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Everything posted by tthurman

  1. I knew the interweb would blow up with stuff like this after yesterday's announcement. Have to admit, I like the Kevlar Gold design!
  2. I am not alone: https://www.engadget.com/2019/06/11/atari-vcs-pre-orders/#comments. https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/30/17408184/ataris-vcs-console-preorder-specifications-release-date-pricing#comments
  3. I've been swamped with work, but did take time to hook up my VCR and fire up a rarely played "Making of Star Wars" VHS, just to see how it did on playback in anticipation of my capture project. I works nicely, and while the line doubling improvement was expected, it was the effect the smoothing filter had on things that really surprised me. It really took out the grainy appearance and gave the overall picture a softer look, which is a plus on such lossy media and VHS. Build quality is just fine on this product, I have no idea what anyone could be bitching about.
  4. Success is success, congrats!
  5. Yes, because now there are so many question marks. They raised what, 3 + million? That doesn't seem enough to bring a console to market to me, and as a whole Atari doesn't have that type of cash (according to what I've read).
  6. You'd basically have to be crazy to order one of these now. They're clearly trying to raise capital in a desperate last ditch attempt to bring this to market now.
  7. Hope you had a great birthday dude!
  8. How weird, I just watched the first two Alien movies last night and Ghost Busters 2 earlier in the day. Yesterday was an all day soaker, which gave me some downtime. https://parade.com/888940/maramovies/sigourney-weaver-career-highlights/
  9. Are you making a frontend stigz?
  10. I would suggest uploading it to the FTP.
  11. Ordered! Guess I'll be digging out my NES soon!
  12. I've never seen a situation where a dev cycle drags on that has resulted in a great end product or any product at all at times. From what we've already seen, there's no logical reason to think this project will break that cycle, at least not yet. I'm seemingly a magnet to them and if it weren't for my "meh" opinion of the Atari consoles in general, I would have problem found myself wrapped up in this one. I don't believe the original intent of the Atari Box was a scam, but I do believe there is a great deal going on behind that scenes that stands a very good chance of tanking the entire program. People playing games in videos that claim to be the Atari Box, but actually are not, combined with long drawn out periods of silence only to announce a switch to more powerful processing, which was more powerful than what exactly? Then to showcase controllers that don't look radically different than what had already been prototyped a short time after another delay is announced. These all look to be delay tactics to me more than outright deception. There's little doubt in my mind that these guys were just opportunists, looking to capitalize on nostalgia. Given how disappointing some of the last gen of "mini's" went over, it stands to reason that perhaps that ship has sailed. How much pain and suffering will they endure before they throw in the towel? Should the community turn on them in combination with a passing fad, I can see them washing their hands of it and giving what's his name 1.5% of nothing. Somebody else will acquire the Atari name down the road after the flames have died down. The sad thing is if this does fail, it will tarnish the great name Atari made for itself during the arcade boom of the 70's and '80s, something these clowns had nothing to do with. The flip side is maybe Atari re-enters the console market with a total badass machine and leaves the Atari Box a distant memory and plants the VCS firmly into gaming history. Should make for some amusing conversation as it all unfolds!
  13. I could see this being really cool for older game titles that had LAN support or like Pod Racer that had IPX, but included no way to game with opponents over the internet. Remakes of these classics and some like Battlezone could really find renewed energy if the multiplayer can be put back on the table. I'm sure there are more possibilities than those, but these immediately came to mind after looking at their webpage. Not really a huge surprise, but I'd never heard of it until your mentioning it. Who am I kidding though, I haven't gamed in years now.....one can dream!
  14. This guy: Then there's this:
  15. Don't get me wrong, it had it's gems, but some of the ports....beyond terrible. TESB would be an example, why, just why. Pac-Man, another. Most arcade games just didn't translate well over to the 2600.
  16. I had Wico's for the computer back then, the Atari joysticks were terrible. Wico even made one for the 2600.
  17. The controller was a piss poor design and the 2600 as a whole was pretty terrible in pretty much every way imaginable, with the small exception that it came at a time when there really was no other. Good joystick design had been mastered by Happ in the arcades already, so at the time there was really no reason to incorporate such a shitty controller. Looking back, most of the games were so terrible it's almost laughable that anyone bothered to buy them. I suppose that's what ultimately led to the failure of Atari in the console market. Continually delaying this one, only to showcase "controllers" now when projected release is already months late to the game.....pretty much serves to confirm they really have no idea what they are building and are simply shooting from the hip along the way. Who knows, they may actually release something really cool, or just another shit console (but with better controllers)! At this point, if it turns out to be anything less than a complete disappointment, it'll be a success, IMO.
  18. Interesting! This has some incredible potential if it's done well. GOG GALAXY 2.0 will bring all your games and friends from PC and console platforms into one powerful app. Beta sign up
  19. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/revenue-stream-led-zeppelin-826933/
  20. I always hated the Atari joystick. Don't get me wrong, it was groundbreaking at release, but it was really so lacking in so many ways as a good console, and that joystick.....grrr, terrible! The new stick does a nice job with the retro style looks, just hope it's not a popsicle stick embedded in concrete like it's predecessor.
  21. I've not tried remote configuring with EVO, but admit it would be a deal breaker if it doesn't work. The only time I'm standing at my gaming rig is if I'm playing, all config and troubleshooting are done via remote access. I'll try to find time to give it a quick go this weekend and let you know how it goes. I've never considered the trackball for scrolling function, it would seem slow compared to a joystick. Probably just my personal preference though.
  22. If you search CLR20r3 you'll see that this error is often associated with Windows 7.
  23. Windows 7? Couple things to try. Run Evo as administrator Reinstall .net framework (or try the net framework repair tool) It's always a good idea to post your log immediately following the crash as well.
  24. She's a whopper, coming in just under 27 gigs! http://ubi-source.com/2019/05/16/grab-steep-for-free-on-pc-before-may-21-and-keep-it-forever/
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