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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi pete-za66 and Welcome to the GameEx Forums! Are you talking about the Mame/GameEx bezel that appears in the second picture you posted? You can turn that off in your GameEx settings if you wish. Check out the Use Bezel setting found on the MAME Settings screen in the Setup Wizard.
  2. Happy Birthday Jumper! I hope you birthday is frickin' epic, and that all is going well in your neck of the woods!
  3. Just out of curiosity what version of MAME are you running? Have you checked the driver status on those games for your version of MAME? Sometimes newer versions of MAME can actually knock previously 'working' games down to 'partially emulated' status and whatnot. FWIW I don't think California Speed has ever ran very well on my system/Mame version. I haven't played Crusin' World for a while though, so I can't remember on that one.
  4. How is the wheel recognized by windows? Does it show up as a Xbox 360 pad, or does it show as some other type of device? Are the pedals recognized in the Windows configuration dialog? If so are they mapped as an analogue trigger (I would predict that they are), or do they register as a digital switch?
  5. I think the Xpadder idea is definitely worth a shot, but remember that you'll need to compile MAME to accept DirectInput (if you haven't already) in order for Xpadder to cooperate with MAME.
  6. I went ahead and merged the separate Happy Birthday threads dedicated to our esteemed colleague Stu1983. To be clear it's exceedingly rare that two birthday threads are created on the same day for the same person. I feel like this really speaks to the stature and great legacy that Stu1983 has on these forums. Happy Birthday Stu!! Here's wishing you a day filled with friends, family, fun, and sweet, sweet retro gaming!
  7. Along with the cache files try deleting all the map files as well. I had an issue recently when I was retooling my Model 3 setup where I actually had to delete the cache/map files a few times in succession before the changes were fully recognized. For what ever reason GameEx kept rebuilding the associated map file in an odd fashion. It's worth a shot at any rate.
  8. It sounds to me like GameEx may be hanging on to the cached version of where it thinks certain ROMs are still residing. I would recommend deleting your cache files to see if that makes a difference. Try navigating to the\Gameex\DATA folder and delete all the files with cache in the file name or extension. The next time you start GameEx it will rebuild all these files including your game lists.
  9. Ah yeah. I'd definitely give that a shot. One of the things the Merge Sets feature is supposed to address is to make it so that you don't have to nest your disc sets into sub folders like Game 3 is in your list. With any luck that will help to get 'er licked.
  10. Ah! OK, sorry it took me a minute to understand what was going on there. One commonality that I see in your config (at least for the problematic emulators you've listed here) is that you have both RomsInFolders and GamesIn7Zips set as True. So that would mean that your ROM directories would look somethig like this as an example: [Folder] Q:\Roms\3DO [Folder] Game Name 1Game Name 1.7z[Folder] Game Name 2Game Name 2.7zIs that how your ROM directories look? It's a bit of an unusual setup that might (or might not) cause some interesting dilemmas for GameEx when it parses the game list. any chance you'd be willing to flatten your directory structure a bit to see if that would help to address the issue(s)? So rather than the above you'd set it up like so (and you'd set RomsInFolders as being False): [Folder] Q:\Roms\3DO Game Name 1.7zGame Name 2.7zI'm guessing that the above might help your situation. There may also be a GameEx bug in play here, but the above might be a reasonable work around until such time as Tom had a chance to look at it.
  11. I'm having a hard time understanding what it's actually doing. So you attempt to start a game, and literally nothing happens? Or does it look like it's trying to do something, but immediately returns to GameEx? Maybe your log will give some indication of what's happening? Did it do anything differently with debug mode turned on?
  12. Hi Uberpuber Thanks for posting your GameEx.ini. Another bit of information that would be very helpful to see would be your runitgame.bat after having experienced this issue. Depending on what that shows it might also be helpful to see the corresponding log as well. One measure you could try on your side would be to turn on debug mode for one (or all) of the problematic emulators to see whether any error messages are generated.
  13. I'm pretty sure Draco uses powerline adapters in his setup, and has given them positive endorsements in the past. I have no idea what his rated throughput is though. I know I've considered giving it a shot for one particular computer that's in an isolated part of our house. It does pretty well over WiFi, but I'd like to give it a boost considering that I stream media over my LAN both to and from that box.
  14. It's one of Adultery's many illustrious projects. You can find it right here.
  15. Go to: Start > All Programs > PinballX > PlugIns You'll want to verify that none of the plugins listed therein have been enabled.
  16. Great to hear you got it all sorted out atarisoul! Sorry I couldn't offer more in the way of tangible assistance, but I'm glad you landed on an acceptable workaround.
  17. Hmm ... in that case, a few questions. Do you have the Desktop Resolution in the plugin settings set to the native resolution of your desktop? Have you verified that ePSXe is being closed correctly? I've run into various issues where it looks like ePSXe has closed correctly, only to discover that there are one (or more!) ePSXe processes still running when I check the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc). I have found that this particular situation is liable to cause all sorts of odd behavior with ePSXe. Are you using any additional tools with ePSXe? Here I'm thinking specifically of ePSXecutor (it's totally ancient, but it still works a treat even on the latest versions of ePSXe). That's the one additional factor that I have running on my ePSXe setup. Like I mentioned before, I've had ePSXe exhibit the behavior you describe above (especially when changing between fullscreen and windowed using Alt+Enter), but not for a long time. Maybe it's actually ePSXecutor that's the magic bullet?
  18. I'm guessing that the problem is with the OpenGL 2.9 plugin rather than with GameEx. You'll find problem reports popping up in various places regarding this exact same issue from time to time (example). The bad news is that I don't know that I've ever seen a proven fix for this particular glitch. One potential step I would definitely recommend is to see whether you have the same issue when running through ePSXe Shark Enhanced. This is (more or less) a patched version of ePSXe 1.8 which addresses a number of long standing issues with the emulator and it's plugin eco-system. It's a vast improvement IMO. It's the only version of ePSXe that I run currently, and it does contain some patches for the OpenGL plugins. I can't say for certain whether it will fix your current issue, but I can say that while I've experienced the issue you're describing while using vanilla ePSXe, I've never (to my recollection) experienced the same problem under Shark Enhanced. Shark Enhanced will also allow you to use an extended set of plugins, including the awesome Pokopom input plugin (which may very well have become my favorite input plugin ever).
  19. If you could find a PSP DAT file that matched your set, you could rename everything in a snap using ClrMamePro (or another similar app RomCenter being the other popular one). It looks like No-Intro does have a DAT for PSP (check the Custom DATs section), but it would certainly be up in the air as to whether the CRCs of your disc images would be a match to the one in the No-Intro DAT. It's worth a shot! (although I would make a copy of a few images to run against first just to make sure CMP wasn't going to mess anything up). If you were able to successfully rename everything with the the No-Intro DAT, it would likely have the benefit of being virtually guaranteed match to EmuMovies artwork naming.
  20. Only Tom can give a definite answer there, but most likely not from what I understand. It's not so much that GameEx will no longer support Netflix, it's that Netflix will no longer support GameEx (or any other third party developers using the current Netflix API).
  21. Hmm ... that one works for me, but I'm using the latest stable build. It might also be worth trying [Mapping Off] Exit (Process Close) as your Advanced Config setting.
  22. On the Advanced Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard, try selecting [Mapping Off] Exit (Alt+F4) under the Advanced Config setting. If you don't see that option listed in the dropdown for that setting (I can't remember whether that config is something that I added myself at some point), close the Setup Wizard, and add the attached file to the ...\GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS directory. Then reopen the Setup Wizard and change the Advanced Config as described above. Hopefully that should close the emulator via the specified keyboard shortcut (i.e. PPSSPP should close just fine using Alt+F4, but you might want to verify that during normal gameplay just in case) Mapping Off Exit (ALT+F4).ini
  23. I think Robot Unicorn Attack 2 is one of the best 'twitch-based' (and addictive!) games on the Android marketplace. I'd almost forgotten about the game until my kids reminded me this weekend. It occurred to me that I think this game could translate very well to a pin cab being that it only uses two controls (tapping on the right or left side of the screen). The only potential issue is that the game plays in landscape by default, but based on rockyrocket's comments, maybe the Set Orientation app could help rectify that? Whatever the case, this game is pretty fun (did I mention it's also addictive!?), and is worth checking out if you've not done so.
  24. Ha! I guess that makes me bit of a gomer eh!? I can't believe I got that bit wrong. The funny part is that I think that it's not the first time I've mixed those two dudes up. That's a bit like getting confused between David and Goliath!
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