While it's a big deal any time you have surgery, this does a minimal amount of damage.
My wife had the laparoscopic gallbladder removal process done after years of severe abdominal pain that nobody could seem to determine the cause. Like you, one day it got so bad she just went to the ER and the doctor sent her to the nuclear wing to have some dye injected, which immediately disclosed the gallbladder as the culprit. It was outpatient surgery, took maybe four hours total in and out time.
Scars are pretty minimal and heal slowly over the following years until they are barely visible. The Davinci RP I had four years ago is similar but they used some sort of glue on my insertion sites as opposed to sutures. You might want to ask about this if you end up having it done as even though these are similar puncture sites/size, they became pretty much unnoticeable in just a couple of years with the exception of the big incision over the belly button, but that one was about two inches long.
If you go in for this be prepared, there's a lot of farting to get rid of all that gas they pump in your chest cavity Walking around helps, or it did for me.
Good luck man!