Not that you ever knew I was gone, or here for that matter. I've been in a long, very long process of planning a hybrid type arcade pedestal, five years at least, I'm embarrassed to say. I got the fever way back in 2001, when a friend introduced me to MAME, but more recently along the way I have been playing with GUI's trying to figure out what's best for me. After numerous tests ranging on everything from a P4 3.06 with 4 GB RAM up to my current build, a Q9550, 8GB, HD5770 (for now) in a Silverstone full ATX HTPC case, I'm finally back to that GUI decision. I first tried GameEX several years ago, and liked how straight forward and easy to configure it was, but honestly, the media center appeareance just didn't do it for me. From the looks of it, much has changed since then, or perhaps I just didn't dig deep enough back when I tried it. Regardless, I moved on to try other things, Mala being one of them, and of course I've followed HS quite a bit. I belive HS is a sharp GUI, but I question my resolve to stick to it in order to come up wtih a polished installation, as spare time is something I don't have a lot of. Although I've not actively particiaped in these forums, it's obvoius the passion runs deep here as it does in the others I've been following. My goal is to build a pedetal to house my system and control panels, but it will be used just as much for a HTPC as a emulator. Work on the pedestal is currently delayed while I plan a way to intergrate a Star Wars yoke controller. My hope is that I can have my two player CP removable, and swap out the yoke CP as needed. Restoring the yoke has been a bigger project than I anticipated, but it is moving along. At some point in the not to distant future (I hope) I will finally start loading up the software on the newest rig. I hope to have an nvida card by then, as I would like to run Sega Model 3 as well as Pinball. Still not to sure how well pinball will work on a 16 X 9 upright style playing field, but I'm hoping something out there will serve as a work around, sort of like Pinball FX2. Given all of this, it seems GameEX was the most suited for me to begin with, so my intention is to go back where I started, only this time try a little harder. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions, so you might actaully get tired of seeing me around. Sorry for the long winded post, thanks for reading! Todd