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Everything posted by tthurman

  1. How cool, Primus pinball! https://thisweekinpinball.com/primus-pinball-revealed-interview-with-zoltron-and-zombie-yeti/
  2. Thanks, Draco! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Safe travels to all who embark this long weekend
  3. I recently toured Boeing in Seattle and it is nothing short of amazing to see how these things are built. It was actually nothing like I had envisioned, instead, it's sections built in random areas of the massive buildings before being brought together for final assembly. It is literally a small city of workers, nearly 4000 at any given time. The buildings are so large that special mechanical systems are installed throughout the facility to keep it from raining inside. https://maps.roadtrippers.com/stories/boeing-factory They won't let you take pictures, their reasoning is that someone in the 80's dropped a battery pack from a 35 mm that went right through a 747 wing resulting in $300K in damages. There are only four of these big boys in the world, of which we saw three on this day. Basically, they assemble sections in the South Carolina plant and them transport them back to Washington for final assembly. The engines act as a fulcrum and around the factory are these 18000 lb concrete weights they use to stabilize the planes before the engines are installed. This plane did nothing but deliver engines. This is a really cool tour to do If you're ever in the area!
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  4. I was away on vacation when this thread was posted, but in catching up, just watched your story. What an amazing inspiration that gives new meaning to "never quit" !!!
  5. No way I could resist posting this.....
  6. Anybody experiencing the same issues may want to check this out before updating to this.
  7. I think I can better handle the TA muppets!
  8. While it's a big deal any time you have surgery, this does a minimal amount of damage. My wife had the laparoscopic gallbladder removal process done after years of severe abdominal pain that nobody could seem to determine the cause. Like you, one day it got so bad she just went to the ER and the doctor sent her to the nuclear wing to have some dye injected, which immediately disclosed the gallbladder as the culprit. It was outpatient surgery, took maybe four hours total in and out time. Scars are pretty minimal and heal slowly over the following years until they are barely visible. The Davinci RP I had four years ago is similar but they used some sort of glue on my insertion sites as opposed to sutures. You might want to ask about this if you end up having it done as even though these are similar puncture sites/size, they became pretty much unnoticeable in just a couple of years with the exception of the big incision over the belly button, but that one was about two inches long. If you go in for this be prepared, there's a lot of farting to get rid of all that gas they pump in your chest cavity Walking around helps, or it did for me. Good luck man!
  9. Very cool series of videos! Me either, then again as Draco mentioned, nobody does.
  10. Good to hear EVO is working for you. I'm going to lock this one so it doesn't get a necro bump down the road.
  11. I thought I posted this earlier, must not have submitted it. Some interesting tidbits here (some old news too):
  12. The Most Disgusting Scenes in Star Wars Are Now Scented Candles Seriously?
  13. That looks incredibly cool!
  14. Maybe, but it's more likely they'll see what you've done, show you the door and continue to use your automated program thinking "we've already paid you for it". Perhaps the people you work for are really honest and always "do the right thing", but this is far from reality for most people!
  15. The "Lost" Empire Strikes Back Documentary by Michel Parbot (1980) Pretty much confirms the "sister" was an afterthought! The general consensus is this won't be up for long!
  16. Saw this in a post by _Saga https://store.steampowered.com/app/510840/Evolvation/
  17. Do you have slik stik/I-Pac support enabled in the inputs section of the setup wizard? Note that I'm not running GameEx Arcade Edition, but the similarities of the setup wizard lead me to believe this is in both. <edit> nevermind, I see you don't. Toggle that to "True"
  18. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/man-puts-used-girlfriend-ebay-13373626
  19. Obviously, Tom is the only one that can confirm what changed between those releases that may have affected this. @Tom Speirs
  20. I see no moral obligation to show your hand in an employment scenario when you " the coder" has the insight/gift to do what others don't! Far as I'm concerned, this just frees up cycles to improvise on other fronts, especially considering the work at hand is clearly being handled most efficiently. I suppose it's a simple difference of opinion, but there was an obvious need from an employment standpoint as well as an obvious solution to an innovative coder! If your employer is making great margins as a result of stellar employee production what difference does it make how it got there. If the shoe where on the other foot, I can assure you that in most instances they would not come to you and say "hey man, we're making so much money thanks to you". Nope, most likely they would take your idea and use it to cut overhead, perhaps including you.
  21. This is my reward for mentioning birthday cake during my conversation with Draco today That's not a bad thing at all! Thanks, guys (wings sound great as does T-man)
  22. File explorer dark theme is a nice addition in this one IMO. Apparently, MS continues to patch spectre and meltdown too. One of my older systems (Yorkfield) had problems with this patch, causing me to use DISM to restore the image health after a failed update. Ensure you disable real-time security software before applying was a suggestion I read (maybe ccleaner wrecked my install). Regardless I finally got this machine patched while my other systems installed with flying colors!
  23. Is this consistent among different themes?
  24. stigz, this is a thread about friendships established online, not an FWB thread
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