next order of business was getting some wheels attached to this sucker. I bought some off Amazon and, to my surprise, GRS drilled holes that fit those wheel screws perfectly. The wheels went on easy and it moves beautifully. I've heard owners of arcades using furniture discs and the like. The wheels work easier. Plus, the brake systems on these wheels make things easy when you have to go long distances. I attached the bat tops to the joysticks: Finally, it was time to fasten the panel to the pedestal... I still have no idea how the hell I did this by myself, but I did. The pedestal and panel are held together by a couple of screw bolts. Those went in easy and you can easy line up the panel's opening and pedestal opening to know when you have the perfect fit. Worked like a charm. Here's the final product: Last, but not least, it was time to switch it all on... This thing hid in my room for the next few weeks. I have zero idea how my son didn't suspect how a school piano-sized object just materialized in my room and was covered in bed sheets...but he didn't. Kids, man. From here on out, all I had to do was program the console stuff which didn't require me breaking out the panel. Thanks to the many users here at GameEx, I got every console system up and running successfully. Thanks, Draco, Tom, and Mike! Also thank you to the others who also stepped in to help. The night before the birthday party, I hauled it out and quickly designed a background for PinballX so that when my son turned it on, he'd see have personalized ambience. This is where I mention a good friend of mine at Marquis Graphics. He designed a "Flynn's Arcade" style neon sign for my son's party that read "WILLIAM'S ARCADE". I ordered the sign from an overseas distributor which WOULD have gotten the sign to us in time had UPS not screwed up and held it in Hong Kong for a week because reasons. More on that in a few... Anyhow, we printed out signs and placards to use for the party: I put the arcade PC tower inside of the pedestal and it was go-time. Switched on everything and launched PBX...we were good to go. I even added "HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY, WILLIAM!" to the banner on the bottom: To explain the design: My son LOVES Tapper. It's one of his all-time favorite games. He also loves TRON. So those two games are the centerpiece of the design. My favorite classic game is Centipede and my wife's is Defender. Each of us have our favorite gameplay drink featured in the design as well. I have my pint of beer, my wife has her Mexican-made Coca-Cola, and my son has his Cock-n'-Bull Ginger Beer. A few close-ups... All that was left was the big reveal. My mom brought him over (following his birthday/costume party at our nanny's place) and he went into his room where the panel and pedestal were waiting for him to take the large tarps off of it. At first, he thought this was his aforementioned "birthday shelf" but when he unwrapped it and saw it, he begun to really brighten up and smile. But he really dug it when I flipped the panel lights on... ...and immediately went for the TRON stick... It was a HUGE hit. But the real test was the next day at his birthday party when all his buddies would show up to play. I set up his arcade in his room to save space in our small place while I also set up my makeshift pinball cab in the living room. We also had the small claw machine on our small picture table and a MacBook Air open running OpenEmu with two controllers connected. I had a mix of the best of old console games from Atari 2600, NES, SNES, N64, and Sega Genesis. The main party table was video arcade themed. I had my three small TV's playing various things. TV #1 had the two TRON films, TV #2 had a loop of someone walking through a video arcade, and TV #3 had four college football games on in split screen for anyone who wanted to see some game scores. I had video game neon and decor set up...some pics... The arcade and claw machine were huge hits...the pinball setup and laptop...not so much. The kids had ZERO idea how to play pinball and kept grabbing the joysticks and slamming buttons on the Tankstick, trying to make things work. After figuring it out, they got bored and stopped playing. I had to grin and bear it when one nearly yanked the entire Tankstick off the table. It would have hit the floor if I hadn't grabbed it in time. In any case, here's some shots of the kids playing on the panel: We even had his cake themed after Mario Kart... It was a great party and one that was a pleasure to put on. Seeing my son's face light up and seeing him and his friends so happy really made my day. Here's my review of the products afterward: The panel took whatever the kids threw at it. The yoke, however, was a different story. I had to reconnect it three times because no matter how tight the yoke's mount was, it somehow kept slipping off. I don't know why. It just did. I later found that angling it downward was one of the reasons why so I had to keep the yoke angled upward to prevent it. I have this set up with an IPAC4 board which uses a keyboard strokes. MAME sees it as a keyboard, so that's cool. The issue was that games would often forget what I put in for the yoke and trackballs. Weird. Nobody has tried the console part yet but the four USB ports on the front of the unit are great to have and convenient for plugging in my son's Logitech controllers. The spinner works beautifully but, like the trackballs, need calibration to adjust the oversensitivity. The buttons on the panel are incredibly sensitive and react to even the lightest touch. Joysticks feel good and work well. TRON stick works beautifully as well, though it feels like you could break it easily if you jarred it too hard. GRS also encoded the IPAC4 board incorrectly so I had to download the firmware and re-code a bunch of keys as many buttons and sticks had the same control inputs. Also, I'm noticing that the panel's slide bolts need to be tightened every now and then because the panel will sometimes slide gradually to the point where it's uneven with the pedestal. Other than that, it's a nice piece of work and I think the people who have trashed GameRoomSolutions online are people looking for problems instead of solving them or their expectations are far too high. Moving along... A couple days after the party, the neon sign I ordered finally came in...we hung it on the wall behind his TV in his room: Oh, how I wish that sign had arrived on time because that would have been in the living room and would have been the chef's kiss as it were. That's it...from me, my wife, and my son at William's Arcade...we wish you good gaming...4 points
- Fixed and faster ini file reading. - Updated PINemHi by DNA Disturber. http://pinemhi.com/ - Updated .net 6 x64 desktop runtime.4 points
Version has been released. This major update has kept @scutters and myself occupied for an extended period. Last year, we upgraded DBM from the .NET Framework 4.0 to 4.8, which only caused us minor headaches. I had been suggesting to @scutters that we should upgrade to .NET, but the migration path seemed too extensive. However, last month we began some tests and migrated our 'legacy' .NET Framework code to .NET Core code. Even though Microsoft offers a helpful migration assistant, it wasn't sufficient for our needs. We had to change a significant amount of code and forms, and acquire new NuGet packages to get everything working again. But now, the final result is here! We have successfully built a version based on .NET 8! What does this mean for you as a user? The application launches faster, and overall performance should be improved. Moreover, .NET 8 includes security enhancements, such as improved memory safety and mitigations against common vulnerabilities. With .NET 8's cross-platform compatibility, we may be able to support new platforms if PinballX does as well. We have also restructured the installation folder: - The INI file has been moved to the config folder. - Additional files have been placed into the resources folder. - PDFs are now located in the documentation folder. - The number of DLLs in the parent directory has been reduced. As always, a big thanks to @scutters. Without his help, we would never have been at this point (even though he was hesitant to take this path and upgrade to .NET 8). Thanks, mate, buddy, friend, for everything!4 points
- Fixes video playback and other issues when running at high display frequencies.4 points
Okay, I've followed all your advice and am in the process of recapturing all videos in 30FPS. For the wheels, I will remove all APNGs and compress the remaining PNGs. It seemed very strange to me that I had to do all this while the table runs perfectly in 4K because, for me, playing a video should have required less resource than generating it in real-time, but you are right, on one side it's the CPU that works and on the other, it's the GPU, too bad for me I tested with Pinup, and the result was the same, so I'm sticking with PinballX, which keeps your excellent PinballX Database Manager. Thank you for your advice.4 points
I have now figured out what I was doing wrong. I just needed to step away for 5 minutes 😀. Here is the setup for Pinball Wicked if anyone else needs help. Name/Folder = PinballWicked Enabled = Yes System Type = Custom Working Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam TablePath = Executable = steam.exe Parameters = -applaunch 595960 Process to monitor = PinballWicked-Win32-Shipping Game = PinballWicked Description = Black Flaggers Manufacturer = Formslingers PinballX.ini3 points
Version 25.03.17 is just released The previous version was a major release that included a media recorder capable of recording every emulator we tested. This version does not feature significant changes, but we have added some minor new features and fixed several bugs. Firstly, we made a small change to the new version dialog: When a new version is released, we have endeavored to maintain the formatting as it appears on the website: If you use DBM in your own language, it will be translated accordingly. Secondly, we created our own 'tri-state' checkbox and replaced the 'New/Obsolete' and 'Disabled/Enabled' options with this tri-state checkbox. Why? We needed room to add a favorites checkbox as well. Thanks to @robertms for his request. @Wahreez McDermott reported an error See trouble trying to acknowledge new version of a table this has been fixed as well Another addition is the version of VPX in which the table is created with: This will be added automatically when adding a VPX, or when pressing the 'table info', which populates all the tables and imports the data. Some minor issues were fixed, and we implemented a few other minor changes as well. Please refer to the release information on the download page. A big thanks to @scutters for getting this release out, adding new features, and fixing some bugs. Additionally, thanks to @robertms for requesting a feature and @Wahreez McDermott for reporting an error.3 points
3 points
its usually a bug. Everything else i do is flawless. lol.3 points
2024 has had many ups and downs. Despite the worldwide divisions, be they political, religious, or sectarian, our forum members show time and again that we can overcome them and bring out the best in one another! I am proud to call many of you friends and look forward to another year of good times! HAPPY NEW YEAR!3 points
3 points
I began reorganizing my cabinet and wanted to implement standardized system underlays. In doing so, I decided to completely redesign the honeycomb structure shown in the attached image. Starting from scratch, I meticulously rebuilt every detail, and now it's presented in stunning 4K resolution. I hope the clarity and precision of this new design inspire you here you can download them :3 points
3 points
Native zeDMD support all working good in PinballX. Thank you @Mike_da_Spike for his testing and everyone else who helps me out around here!3 points
We've made a small update as we prepare for a larger release. We just wanted to share this one with you. We've added promo, tutorials and gameplay videos to the settings page, so they can be utilized for bulk or table downloads. When selecting one or several tables, you can also delete them by pressing the DEL key. Additionally, a small yet potentially useful feature is the ability to cancel downloads. If you initiate a download and the file is too large, simply press ESC and the download will be canceled. We had a small bugfix as well. just check the release notes ! Huge thanks to @scutters for making this release possible (again).3 points
Between that and my work computer... Brand new windows 11 computer, and this 2011 desktop is faster. Can't even remember which network to connect to. I had a help desk ticket almost every day this week. Plus one of my cranes went down, it's been a fun one. Thanks again. For anyone reading I reset the video card to defaults in the Nvidia control panel, and that fixed the black screen. Note, the displayport was a separate Nvidia issue and is not fixed. I'm returning the card. But my 1050 is no longer having stutter or graphics tearing, so there's no need to upgrade. That's why I bought the 3060 in the first place. Weird that it was causing vp crashes though. That's fixed too.3 points
I think I finaally figured it out.... NVIDA control panel.....adjust video settings.....even thought I had this disabled for my ASUS monitor, it was enabled with either the backglass monitor or DMD display monitor...... and windows often reports a different number monitor then what nvidia reports.... so just a lot of confusion on what monitor is what in windows opposed to vpx/NVIDIA and also in vpinballx.....I have generally been aware of this but am just used to it and after a few minutes or trial I get playfield, DMD, backglass on correct monitor. either way I just set color adjustments to be made by video player, instead of NVIDIA for all displays and after cycling through a bunch of tables, all videos seem to play correctly...... FINALLY!! Thanks for the help3 points
Version has been released. This update was significant. Several items from our 'wish' list were implemented. The highlight is the 'Advanced Video Switch,' a long-anticipated feature. To be candid, it was on the wish list, but it was unclear which videos were intended. This gap became apparent while creating the PBX documentation two years ago, leading us to note 'check all media folders for more options.' We had lost track of which videos to add until @strangeleo72 requested a help button for instructional videos. That's when Scutters and I realized we had overlooked these videos! It took considerable time for our design department to integrate it into the main form without adding new icons. The solution, presented by Scutters, our head of design, at our board meeting, was met with excitement from the entire team. Another issue was that downloading from FTP or MEGA only displayed the 'Busy' animation, leaving us guessing the duration. We approached the head of our downloading department to devise a solution, resulting in a progress bar that now displays the download progress for files from FTP or Mega. The FTP was already stocked with promotional, instructional, and gameplay videos. I've added some extras and still have more on my hard drive to review and upload. Below is a brief demonstration of the Advanced video feature with the download of a sizable file: Another feature I really like is the VPS icon we added to the main form. When a match is found for a table that corresponds to the VPS website, an icon will be displayed next to the language icon at the top right of the form. Clicking on it will launch your browser and directly open the table or group of tables on the VPS website. This functionality is similar to the link we already have on the 'Table Versions' form. We've also made some additional improvements: When adding a rating to a table in PinballX, the extra information within DBM would previously be lost. However, we've implemented a clever solution that preserves these entries when launching DBM after using PinballX. Furthermore, we've addressed an issue where the favourites count and entries could appear incorrect. This is a temporary fix until @Tom Speirs implements a permanent solution in the next release of PinballX. The issue, initially mentioned by @robertms and traced to its root cause by @scutters, will now be corrected during the launch of DBM. The bulk video creation feature will generate new playfield videos if the 'Overwrite older playfield videos' option is selected. It will do this upon finding a POV or INI file with a matching table name that is more recent than the existing playfield video. To further tidy up, we have relocated the MegaLinks.xml and CustomGameEx.XML files to the config folder. This process will occur automatically if you utilize these files. In the code, we've made numerous changes that may not be apparent to you. As always, this release wouldn't have been possible without the help of my good friend @scutters. He's not just the head of design but also oversees several departments in our software house. Additionally, he serves as the CEO and a board member. enjoy this release !3 points
HELLO, Indeed, I have a yellow and blue box planned for the vpx tables in the \PinballX\Media\System Overlays folder. In fact I never noticed! I was looking for a bug where there wasn't one! Sorry for wasting your time. Have a good end of the day.3 points
Adding video playback help and a troubleshooting setting to the display section of the setup wizard. More updated databases. View the full article3 points
Killed full screen exclusive on the VPX side; so far, so good. Will keep you posted if something changes. Thanks-3 points
Congratulations to @Tom Speirs on the 100,000th download of PinballX! We appreciate your continued dedication to updating and improving this remarkable front end over the years. thanks !3 points
Mainly updates making it easier to run on Android and phones, plus unity mouse support.. Adds touch screen, mouse, remote and gamepad support. New easy instructions and way to install on Android See here View the full article3 points
Version has been released. This minor update addresses a bug that caused an extremely small font when the Windows Text Size was set above 100%. Special thanks to @robertms for reporting and assisting with the testing of this issue. again. @scutters and I could not determine why these two values were right-aligned. Additionally, @robertms found that the Search button in the advanced form for the US language was mistakenly labeled 'Rechercher' (French), which has now been corrected. It was discovered that "Played Time" and "Count" had been right-aligned for years; they are now aligned to the left Some unused code was also removed, which should marginally increase the application's performance (though the improvement is measured in milliseconds). A big thank you to @scutters for his contribution again to this release!3 points
It's me, i was testing pinup popper to see how it works but man, it's so messy and complex, moreover if you don't follow all the passages or use baller installer chances that will not work are high, like in my case. I couldn't play vpx at all. I'll stick with pinballx, maybe it's not fast as they say about pinup popper but it's way easier and everything works great. I have also a slot machine cabinet with touch play (a bit outdated anyway) and I even created and programmed slot machines in it from scratch, check this out : https://youtu.be/bJlixV0OawA?si=HgFiNYL-85Vs6QbY My main pinball cabinet has PinballX, my minicabinet has Maximus Arcade, then I have a weecade cabinet and a slot machine cabinet with touchplay I have made also a videogame in steam in 2020 and some other stuff http://www.gabartsdigital.altervista.org/#home3 points
Thanks to sharkfinpin I've modified the nice t-arc underlay to suit my cabinet, added transparency inside the ball selection and made 2 bar version, one solid and one with transparency. Added also an alternative version for Visual Pinball system logo. Zip contains also the pinballx loading gif underlay_gold.zip3 points
After less than 2 years of switching from tv to a qhd curved mo itor, I have finally purchased a non-curved monitor that should fit within my cabinet. The Asus Rog Swift PQ38UQ was on sale, and I was able to secure the last remaining unit. This is the only 4k non-curved monitor with a 144hz refresh rate that will fit within my cabinet. I intend to swap out my current monitor next week and will provide an update on the results. Attached is an image of the box already. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to @scutters for his prompt notification regarding the availability of the monitor last year. I am grateful for this assistance in facilitating the acquisition of this valuable asset, despite the subsequent impact on my financial resources. (Nah, just kidding. Scutterers has been helping me with my search for a monitor for at least 5 years now. So I'm really thankful for his help. Thanks mate!)3 points
How to translate a PDF in Google Translate. If you have a PDF file such as an eBook or a document from a foreign client that you would like to translate to your native language, the best way to do that is using a human translator. However, if you need to use something online, you can follow these instructions to translate a PDF file in Google Translate. Access the Translate Document tool. Choose the language you would like to translate from and to. If you’re not sure what language your PDF file is in, you can set the input language to “Detect language.” Click Choose File and then the blue Translate button. Google will then translate the text. You will get a pop-up with the PDF file translated.3 points
Version 2024.04.15.0 released: We've made a small but significant update to the IPDB dialog form, both manual and bulk. We understand that some users prefer not to have the word "The" as the starting word of a game title. In the wheel menu of Pinball X, games beginning with "The" are traditionally listed under 'T', which can be counterintuitive for those looking for 'The Flintstones' under 'F', 'The Addams Family' under 'A', or 'The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard' under 'W'. To address this, we've introduced a new feature within the IPDB dialog. Now, you have the option to either move "The" to the end of a table name or remove it entirely. This adjustment will help locate your favorite games where you naturally expect them to be. Simply set up your preference once within the IPDB dialog, and all future IPDB changes will automatically apply this option, streamlining your gaming experience. Here's a small example video to show: In addition to other improvements, we've addressed some minor bugs in the bulk FTP dialog. While it may not be widely used, we believe in refining all aspects of our software. Special thanks to @scutters for his assistance in making this release possible.3 points
well. you got me too! CFTB is Creatures from the black lagoon and not Champions Pub. But indeed, not working In my dmddevice.log located in C:\pinball\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Binaries\Win64 (I installed steam completely in the c:\pinball directory for backup ) DmdDevice.log you can see in the first line : [1] 2024/04/11 06:31:27.231 INFO | Starting DmdDevice API 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT-r1 (93d3c52) (x64) through PinballFX-Win64-Shipping.exe. that it is launched by PinballFX-Win64-Shipping.exe on line 13 it find the game (1game nr : 131) [1] 2024/04/11 06:31:31.006 INFO | Setting game name: 131 but on line 15 : [1] 2024/04/11 06:31:31.006 WARN | [serum] Found Serum coloring file at C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\altcolor\131\cftbl_l4.cRZ, but could not load colorizer. Edit : this tests above was with the serum file from 26/3 If I load the serum file from 30/3 , my log file is showing (looks like al is good): [1] 2024/04/11 06:43:39.047 INFO | [serum] Loading colorization at C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\altcolor\131\131.cRZ... but I don't see anything on my real DMD, so looks like the serum files are not correct yet. Did the same with CP (table 121) I got the same warning : [1] 2024/04/11 07:35:59.678 INFO | Setting game name: 121 [1] 2024/04/11 07:35:59.678 INFO | Setting color: #FFFF6600 [1] 2024/04/11 07:35:59.678 WARN | [serum] Found Serum coloring file at C:\Pinball\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\altcolor\121\cp_16.cRZ, but could not load colorizer. As I had all the log files, I created a github issue for you : https://github.com/freezy/dmd-extensions/issues/467 this issue can be closed as this is not an PinballX issue and will be continued on github3 points
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Thank you, Tom. Next time, Mike should ensure his assumptions are verified!2 points
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Found the issue, PinVol does not work if you launch PinballX as administrator.2 points
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- This release uses the main GameEx video playback and bass audio code for future cross platform versions. - It may have slightly better performance playing videos on multiple displays. - Upgraded to latest .net 6 desktop runtime. - If upgrading from previous version and have any audio or video playback issues, please report2 points
I don't usually say this in public, but I agree with @scutters on this one. Just keep it between us, okay? 😜2 points
I have always loved pinball, grew up with it in the arcades in the 80s, my favourite machines being Black Night and Black Hole, I can`t remember the amount of times I played those machines or how much it cost me But now at the age of 59 I decided late last year that I wanted a virtual pinball machine, I would love an original machine but the cost price is out of reach plus my home is on the small side, so virtual it was, but I wanted a desktop version so I could move it around the home or take it to gatherings for kids to play on. I thought this would be very easy as I have a strong background in electronics, so I built a cab with a 14.5" widescreen display and 8" back glass display, plus all the associated hardware , easy done, now software. I went for Pinup Popper with the "easy" baller installer, and indeed it installed flawlessly, however I could not configure my buttons, always showed an error, posted in forums, posted on YouTube, still no real answers as to the issue, frustrated I looked around the net and found PinballX. Took a chance, downloaded, installed, configured in 10 mins, running perfectly Now playing with the media folders, so may edit this post later with some pictures, so far I`m very impressed it works flawlessly and is very easy to setup. If there is an option to gift a coffee or some dollars I would be happy to do that as I see the project is still being developed. Cheers Alan B2 points
Version 5.97.2
The complete PinballX documentation to setup your Pinball cabinet. All the options/screens are explained how you can modify PinballX to show what you want. Thanks for the previous persons that worked on the document. I received the template @Draco1962and used an old version of the document (Thanks to @zeenonwho created the first version of the documentation) I re-used some texts, but most I completely re-create on a PC that didn't had PinballX on it. It took me around 4 months to get it all together. Version of document is the latest version of PinballX on date of publishing this document. All the features that are described in the document are available in the same version of PinballX Any new features of new releases should be added2 points