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Everything posted by tthurman

  1. MAME SL However, I take it from your post that you're more of an arcade guy and don't have much concern for the consoles. If you're happy with what you've got then there is no reason to make a change.
  2. What are you guys using for DNS? I've been using cloudflare.
  3. https://ugetfix.com/ask/how-to-fix-the-instruction-at-0x00-referenced-memory-at-0x00-the-memory-could-not-be-written-error/
  4. Why not just update the game? http://www.ovagamespc.com/?s=Killer+Instinct+Update&x=35&y=18
  5. I like this dudes take on things!
  6. Also, I believe the best possible thing for Star Wars fans would be if the Disney / Fox merger delivers a fully remastered original theatrical release of the original trilogy, as this had zero chance of happening under George's reign. It's still a longshot, but there is no denying that it would rake in tons of cash for Disney. Anybody that thought the prequels were bad compared to the originals (and I was one of them) had no idea of how BAD it could get until TFA and TLJ were released. Looking back now the prequels look like masterpieces. At the very least they had original storylines!
  7. Agreed Rogue One and Solo were both good! ......everything else has been nothing more than a rehash of the original's, why bother? "I have a bad feeling about this", but expect the next installment to be worse than TLJ.
  8. https://www.pcgamer.com/star-wars-episode-i-racer-has-been-recreated-in-unreal-engine-4/
  9. Didn't sign on yesterday but hope you had a great day!
  10. Great way to repurpose old hardware, I'm sure stigzler would highly approve Your CP reminds me of a modded version of a 4 player Slik Stik panel I drooled over for years. Nice work!
  11. March 2019
  12. Good deal I haven't run into this issue but since I'm running AE it was bound to happen eventually. Thanks!
  13. Outrun — The 1986 Arcade Game
  14. This depends on how complete your art set is. Some (like snaps) just haven't been done by someone yet and default to that which is available, which is sometimes nothing. If you're certain you have all the artwork then it's potentially a directory path problem. If you are a emumvies member you just need to give GameEx time to download all the files. Please post your ini and log if you need further assistance.
  15. DuckDuckGo has been a profitable company since 2014 without storing or sharing any personal information on people using our search engine. https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-revenue-generation-model-for-DuckDuckGo/answer/Gabriel-Weinberg
  16. What gamepad controller are you using?
  17. It's not worth that type of investment to me, I just posted it here given the rave reviews it was getting from retro gamers. I'm converting analog to digital and need to monitor output from my Time Base Corrector when I ran across this (which also features time base correction) in my quest to solve needing a monitor that had composite video in. I can pick up this item and have HDMI compatibility or their other device that outputs VGA. For the price, it's a no brainer for me!
  18. This outputs at 16 x 9, so if you're okay with that and in need of some way to say get that old NES back up and running without the luxury of a CRT, this may be a solution. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01AWN6JUY/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ALEWIQ2F9CQDR&psc=1
  19. I'm doing my little part to put the word out. I've watched as your channel has grown, which on all accounts it seems to be doing quite well given the number of subs you had when I joined up! It seems the quality of the content is doing a particularly good job of promoting itself. Keep on trucking!
  20. I'm learning a lot about these games, many of which I never played. The detailed background really sets them apart from others I've watched over the years and really provides a lot of in-depth behind the scenes info that I would have otherwise never known. Anybody that hasn't checked out his channel should make sure to do so, there are tons of these already posted that don't have threads here.
  21. The Coolest Star Wars and Marvel Reveals From New York Toy Fair Click on the ROTJ - Death Star pic - for the Star Wars slides
  22. Don't play them They're no worse than the games at the fair midway! There's a sucker born every minute!
  23. Saw this in a post by Niro007 and thought I'd share it here.
  24. https://twitter.com/StarWarsUK/status/1096710782484533249
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