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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Bundle Stars which has gradually become one of my favorite places to check for amazing game deals is currently offering the entire Batman Arkham Trilogy (including all DLC) for $10.00 USD. Pretty great deal for some critically acclaimed games with hours of game play! If you need me I'll be in the bat cave ...
  2. I would worry that a device such as the one linked in the OP is not going to be optimized for gaming and thus is going to introduce crazy amounts of input lag. I'd join in with the rest of the guys recommending that you look for a controller designed with wireless connectivity in mind, or alternately go with the USB extension cables. Being as Adultery and tthurman are pimping their favorite controllers ( ), I should mention that I've been very satisfied with the quality of my Logitech F710, which is not a Bluetooth controller but rather relies on a 2.4 GHz wireless connection to the host, like a lot of other wireless Logitech gaming products (though I do also incorporate a DualShock 3 if I need an additional controller).
  3. No worries man! All in a days work.
  4. Yeah I've noticed this behavior as well. Unfortunately the best way to do this currently is to simply remove the extraneous videos from your media directory so that the only videos residing therein are those that match the games you have. One way to do this is to is to run a diff tool against the directories so you can output a list of only those files that need to be removed. Unfortunately I've found Linux tools to be much more robust in this capacity than what is available by default in Windows (though to be fair it's entirely possible that I've missed something along the way). If you can find a tool that is capable of generating a diff file between the two directories you can (more or less) be done in a snap. Edit: This utility looks like it could accomplish what you're looking to do, but I've not tried it out myself. Even if it just generates a diff file in the form of a text list you can easily convert it into a bat file to run against your media directory.
  5. Hi Alpha 17th I actually am typing this response on a cell phone, so apologies in advance for keeping it brief. According to your log, GameEx is crashing very early during its start up routine. Are you running a custom build of Windows (like an nLited build or something) or have you disabled any functionality in Windows? The reason I ask is that errors of this nature generally indicate a driver issue, missing .NET dependencies, or other low level issues with the host machine. You don't need to configure MAME twice. You want to configure it through the main MAME settings screen and leave it at that. The 'second' screen you mentioned is for configuring any number of other standard emulators. It's possible to configure MAME through those screens, but if you do you'll actually end up with two MAME entries in your games list (the second one will appear under Emulated Games), and worse than that, the second list will be missing a lot of the great functionality unique to MAME within GameEx.
  6. If it helps, your Steam games will appear under the Emulated Games menu by default. Having a look at your GameEx settings and log may help to shed some light on this particular aspect (feel free to start a new troubleshooting thread if you wish being that it will attract more attention than this ongoing thread)
  7. I can't speak for GensPlus, but I do use Fusion for Sega Cd emulation and have found it to be excellent. The command line you're using for Fusion is like 95% of the way there, but you have it using integrated disc image mounting which can be problematic, particularly when you don't actually need to do so in this case. Fusion natively supports running Sega CD disc images, so currently where you have this: I would recommend changing it to this: Fusion.exe -scd -fullscreen "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]"That should work great, unless you have an unusual circumstance in which you're using odd disc image formats (although I'm not sure ATM what all disc image formats are actually supported by Fusion).
  8. When you have a moment please post your PinballX.ini and your PinballX log as described here. These files may provide some insight to identify the source of this error. Otherwise we'll quickly descend into guesswork, which is not fun for anyone. Actually ... we may still descend into guesswork, but at least after looking at your settings and log we'll have one more thing that we can rule out. Thanks!
  9. If you have a free EmuMovies account The Automatic Artwork Download functionality will only download screenshot snap and title images. If you have a paid membership it will download additional assets including videos and the like.
  10. That's awesome news that you were able to identify the source of the issue. Unfortunately this is the part in which I have to fess up that while I know a bit about the steps of troubleshooting, I know practically nothing about successfully configuring the disparate elements of a nice PinCab being that I don't have one of my own. However ... since we've identified that it's the means by which you are launching and exiting FutureDMD that's at the root of the problem, I can point you at a thread in which people have reported (and resolved) similar issues to what you've identified in this thread. Be sure to read the whole thread (it's currently only two pages) - there are several different issues reported and resolved over the course of the thread. Run Future DMD with PinballX Good luck man!
  11. A lot of games (most?) will also give you the option of formatting cards directly within the game itself. I'm not entirely certain about RE2 but I played through Castlevania SOTN in October, and I know I was able to format my memory card directly in that game. There are also some stand alone memory card managers that I believe will let you format your cards (Google "Mem Card Rex"), but you really shouldn't have to resort to those measures for the simple purpose of formatting.
  12. I saw this as well, and was saddened by the news. He was truly a remarkable man, and our gaming hobby would be incredibly different today (if it existed at all) if not for his brilliant mind and his childlike sense of wonderment with the world (which I mean as a compliment in the utmost). Here's a brief clip on Ralph which was produced by PBS.
  13. Hi boiydiego Just out of curiosity, have you tried removing the killdmd/rundmd parameters in your Launch Before and After settings to see if the problem is related? I'm not suggesting that those components be removed permanently from your setup, but it would sure help to see if this problem was related to that particular component.
  14. Dude, thank you so much for reposting this here! Just as a little background info for everyone, I read this review on another site and asked Special-T if he would mind reposting here, both because I thought it was such a great review, and because I knew there would be some interest here. Thanks again Special-T and Welcome to the GameEx forums!
  15. It basically simplifies navigation through GameEx. You can get the scoop here.
  16. Yeah after all this time I've never used it either. @larson92: Do you have a clear and driving reason to use game launcher mode?
  17. I've checked directly through the website and through Tapatalk but haven't noticed any significant slowdown.
  18. Glad to hear that you got your PS2 problems sorted out. It's not an altogether uncommon misconception, but GameEx does not come with a demo version of Mame (I believe that doing so would violate Mame's distribution license), but rather it merely includes demo videos of Mame. Overwhelmingly the most common advice with Mame is to not set it up as a 'standard' emulator in GameEx (as you have it now), but instead to use the dedicated Mame Setup functionality. Mame offers a lot of special functions that will be unavailable to you in GameEx when it's setup as a standard emulator (among other things it will alleviate your ROM naming issue). Just remember that you'll need to rebuild your Mame list anytime you make changes to your Mame config. Good luck, and be sure to report back with your progress or temporary roadblocks you encounter.
  19. Not to put too terribly fine a point on this, but the logs at the start of the thread are from 11/16/14. In the intervening time I can see two sizable Windows updates that occurred on my machine in November alone, along with an updated nVidia driver . My point is that computer systems do not remain static, and as things change there can be a ripple effect that breaks other (seemingly) unrelated things. I definitely don't want this to come off as "stern finger waggling", but it's really not that difficult to upload an up to date log, particularly when requested to do so by the author of the software. I grant you that sometimes difficult problems are hard to track down even with proper documentation, but a showing a good faith willingness to cooperate with troubleshooting requests goes along way towards receiving assistance with that troubleshooting. It may still lead nowhere, but you really don't know unless you try.
  20. Hi htamas I know you expressed some frustration in a separate thread that this issue was being neglected. I'll post the exact contents of your error here in the event that it might catch a bit more attention, but my concern is that this problem will likely be related to some odd hardware problem related to your specific system. In other words it's going to be hard for anyone else to duplicate the issue, without using identical hardware. Have you updated (or downgraded) any system drivers lately? You might want to check to make sure your video card drivers are up to date as well as the Sidewinder drivers. It seems hinky to me that you can't calibrate the controller in Windows being that it would seem to indicate a low level communication problem between Windows and the controller driver (unless I'm misunderstanding the nature of that particular issue).
  21. You can enter any settings you like in an empty emulator slot (or even an existing one for that matter). The import emulator functionality is more of a convenience than anything, and definitely does not represent the full spectrum of emulators that GameEx is capable of supporting. If an emulator can be run via the command line, it can be used in GameEx. The main trick to adding emulators manually is that it will require a bit of work on the part of the user to figure out the applicable command line to use. Often times this information can be found in the documentation included with the emulator itself (in the form of READMEs and whatnot), or from the home site of the emulator itself.
  22. Yeah, sorry man when your images are in cue/bin format it's generally not a good idea to rename anything since the cue files themselves contain references to the bin file names. At this point if it's possible to revert your images back to the state they were in before renaming that might be the best (and most painless) solution. FWIW, here's the direct link to the free version of Revo Uninstaller (not that I think DT is your problem, but Revo Uninstaller really is worth using for that sort of thing IMO)
  23. Good call! Glad to hear you got it all sussed out. Happy gaming!
  24. Can you mount images outside of GameEx? If not I'd recommend uninstalling and subsequently uninstalling DaemonTools (and if it were me I'd use Revo Uninstaller to do it in order to make sure you really uninstalled any last remnants). If everything is working outside of GameEx, I'd recommend posting your Virtual Drive Loader log and Emulator config over in the Virtual Drive Loader thread with a description of the issue.
  25. Happy Birthday Exed! I hope you score! (you know ... since you're a high score master)
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